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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. The MNR cancelled the Fish and Wildlife Guardian Program. I was a Guardian at the time. Getting people out was very difficult. Whenever things like recent events happen, everyone is up in arms and looking for a solution, but once things come down to actually getting off the collective groups of asses, no one moves. Nothing is going to change unless there is the political will to do so. We need funding for the MNR to not only restore enforcement, but to return confidence which will help ease the mob mentality.Neither of the two big political parties is without blame here. The Tories cut funding to the MNR and the Libs failed to restore it.
  2. It's not really illegal as long as the fish is in season...salmon are not generally considered fit to eat so the spoilage charge cannot stick.. You cannot strip eggs from fish beyond your limit either. IF the salmon limit is two fish, you may only possess the eggs from two fish.
  3. Nauti..the images belong to you. There is no right to or expectation of privacy on a public pier. Post the video on YouTube. Bet ya that gets a fire under someones butt.
  4. I understand the logic to the plan. It is possible for 20% of the population to vote for a party, yet they acquire no seats. This is supposed to bring about more representational governance. Needless to say the big parties are against it and the small parties for it. I can't see it not being a giant costly monster and I can't see it making much difference.
  5. Up beside your name is on the top left is 'Log out'. Click that before you go. It sets the cookie on that computer as logged out. Shouldn't log you out of other computers. Alternatively, if using Firefox you can set the cookie to expire when you close the browser.
  6. Don't go last week of June cause there won't be three cabins available! September and early summer are always good.
  7. We'll leave this one up and lock it..it is valuable information and anglers need to know they are being targetted. It appears most attacks are directed at Asian anglers. Be careful out there. Call the police right away if anything happens. Let's get these punks in jail where they belong. I would only say that counter to what the Asian community seems to be saying...please do talk to us Caucasian anglers. Say Hi and strike up a conversation if you can. We automatically accept you as part of the community of anglers and will do what we can to protect you. We are all anglers and we must help one another. Who wouldn't want a nice plate of tasty crappie filets right about now???
  8. In Photoshop..if you are going to print the image, use the LAB colour setting to edit rather than Indexed or RGB. It is as close to matching what a modern printer will do as you can get.
  9. Wayne.. If you save them as WMV files and compress them a bit they'll hurt your bandwidth less. Then you can use Embed codes and they will display here.. The easies thing to do however is put them up on YouTube and they will give you the embed code to copy/paste.
  10. Do what we do...have a beer, go fishing and don't think about it. We've not had many decent choices in a long time ourselves. Actually I think that is how we ended up with 5 or six different political parties. More reasons to scratch your head and say ..."Huh?"
  11. Editting isn't always the best or sometimes easiest option. Often, someone says something stupid, then there are replies with quotes and replies tot hat and it just becomes too much so deletion is the best situation. It is still possible for one of us to clean it up and replace it All deleted threads go to a hidden folder that admins have access to.
  12. My girlfriends husband is home all the damm time now...stupid strike!
  13. For the pier, I would actually go with a 2 piece 8 or 9 foot. You'll really appreciate the difference when fighting the bigger fish when using a superline. Less strain on the hook hole and greater sensitivity. You'll also be able to feel the lure action alot beter and be able to tell when you've picked up a weed or fouled the lure...you can also adjust your retrieve speed for maximum wobble. Shimano and Fenwick make rods suitable for this.
  14. That pike is living proof and C&R works. I think everyones brother/cousin/mailman has caught it. Oddly they are all wearing the same clothes at the time.
  15. Great report, guys. Thanks for carrying on the spirit of OFC and for caring about your friend. We all need friends like you guys.
  16. So I headed out looking for some walleye in my favourite haunt. I knew there may be some salmon around too, so didn't want to go too lite with the tackle. Since I hadn't used my musky rod since Lakair, I decided to take that. Tossed on a new deep diving Rapala Slash bait (4" perch) and within half an hour caught a ..... musky. I wonder it thats all you have to do? Tomorrow I'll bring my Tarpon rod to test the theory. No pics since the fish was smaller ( 30" or so) and and I had cut ALL the trebles off. 4" lure + musky= new damm hooks. I knew it was an esox right away ( he hit right at the edge of the pier) but couldn't figure out why this pike was jumping all over. Also explains why the walleyes were AWOL.
  17. I believe the long term goal is for online ordering, but at first it will serve as a catalogue. The resources needed to maintain an accurate inventory when you sell live an d online simultaneously is fairly substantive, so they are taking it one step at a time. There's still more stuff to add to the site but I wanted to wait till I have a chance to train the staff on the CMS and how it all works. Look for some new things added in the coming weeks. There's a few very small errors left intentionally that we'll correct during the training as well.
  18. Sigh.... Let's try this and see if it helps. Panfish in general have populations limited only by food source. Predation is almost a non-factor since their breeding abilities are far superior to predator type fish. Their ability to rebound from unusual environmental changes is well established. This is an effect of evolution and the reason predator fish exist the way they do. The lower down the food chain you are, the less susceptible to changes you are and the more resilient you are. There is little, if anything, to worry about from the harvest of sunfish et al which is why there is no limits on them. There are biologists with PHD's that work on this crap every day. When they see a particular imbalance they act. We've got the best fishing anywhere and there's a reason. In spite of our government(s) our scientists do an excellent job keeping an eye on populations. In spite of all the worries, all the pressures, there has never been a collapse of panfish populations even back when harvest was the rule and not the exception. Some panfish and feedfish like rockbass and smelt, predate on the fry of predators like walleye and bass. Harvest of these fish may have a positive impact on overall gamefish populations. Think...then type.
  19. There were several articles in this mornings papers about the same thing. But expect to see price drops in the spring then continuing through the year. Some retailers will buckle under pressure to drop prices even before their old stock is out. The CIBC expects parity to only last about 6 to 12 months, but it should be long enough to have a deflationary impact. Cars, boats and electronics should see major price drops very soon. If you don't see price drops in your retailer soon, ask them why. I may have to renew my passport for some cross border shopping!
  20. I bought a big azz net from CTC and switched the nylon netting for rubberized. Much cheaper way to go.
  21. There are few cameras that can capture what the eye actually sees. Our eyes are better than the processors in the cameras. Tweaking levels, adding a high pass, altering channels..its all about taking an image and recreating or bettering the original experience. It is part of the process to me. Even simply knocking the saturation level up a bit does wonders to an image.
  22. I plan on being the first back-to-back winner, Rizzo, so we'll see you there next June!
  23. The higher loonie will do a few things. First it will drive down prices. Higher prices now are a result of stock purchased before the collapse of the US dollar. Pressure will increase to reduce prices anyway especially on consumer electronics. This wil also keep gas prices down (since oil is traded in US$) but again we need to wait for that stock to go throught he system. Eventually this will result in lower than expected inflation and the freedom for the Bank of Canada to reduce interest rates. Our economy is still very strong based on our rapid diversification and very low debt to GDP ratio. Our last two governments federally actually managed to do some good in getting rid of deficits and reducing taxes. Our resource and service based economy insulates us well from the current US trouble. Rather than shipping goods to the US we now ship raw materials to China who in turn ship them to the US. We created a middle man. It is healthy for us to have a high dollar in terms of debt reduction for our governments, but hurts the manufacturing sector. Eventually the pressure to lower interest rates will be too strong and our dollar will drop back down to a more reasonable rate. But alot of that also depends on the US ability to control spending. As more and more of their tax dollars go to finance debt, there will be inevitable upward pressure on tax rates as these bonds come payable. According to what I have read, this is the first time we are in a position to not be affected by the imminent US recession. This could see more US dollars being invested into Canadian resource and energy companies as safe havens. Our social programs, while initially expensive, save companies money on legacy costs since extending health care insurance to retirees is not needed. Look for two or three cuts to the Canadian prime rate and a drop of 1% or more in mortgage rates in the next three months. Next months CPI will tell the tale.
  24. I happen to know the winner of the Crayola Invitational Pike Tourney caught all his fish on a Storm Wild Eye Swim Spinner Bait.
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