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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. I had an Eagle (Lowrance) portable and it was great. I had a Humminbird static mount and it wasn't great. So, I prefer Lowrance.
  2. Those inflatable PFD's will fit over a snow suit. Something to think about....
  3. I don't think getting caught enters the minds of people like this. They see themselves as above the law anyway.
  4. I dont know how many boats I've had..but I cannot remember the carpet color from any of them. Who cares what color it is?
  5. Thanks for the post, Cliff. Will pin this when it gets down a page.
  6. I'll take it further than Roy... Take a long walk....off a short pier. Don't need comments like that or the people they come from.
  7. You know we will ban you if you make a toon about each mod tho..lol. Except TJ...you can get lots of funny stuff just from the Lakair stories.
  8. The story says the dog was NOT guarding the deer and had in fact come running home. The shot was heard by the homeowner making it fairly close to the house. The car was reported as speeding away. So, using what is reported... what conclusion can would come to? The report of what the poacher said is Hearsay, so I ignored that. It is not possible to know if there is a firearms discharge violation given the generalities in the location. As far as the owners kid being the first to be on the scene, that follows with what is reported since it was reported to happen close to the house. If I heard a gunshot I would be outside looking...or under the table if the shot accompanied broken glass
  9. In order to be a poacher you have to be somewhat of an idiot to begin with so any actions would not be surprising. I cannot imagine a scenario where I would take down a deer and two domestic dogs would be nearby.... and domestic dogs would hardly guard the deer. They would have a curiosity, but guard it?? Not even coyotes would likely make more than a bluff espcially after the blast of a muzzle loader. What makes more sense given the info available?
  10. Everyone is going with the facts available. You are introducing speculation. Only time will tell.
  11. Why would you expect it to not be that type of story? How is pursuing a poacher a waste of tax dollars? I do not see how this makes hunters look bad. This was a drive-by shooting. If the entire hunting community condemns the actions of this person, it does not have an adverse effect on ethical sportsmen. The deer was at risk of being shot by a REAL hunter and no one seems to dispute that. The collars were just a hope that it would deter a real hunter. It may have worked..you would not expect to see that. But this person is in clear violation of at least a few laws and as someone who believes in safe hunting and ethical use of resources, I hope they make a giant example out of him. The Bambi effect actually helps in this case. P3TA can't make an example of this since this person does not deserve the title of hunter. He is a poacher and needs to be dealt with. Yes, the people involved with the deer increased its risk by being involved, however from the story info it was a compassionate move on their part. I doubt many of us would do differently. Lots of hunters have found orphaned or abandoned off spring and have done the same thing. Remember that video of the moose hunters with the calf and how they tried and tried to get the thing to go away??
  12. The Tom Toms are affordable and work well.
  13. I like the Legend boats, but you will find others who don't. You will find most people like the make of boat they own and are accustomed to. The boat show is coming up so have a look there.
  14. If I had a million dollars, I would buy you a green dress. But not a real green dress, that's cruel.
  15. Must be the Canadian beer that was so fattening. You look great, however you have forfeited your FF Club membership. That leaves just Gerritt andd TJ..lol Things couldn't be better, Steve. Looks like they are going perfect for you too!
  16. Who is the skinny guy with your wife?
  17. I composed and am playing the guitar portion in this song.... http://www.ofncommunity.com/rick/noreason.mp3
  18. Hey that fish in the cartoon looks familiar!
  19. Dont forget the hump out from the marina across the way (more towards Julian where the chanel marker is) I think worms get too lethargic in cold water.
  20. Sleigh bells ring, are ya listening...
  21. If you can turn off the filters, it only takes two mouse clicks!!
  22. One thing I do know is that if you are using Internet Explorer 6 or less, the site won't work. IE6 is no longer a supported browser by W3C standards. Good riddance to it!!
  23. Always buy a house on a bus route. We didn't get any snow here, but it is really windy.
  24. Yes I will let you know. Trying to get the software company to commit to a specific date/time..but trying to get a geek on a schedule is like trying to nail jello to a tree.
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