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Jay T

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Everything posted by Jay T

  1. mmmmmmmmm bear meat I shot a 150lbs bear with my bow 2 years ago and the meat was great, I have a trip booked for 1st week in September to get another. I hope they do bring back the spring bear hunt, but some how I don't think they will.
  2. Congrats on the boat, hope you get her slimed soon. I agree with fishnsled get pedistal for that seat, or you or someone else could take a dip.
  3. I never said I wanted to go faster, but compared to some boats that is slow. It is just fine for me the way it is, and with the price of gas I didn't want a bigger motor just to pay more $$$$.
  4. It was my mine that convinced me into getting a new one
  5. Well this year I took the plunge and got a brand new boat, the 12 1/2 footer I had for 12 years just was not cutting it anymore. I couldn't get out and do a lot of the fishing I wanted to do, and having 4 in the family now there wasn't enough room for us all in that old boat. So I decided to go for a Legend boat 16' side console with a 25hp 4 stroke merc efi electric tilt, it doesn't fly but it makes 32-34 mph on the GPS and it is great on gas to. I am having a hard time staying off the water even more so now, it is so much better and lots of room for us all and we have slimed the boat quite a bit to. Anyways here are a few pics of the boat.
  6. Like Spiel said, ice fishing tactics work great. I use spoons or Bad Boyz tipped with a mini tube. I had a great time last weekend, we got 4 whiteys and 2 lakers in a few hours and lost 6 more. Was a great way to break in the new boat and get her slimed
  7. Well we woke up bright and early had breakfast got the truck loaded and we were off to go turkey hunting. Arrived at my dads place got dressed in our camo and off we went to the get in our blind. Well as we got half way down the field we noticed some turkeys roosting in the trees accross the field, which was just perfect so we continued on didn't have much time before the sun was coming up. We got a little closer to our blind and more turkeys just back in the bush making some noise, so my dad decided to set up there and wait and see if they would come out past him. Well things are really looking good at this point, so my son and I hustle to get in the blind. Get there get the decoy set up and rush back to the blind. We give it about 15 min and the bush starts to come alive with gobbles and hens purring, the sun just starts to show its self and we hear them fly down from roosting. I start to put the call to work and it doesn't take long to get a answer, I see them in the middle of the field about 100 yards away and there was 12 birds 3 toms and 9 hens. I have never seen this before there was one hen that had grey and white all over there was very little black on it, it was neat to see and we saw a hen with a 3" beard on it to. Anyways the sun is up and everything is a go, the tom starts to head my way with one of the hens, she runs right over to the decoy but gets spooked but he comes right in about 15 yards from me in full strut giving me and my son quite the show, this is the second time I have taken him out with me and he just loves it. Well it was time to fill my tag, so I line up take the saftey off then let him have it. He was a great bird with beautiful fan on him he had a 9" beard and 11/16 spurs he weighed at 20lbs, he will be going in my deep fryer mmmmmmm you just can't beat them in that cooker. So now I have another turkey fan I must do, I promised my son I would do it for him so he can have it in his room. Good luck to everyone that is turkey hunting and be safe.
  8. Sorry to hear about this. I would have followed them back to thier vehicle and wrote down the licence plate#. We have had a lot of problems trespassing on our land, and had the cops involed MANY times. Now I always take a cell with me. Hope you get your bird.
  9. Here is my Yellow Lab, her name is Cody and she is 5 this year. She loves to come fishing in the boat or on the ice, and she is also my rabbit hunting buddy to.
  10. I would have to say go for it. If you can save that much a month the cost of the gas does not compare to what you will save per month. Also if it is a place you really would like to move to and suits all your needs and wants, then do it. I wish I could just travel 134km a day, I travel 300km+ per day and it sucks over 4hrs on the road and I have been doing this for a year and a half so far. Just like others have said on here I couldn't afford to be close to work, and I will not rent. So had to get me a house in the sticks, but I can be on a lake in 2 min, which makes it ok. Good luck on your decision either way.
  11. Hey fishingfool, do your homework and scout the areas out that you are hunting and finding them will be easier than you think. Just like deer look for the signs, tracks, scratching, dust baths holes (when the area drys up), roosting trees (you will see poop all over the limbs and floor) You are only alowed to shoot 1 Turkey per day, with the total of two birds. As for shooting them, with a bow you NEED to hit them it he right spot or you will not find them. With the gun I have never had a problem, most of my shots have been 5 yrds to 30yrds. Make sure to pattern you shotgun BEFORE you go in to the woods, so you know your kill range best for your gun and load. My first year I got a beauty 23lb 10" beard, bigginers luck I guess. Year before last I got a 22lbs with a 11" beard, those are my two best to date. Good luck out there.
  12. That is one impressive buck. Nice job you did on the mount.
  13. ATV, hands down.
  14. Well I got my son his first camo outfit, and it looks good on him. He is 3 months old now, and wow do they ever grow quick. I am LOVING every minute of it. I have taken the older son out 4 times so far this year on the lake near home,and he likes it, but gets cold quick unless he is running around with the dog, but that is ok home is only minutes away on the 4 wheeler. We will be going out this weekend to get some perch for a fish fry. Hopefully will have some pics of some fish for Monday. Stay safe out there
  15. Beauty pike and video, looked like that rod sure got a workout WTG.
  16. Welcome Anton, look forward to seeing some of those pics and future reports.
  17. I belive that it closes on Mach 15, but I have only seen a handfull of people on it so far this year(on my way home from work). I think they might already be closed, they had realy low water conditions from the dry summer like most places. Best bet is to call them and see if they are open. I haven't fished there for a few years on the ice, but it isn't bad fishing. I have caught lots of crappie, perch, and pike all out from the dock a ways, just be moblie and you can find them. Good luck
  18. Sweet video Iceguy, you guys caught some great fish. Looks like the fishing is picking up a bit. I got to wait till Sunday to get out, hopefully I can find some fish this time. Jay
  19. It was a great day. My GF and I didn't find the fish but we still had a great time. Thanks to everyone who put this event together, you did a great job. Jay
  20. I will be there with my other half and son. See you all there.
  21. Thanks dsn and Tapout. I haven't been out for lakers or whitey's for a couple of years now, I am excited to get out there. See you there.
  22. My significant other and myself will be coming for this event, sounds like it is going to be a great day and for a great cause. I will be bringing my 4-wheeler just wondering how the ice is and the thickness out from the park, I haven't been to Simcoe yet this year and I want to be safe out there. Is the ice safe for a 4-wheeler out there? Thanks in advance Jay
  23. That is great to get a job closer to home. I wish I could say the same but I travel 300km a day to go to work . Good luck and enjoy being close to home.
  24. Welcome, Lots of good people here and good info. I would not use a leader to shore fish with spoons. Pink Tutu, mine is Seclusion 3-d pattern blend in with the surroundings better
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