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Jay T

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Everything posted by Jay T

  1. Sounds like a blast, take lots of pics. Go get em
  2. I hate when idiots fly by in their nice big boats and almost cause you to tip your boat when anchored and fishing, and they have miles to go around you but choose to be a plick . They don't like it when you got a nice heavy jig on and whip it at them cause they are 30 feet away.
  3. I am also a hunter, mostly compound bow and muzzleloader. I have seen 8 fawns so far and lots of bucks in velvet. I see on an average of 6-8 per day on my 2 hour journey down to TO. I already hit one but no damage was done just clipped her hoof. Also getting ready to put in a new food plot for late fall. September 15 I got my 5th fly in moose hunt and fishing trip booked and just can't wait . I got a 900lb cow moose 4 years ago 47yrd perfect shot she didn't go 20 yrds, and we got a 52" bull same night man what a long night that was, but OH SO worth it.
  4. Jay T


    There is no way that fish is almost 13lbs. Could he hold out that fish any further??
  5. I am so sorry to hear this news, that is a hard decision to make. I wish i made that decision with my dog 4 years ago he also had cancer, but I got surgery done to remove the tumour in his mouth it did prolonged his life for 6 months. Hookset you are right, I wish I could have been there when my dog did pass on, but I had to go out for an hour and when I came back he had a heart attack in my workshop, found him lying there. You are doing the right thing. My condolences
  6. My apologies Stoyt, I take it all back. I am just trying to help you, I got the e-mail.
  7. Good to know that when I try to help you don't even send a response saying thanks but no thanks. Oh well that's what you get for trying to help someone in so called need of a job. Says a lot obout yourself.
  8. Hey Stoty, I sent you a PM.
  9. Welcome Pete. This is the best forum I have come accross for people willing to help you find fish and catch them. Real good bunch of people here :~)
  10. Congrats on getting the boat done she looks great, that is one sweet set-up you got there. Nice fish.
  11. Myself I like walleye, perch, trout, whities and the odd pike. First walleye only with fish crisp in oil plane and simple they just taste to good. Perch also with fish crisp but sometime I will make a batter and deep fry them with pancake mix(add only water one), garlic, pepper, onion powder and instead of water use beer mmmmmmmmm I am getting hungry just talking about these lol. Trout always do mine on the BBQ in foil with lemon, garlic, pepper, butter, oinions and some mesquite (maybe spelt wrong). Whities I do the same as the trout. Pike first 5 way fillet and then fish crisp (butter and garlic one) once again in oil. Oh and also for the perch I crush up ritz crackers and add pepper, garlic, and is also very nice also. Yours sounds pretty good bcee I will have to try that one.
  12. WTG , that is a beauty fish. I have yet to boat a ski, had two smaller ones compared to that on but lost them at boat.
  13. I did that to my 12'2" fiberglass but you will only be able to have two seats to crowded with 3 seats. I made my whole front casting deck with a swivel pedisal seat and I covered both front benches and use the middle for a storage comparment with acess from top. I use 3/4" ply exterior don't use that way too heavy go with 1/2". I did this 10 years ago and she is still solid. definetly don't remove the benches, use then to support the casting deck. Congrats on the purchase
  14. You gota love playing in the mud then have some great fishing, WTG.
  15. I didn't make it to Simcoe, the guy I was going with eneded up taking the bottom of his motor off in Wasaga so it will take 2-3 days to get the parts needed to put it back together. I ended up hitting the rivers near by Eugenia and got into 6"-14" speckles. Lost a good 16" speckle as I was just bending down to get it. I had a blast I haven't fished small rivers in a long time. I ended catching 8 trout in all in about an hour and lost 8, all were put back to fight another day. Love the colors on those little speckles.
  16. Only 1 perch that's to bad, still better than a good day at work! Where about were you fishing? Glad to hear the bearing was ok, I have had too many bad memories with bearings going on me. Now I change them every 3 or 4 years no matter what. Those weeds are very strong and just wrap around your motor, I have had to cut them off with a knife had about 20lbs wrapped around the prop.
  17. Cook's is a good choice usually I always get on the perch, Bass, Pike. Eugenia is good for Bass, Perch I live in Eugenia I fish there all the time, fish all the weed lines and in the little openings in between should get into them Bass and Perch. I will be heading to Simcoe tomorrow for Lake Trout, Whities, Bass and Crappie, need a good fish fry it has been a while. Go get em.
  18. There goes our good tax dollars being put to good use eh.... TOOLS. They shoud be fined, and clean up costs out of their paychecks. TOOL OF THE WEEK GOES TO
  19. You must try top water with a poppers or buzz baits can be alot of fun do it in the morning or later in the afternoon, mid day look for thick cover toss some tubes or worms slow down presentation a bit. That should get you on your way. Good luck
  20. That's great....Good for them.
  21. I totaly agree with you. There are bad apples everywhere in every culture. It seems that somewhere along the way most people have forgotten how to treat one another, treat others as you want to be treated. I travel 4 hrs a day to go to work and back I see a lot of idiots out there, but there is nothing I can do about this but just smile and wave. Please forgive my langauge in my last post, was uncalled for. Outdoorsman
  22. This is sheer stupidity on their part , not only are they pissing the working folks off and holding them up from making a living, or people seeing family and friends for vacation ect.... they are also armed with guns blocking the road and rail. There is no need to act this way at all, and I for one do not support them because of the way they handle most situations. Go and block Parliment Hill and make your point there. STOP THE Bull and get out of the freaking way. The Government does not have the balls to deal with this bunch of A holes.... Do your dam jobs and remove them!!!! Makes my blood boil that they can get away with this sh$#. Just my oppinion
  23. Go with the spinner bait, it will catch any of the above. White is always a good one, so is black and purple, switch up colors and see what works best. As for where on the lake, I don't know that lake at all. Good luck
  24. I belive it is because it is private property, where as a lake is owned by the Province, State, Country what ever but is not private property. I will stick with hunting and fishing, I am not a good golfer they call me slice king
  25. Tackle Buster you are right, I should have researched it better and not gone by word of mouth. I have been fishing for most of my life I should have known better to go threw all regulations . I sure know now that I need one. Thanks to all for your input.
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