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Jay T

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Everything posted by Jay T

  1. Congrats on the deer, you guys earned that one! I bet those back straps tasted real good after all that work.
  2. Nice deer, congrats on a good hunt.
  3. It has been a long time since I have posted anything... So this year I thought I would do something a little different. I went on a Black Russian Boar hunt in Michigan. We set out for our trip on Sept 8 to arrive their at dinner time, and then quickly go and check out the place we were hunting for these beasts. It was a very nice well kept lodge, and the staff were amazing and very friendly, it was unfortunate that we couldn't stay at the lodge due to too many hunters in camp that week for Elk. So we stayed at a piece of crap motel about 20 min away, the price was right, but the owner was a real piece of work! Anyways we got all our gear ready that night and had a few pints and called it a night. We woke up nice and early all eager to go and stalk these pigs. We arrived at the lodge they had breakfast waiting for us, inhaled the meal and got our bows and headed to the area to hunt. It didn't take long, I was set up in position and a big boar came walking by about 60 yards away, I tried to put a stalk on him but he busted me and took off. About 20 min later my dad ended up getting his pig, it was a good size pig but it was a feral pig not a Russian, either way he was a happy camper. The three other guys all got their pigs before lunch, I on the other hand kept getting close but no real good kill shot and I wanted a bigger one. After lunch I head back out with my guide and we ended up at the water hole so we took a breather and next thing you know we were surrounded by pigs! There had to of been 30 plus pigs but if you moved they would be gone so I just had to stand still and wait and wait and wait until they all moved off then we could put a stalk on a few bigger ones. I must have done about 12 more stalks and nothing they kept in the thick stuff and would present me with a shot. At about 5pm my guide grabs me and points to this big Russian in the mud about 80 yards away, it was below me and couldn't see me so I booked it close so when it came up out of the mud bath I would have a great shot. It worked out perfect, she came up and over the lip to the mud hole and stands 45 yards quartering away from me, I put the pin on and let my arrow fly and I made a perfect shot! It took off and ran about 20 yards and dropped, got up to her and the Rage broadhead laid the smack down on this piggy. Here is the picture just after I shot it and it hanging. Deer hunting. I went out the first time this year on the 16th of October, the weather has been crappy or too warm to get out so I left my area alone. So I head out to my tree get my stand on and climb up, pull the bow up and settle in for the evening hunt. After about an hour of resting my eyes there was a doe and a fawn out in the field at the other side, so I just sat back and watched them feed. Not too long after they disappeared I had a train of does and fawns come out about 80 yards away from me, I watched them feed all over and a nice lone doe came walking right into my range. This year I don't have time to hunt for a nice buck, so all I really care about is meat in the freezer and no tag soup. She came with in 18 yards, I pulled my bow back put my pin on the vitals and let the arrow fly. I smoked her. She didn't even know she had been hit, she walked away and kept looking at me to see what the heck was that sound was and I watched her topple over and she was done about 20 yards after she was shot. So now I have a nice full freezer for my family and I to enjoy. Here are the pics.
  4. I used to do this years ago when I lived further south, and every time I left to go blast some ducks and geese up the road, it wouldn't take long for someone to call the cops! I had a scooter and had it over my shoulder in its case and locked up legally. I had 6 cop cars suround me the one day I had a good laugh about it anyways, after their guns were put back in their holsters Good luck
  5. I use 100' of rope and 6 feet of chain, and I have had no problems with my 16' but you will need more if it is rough.
  6. Thompson-Center are great guns, you will be happy with that choice. It should have the ballistics on the site, but it depends on what size of a bullet you want to use and how much powder, anything more than 100gr of powder will give a big recoil. I have the CVA Optima Pro 50 cal. It is a great gun and lays the smack down on the deer. I am shooting a 300gr bullet and 100 grains of powder and it is flying around 1500fps. I can reach out to 250yrds if needed but most of my shots are 100yrds and under. Just remember after shooting 2 or more rounds run a some cleaning solution through it, or you will not be shooting consistant groups. That is what I have found anyways. Try different size bullets and grains of powder to find out what works best for you and your gun and the animal that you will be hunting.
  7. That is a great shot of that boar. Looks like he is the king around that part of the woods.
  8. Thanks for all the info. I would love to get the color one but with three kids, that is not going to happen in the budget.
  9. I am leaning towards that one, but on the actual sites there is more info that I am reviewing now and it is not making it any easier to decide, they both sound good though.
  10. I am looking at getting a new fish finder for my boat this year and these are new on the market. Has anybody had any experience with these units? Or with the DownScan Imaging? I am also torn between the Humminbird and the Lowrance, both are good units but the Lowrance has a few more options. Humminbird Fishfinder 570 DI Sonar Fishfinder http://www.basspro.com/Humminbird-Fishfinder-570-DI-Sonar-Fishfinder/product/10210564/-1764752 Lowrance Mark-5x DSI Gray Scale Fishfinder http://www.basspro.com/Lowrance-Mark5x-DSI-Gray-Scale-Fishfinder/product/10209988/-1753760 Any info would be great, thanks.
  11. Congrats to you both, I am sure you won't have a problem getting "fixed" now. We have our third child coming this week or next! So far we have two boys, we couldn't find out what this one is, not that it really matters. I am done now, I got the snip in June. Congrats again.
  12. Congrats on the great news. We are expecting our third at the end of next month, and this is the last one I made sure of that.....snip snip
  13. Your pushing it if you do take the gun out while hunting deer with a bow. Your not even allowed to take field points out with you in your quiver, you can also be charged for that. Just plan on going after one animal or bird at a time and you will be fine.
  14. For desert Bumbleberry pie Squirrel pie Venison pie Moose pie
  15. I head out tomorrow for a bear hunt , and do a little fishing too. I will be getting out there for the deer opener on Oct 1st, need to get me a slick head for some good eats. Good luck with the moose hunt.
  16. I would have no problem putting an arrow through him, but this year I will be shooting a doe. First I must get a bear, only three weeks until I go
  17. It depends on what you are using it for. Either choice that you mentioned are good. I have a 2000 Polaris Sportsman 500 and I use it mainly for hunting, ice fishing and hauling out my wood for the winter, it has had it's problems but overall it is a solid machine and lots of room to haul all your gear on it. My dad has a Yamaha Grizzly 600 and he has had no problems with it(2001) and mostly uses it for hauling wood and hunting and other petty things, but again a solid machine. The only problem I have with it is not much room to fix your gear to. Hope this helps in anyway.
  18. If you call Trombly's and talk to them they will match the price, they did when I got my CVA. They are also nice to deal with. Enjoy the new purchase.
  19. He is aprox the same size as me, and he is holding it about 12-14" away from the body. I say 4 1/2 lbs max.
  20. I did a Bear hunt their two years ago, the hunting sucked due to weather (WAY too hot), but as Randy said Paul and Linda are great hosts. They will tell you where to go and catch fish, I did well there for the eyes and smallies in September. Good luck with the hunt
  21. I am having a get together this weekend and I am kind of new to smoking (I have done some fish before), I am doing a beef roast, pork roast and a turkey breast in the smoker. What wood would taste best with all of them cooking at once? I have Cherry, Apple, Hickory and Mesquite, I was thinking a apple cherry mix? Also how should they be prepared? What has worked and tasted best for any of you? Thanks Jay
  22. Congrats TC1OZ My step son was brutal with video games, but since I have taken him hunting and fishing, he maybe plays once a month . I have a 2 year old son and I take both my boys out every weekend to fish and they love it. We also have another on the way, the wife is due at the end of November.
  23. I work for a Global Mining & Metallurgy Company in Toronto. I am a Layout Designer.
  24. Imagine the concept of looking on the MNR website and reading the regulations all by yourself. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/lr/@mnr/@letsfish/documents/document/mnr_e001331.pdf
  25. Please enlighten me, what is it then?
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