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Richie Razor

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Everything posted by Richie Razor

  1. Nice clean looking perch, good eats!!
  2. As we know, Senoritas are gluttons for punishment by the hands of the leafs. Just ask Dave Dziurzynski http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-nj4lKXZih4&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D-nj4lKXZih4
  3. Also, you never addressed what types of fish the lake holds.... Pike and lakers I assume?
  4. Holy crap that's sweet!!! Is it a private lake whereas you are the only one on it? Road/boat/sled access? What's the cost to build something like that up there?
  5. Wow beauty report, and that looks like a really nice spot too, must check it out next year. Love the redneck turkey cook up too, looks like something I must try out as well.
  6. Wow, I wasn't asking for your life story or current events up that way. I'll back off.
  7. ? Holzer hasn't played a game all season and has been down with the Marlies since opening night. If your going to make claims on stats, make sure to read current information, cause well, you sound like a sens fan - not credible on anything.
  8. Lol more sorry excuses from a Senoritas. So now your saying the refs favor the leafs right? Is the groundwater contaminated up that way with manure or something?
  9. Agreed, but the regs doesn't say "must release wild fish" (it should though).... So the weekend warrior hits up the geen gets his limit and goes home happier than a, you know what... Yet the "purist" frowns on the guy and leaves disgruntled.... Personally as long as its legal and it makes you happy, I could care less. If its such an issue now for which fish to keep within the regs perhaps more detail should be given to educate anglers on this topic b/c I see none of it on any publication. Plus, that 8lb hen probably has some nice thick steaks too, just sayn'
  10. Goes to show how slow the Internet is up in Ottawa... It's on parliament hill time I guess, and no one seemingly proof reads anything before stating it. Sad
  11. Jeez a bunch of stocked fish being kept for the table, the horror of it all!! When will the steelhead snobs stop?
  12. Sounds just as bad as a hab fan, always making lame excuses after lame excuse.... I guess that's the problem with Sens fans, they were Habs fan at one point until the NHL puts a franchise in Ottawa that has had financial problems since day one.
  13. 56 shots on net, star "Norris" defenseman a -3, and getting a beatdown by the mighty ducks of Anaheim - priceless and an indication how crap the senoritas are without krusty in the lineup....
  14. Wow wish I had that onion ring recipe yesterday!
  15. Simply put, if you want to use roe and don't have any, just go online and buy it from centerpin angling. It's a great steelhead/salmon store and the roe is excellent quality. 'Nuff said.
  16. Yeah, but hows the flavour of the finished product? I mean if you've ever had deep fried turkey you'll know that the BEST part is the skin. I have a hard time believing an infrared cooker gives the same results...
  17. You gotta be pretty darn unlucky to constantly get your tire damaged when driving into Hamilton. If I were you I'd bus it in and avoid the hassle and save some tire repair later.
  18. Steep price, but it's about time Toronto had something cool like this. I'm in.
  19. Funny how a sens fan on here is utterly classless and seeming more and more pathetic by each post. Get a life, better yet get a team with some leadership, and a fan base that really doesn't care about their team.
  20. What kind of noise is it making? Is it a grinding noise? Most likely it is caused by sand or grit in between the spool and the backplate. Take of the spool and use a cotton swab or an air duster to get rid of and grit that might have been trapped in the reel. Try not to dunk the reel in the river and you won't have this problem.
  21. Well, really a modern spinning reel will out perform a centerpin any, and all days if the week, and is extremely more versatile. It is true that centerpins are antiques, as the same design is used today that was used hundreds of years ago in Europe..... The way I look at it, centerpins are a specialized reel for river fishing trout and salmon, giving your longer and more varied drift, much more so than any spinning reel can give you.... It's also more "sporting" as usually most pins don't have a mechanical drag, have a 1:1 gear ratio, and basically your fighting a fish with your bare hands against an aluminium spool... It's fun no doubt, but IMO vastly overrated, as there are many other ways one can catch river salmon and trout without all the set-up. Be prepared to devote time and patience if you are really going to take up centerpinning properly.
  22. Yup waaaayyyy too much pron.
  23. It's also Thunder Bay. Have you ever been there or actually lived there for a while? There is absolutely nothing to do there and that includes work. I have a good friend that is a doctor and spent a little time in the hospital up there and the stuff he saw from the locals is mind blowing. I don't envy DanC at all. But yeah, lay off the conspiracy sites, tinfoil hats, and perhaps you'll be able to channel your energy into a different more positive cause.
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