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Richie Razor

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Everything posted by Richie Razor

  1. Good win for the boys in blue and white. I like this holland kid better than bozak.
  2. Next time someone severely low ball's you, go along with it for a few days... Tons of cheapskates out there vying for that deal of a lifetime. The Internet make it a faceless proposal, and you'll get all kinds living in the city
  3. Absolutely unreal money in that area, but I must say if I could afford it I would for sure be living there, such a beautiful area. Personally I hate the "condofication" of area such as in Toronto, and I'm pretty sure this area has enough bazillionaires to put a halt to this project.
  4. Thanks for the feedback! On appearance alone, I believe it's one of the nicest looking reels in that price point. It's got a ton of good reviews so I believe it'll be a winner. Awesome.
  5. I think you have nothing to worry about, as there is a growing trend amond "hipsters" to go hunting; http://www.cbc.ca/m/touch/canada/calgary/story/1.2356289 Hell has frozen over people.
  6. Nice little splake. Great eating!!
  7. Lol. Never would peg you to be a P3TA guy.
  8. 2 thumbs up. For the guy that is disgusted at the sight of an exposed hunters kill in transport, like seriously is there something deeper here which gets you so worked up over this? Did you have a traumatic experience regarding this or something? Do you get disgusted seeing live pigs, cows or chickens in transport on the highways?
  9. Couldn't agree with you more. Any Leaf willing to drop the gloves, protect his team and pound face is a favorite in this house.
  10. Looks like Mark Frasor is injured again. Great. Time to call up TJ "Bobby Orr" Brennan from the Marlies.
  11. Actually I've seen on that show "the meat hunter"' on oln, the guy target bears that gorge on blueberries, and apparently the meat is like pork, and the fat has many uses.... Very cool.
  12. I'd also like to know the experiences of any members with this reel. Other than handling it in stores, it seems like an elite level reel comparable to the shimano sustain.... Looks great as well. I got one ordered so I'm basically taking a stab in the dark with this one, but I'm getting tired with shimano and looking to get back with Abu Garcia for the 14' fishing season.
  13. Cheapie reel, test the drag before heading out
  14. It's really frustrating when a true jalopy perch swim right by your offering without even a glance. I guess the reason they get that big isn't a big surprise....
  15. With those micro units, how do you keep it from twisting and turning with such a small cable? Also, what abou battery life - how long can you possibly operate the thing with such a limited battery size? I would strongly suggest the larger version if you plan on actually using it while fishing stationary for those 2 reasons stated. It seems like it's only good for drilling a hole and quickly dropping it down to see structure and if any fish are present.....
  16. I agree. Rob Ford can't help it if he's such a cunning linguist. I had to. Sorry.
  17. This thread should just be locked, no sense in letting personal opinion on hearsay from people not even living in Toronto. It's like asking a dog to meow, it'll try but all it ever does is bark, and bark, and bark.
  18. Are bears even good to eat in the spring? All I've ever heard was that the best eating bears are shot in the fall when they've fattened up..... Please explain.
  19. I'm ready for ice, bring it on!!!! Nothing better than sitting in a warm permanent hut on an blistering cold day, listening to classic rock tunes, drinking beer or your beverage of choice, cooking up some hearty foods, and the comroderie of friends while fishing!!! What is better in life???
  20. This will just make him and his supporters stronger, it'll be hilarious when he wins again. I'm calling it now....
  21. Goalie was out of the crease, kadri nailed him, this is how it should be. The 2nd hit was perfectly clean, just ridiculous officiating. He should get no games.
  22. Great location, it should do very well. IMO what bps does so well is they promote a culture that fisherman and hunters feel very comfortable in, as well as add a level of nostalgia in each location that every outdoorsman will fall in love with. They spend a ton on store fixtures and displays creating this unique atmosphere, it's no wonder customer service reviews have always been lacking... You simply can't have it all I guess. It'll be a great addition to the area
  23. Wow, ok then. So who's your guy on council? Lets hear it.
  24. Ok, now you lost everyone. Comparing Rob Ford to Kim Jong Un has got to be the most ridiculous thing I've heard today. Thanks.
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