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Everything posted by ozaibak1

  1. Wicked, you've made me real jealous!
  2. LOL funny video and very well done, who made it? Best Line: "It's like a law up there, eh 'insert laughter' "
  3. Happy birthday keep up the good work and fun everyone!
  4. Congrats buddy!
  5. I'd definitely be up for it as I'm sure many board members would be as well. It would bring together a lot of members that don't make it to the G2G's I would imagine. Wouldn't be able to make it to all 5 that's for sure, probably one or two though. I'm sure the board admins have thought about running board tourney's before, would be interested to know their thoughts about it.
  6. Wow, good report , lots of quality fish there good stuff.
  7. Luckily we have over 250,000 lakes in Ontario, I doubt this post will have a significant impact on Sparrow Lake, at least what wasn't coming to it anyways.
  8. Well last season was the first one I've tried ice-fishing, and now I look forward to winter! As much as I like summer fishing, I have to say I had just as much heart pounding action on the ice as I have on the soft stuff. That being said, I'd hate to shut down camp too. At least its cyclical!
  9. That's a sweet one. :clapping:
  10. Or you could turn off the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-meter and not patronize someone.
  11. The reason this pandemic seems to be manufactured is that hundreds of thousands of people are dying from other strains of flu per year, yet for some reason are not as important as this strain which is killing a tiny fraction of that. It's just another strain of flu, get over it people. It's not proven to be more dangerous. And guess what, young and healthy people die from other strains of the flu as well, in much higher numbers. Why all the media attention and focus about this particular one? It is not as deadly as other strains. If you are healthy and have a good immune system, you will be fine. Don't believe the hype. Either way, people's minds are made up about which way to go and are very difficult to change, so I will not try nor am I interested in trying.
  12. Thanks for the information guys.
  13. Hi, I've never tried out fall fishing and am looking forward to it in 2 weekends, but for this weekend I don't have a boat. I was wondering if anyone knows of any boat rental places on any Kawartha lake that are still renting out. Thanks for any help.
  14. Wow nice report, I really like the fall colors, besides the obvious beauty bass.
  15. If you fish along the south shore from where you are to Bryson's bay, there's a dropoff all along about 100 feet out from shore, fish in 8 ft of water plus, preferably more in the 20-30ft if you're fishing during the day and you should get into some. Closer than going to some of the other areas on the lake if that's a concern. Let us know how you do, I was supposed to be up this weekend but couldn't, think I'll be going in 3 weeks.
  16. Which part of Stoney/Clear are you on, I recommend the evening bite in 8-12ft off of deeper water if you're looking for numbers, white jig 1/8oz-1/4oz with twister and most of a worm. Alternatively a minnow. That's been working for me. They're also deeper but I don't currently use a fish finder.
  17. Good stuff GCD, those are some beautiful fish, makes me feel the crappie itch...
  18. Beastlie!
  19. Way to go, nice fish and report, it's a lot of fun succeeding trying new tactics.
  20. I don't get whats so funny / cool about intentionally running over a seagull. Do you enjoy blowing up frogs with fireworks as well? Good job on the fish though.
  21. Wow excellent advice GCD, I never knew about that.
  22. Great fish, editing job, and video. Yesterday did seem like an ideal fishing day, we haven't had rain and overcast skies in a while, it should only get better from here. Good luck and congrats!
  23. Very sorry to hear of your loss Joey.
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