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Everything posted by Tybo

  1. If you can afford it,go the gm 6l.I know a few people that have this engine and say it's the best thing since sliced bread.On the hiway it get almost the same gas mileage as the diesels and in the city it's just as good as the small 8's.With enough power to tow a house.
  2. Since JR never finishes in first.What does that make him. A BUM and should give up his seat.
  3. For the second question to even exist,You would have to be in first and put the last place a lap down. So they are wrong with there question.
  4. That why docks are anchored to the ground. I was entering a slip in Orillia with my first Challenger.Glide into the slip,Throw it in reverse and pound the throttle to stop the boat.Boat lurches forward so hard that when I hit the dock the hole boat comes out of the water.I rip out the tether,To late the boat is now sitting on the dock completely out of the water. There's a two guy's sitting in a boat a couple of slips up laugh.They come over to help push the boat back into the water. One guy asks what happened,I say,Don't know??.Pop the cowl off and the shift cable is just hanging there. The boat was still in forward.
  5. High 120's low 130's.25ft talon with twin rude v8's.Punch to 410hp at prop. 35ft fever,twin 1200hp teague's supercharged. My boats.19ft v-king with merc 2.5 275hp. 113mph. 21ft challenger 2.4 merc 325hp 87mph through 4ft rollers. 23ft master-craft, 454 merc 425hp 92mph. 14ft voodoo 90hp stinger.ruff guess 70mph. 19 pro v fully loaded average 50mph.
  6. On the testies Roger.No pussy footing around here. Yeah them Ferd's are a handsome truck. Guess that's why the wemen drive them here.
  7. Snowmobile sliders. 3 years on the clam,no sign of wear. $35.
  8. Well congratulation.He's a cutie, Most take after the wife.
  9. It may be worth to look into a power head that's already rebuilt?
  10. Methanol injection straight into the turbo.Makes alot of ponies too.
  11. Was a big flyer's fan in the 70's #16 http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5168/5274077409_9bdb3a4f58_o.jpg
  12. You got it Don. Davey Keon. I remember when I was a litter gaffer. All I want for Xmas was a number 14 leaf jersey.
  13. Here's 3 more. 1,Jacque Plant 29, Ken Dryden. 33,Patrick Roy.
  14. number 14. For the leafs is the all time great centre. If you need to be told whom it is . You don't know hockey.
  15. Dave,Don't you mean,Try to do donuts.
  16. This is a bit of a long one. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/5662622/mike_oldfield_tubular_bells_mindsoft/
  17. ABS was first put on BMW motorcycles to prevent hydro-planing. It work so well they decided to install them on their cars.caddy got a hold of them and figure out how to produce them cheaper.
  18. no arguements there Paul, i drove with a/s radials for 30 years, only had 1 accident caused by someone else with a/s radials. It took a law forcing me to buy winter radials for me to really see the difference.and I DO really see the diference in traction and ability to manouver safely.It really is like night and day.If you have never tried both, you can not know the dif i'm talking about. Paul, the way I look at it is. Not how I ended up in the ditch.But do I have tires on my truck that's going to get me out of the ditch,Before the cops show up.
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