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Everything posted by Tybo

  1. I would go the helicoil way.Just make sure you glue the coil in. If not,It could and eventually will back out in plastic or composite. No rust or oxidation to hold it in.
  2. Gap less plugs their BB.So you need to torque to achieve the right gap between the top of the piston to the electron.Gap less is also one shot deal. With the torque washer being crush to the right gap the first time. The second time will move the electron closer to the piston. Making a shorter spark. In most cases it will not affect the power,but the wrong gap will affect fuel consumption. With the wrong gap the ECM will keep adjusting fuel flow so the desired RPM are matched.
  3. Cliff, If you really want to go big time. Black Marlin fishing off the coast of Australia.
  4. Gerritt, Little bit further then I want to go.But the BBQ sounds good.
  5. It can be save. The thing is so bad torn. To patch it.It should be measured on the boat.It will help to keep it true.
  6. Wayne, Only had time to e mail him so far. Of course no reply. It may take some time since I bought state side.So I figure it's trash. I would repair it and use for early and late season towing.
  7. Hey guys, I need sum help. I'm looking for a tarp builder that is sum where from Richmond hill cross To Bolton. It would be helpful if they can do repairs as well. Thanks Paul.
  8. 100lbs flee flicker line and my old pen 209. No serious. Nasty little buggers.
  9. It was great seeing Old and new face this year and yes you to TJ. Thank you to all the people that help Joey set up camp.Should do the same next year.Show up and your camp is ready. And thanks again TJ for allowing me to be a part of the great get together. I almost get a warm fuzzy feeling
  10. It was great to see you and Patsy again this year. Can't wait to do it all again next year.
  11. There would have been a good chance he could have save the boat. If he was smart enough to let go of the throttle when the boat came out of the water.But there is always learning the hard way.
  12. Did not know that. I stand corrected.
  13. Sorry BB, But are illegal aliens are aloud to collect welfare. Making us the greatest country in the world.
  14. What I like to do,Is sit at the launch with boat ready. Waiting for my trailer brakes to cool.
  15. What It means is in 10 years we will consume double the amount of energy that we use right now. In 20 years we will consume 8 times. In 30 years we will consume 64 times.
  16. Been with this company for 13 years. A lubber hasn't lasted 2 years. Bud at work,Keep saying thees kids now days are made of glass. If you can't handle lubing. How would you handle the real part of the job.
  17. Well three hours late and I'm back. The problem to me was simple. A little bit of,process of elimination. Bingo. the problem is located and repair done. Theirs a couple of things you have to remember about all diagnostic. Find the problem. Is their anything related to the problem. Never let yourself get stuck in the box. First I said I was heavy equip.So their is a strong chance the problem is not the the same as car and truck.
  18. Spiel Wish I was. Then I wouldn't have been call in. It wasn't even one of my apprentices. It was the NEW shop foreman
  19. Heavy Equip here. 27 years. Just got called in. Machine over heating. Sounds simple.But I can tell you what ever you thinking the problem is going to be wrong. Why do I know this.Because it's not that simple. Is it low coolant,no. is it water pump,no. Is it thermostats.No Is it belt adjustment,No So if the mechanical is so easy. Tell me the problem, And I'll tell you how much I make a Hour.
  20. If you think mech's are crooks! You can always do it your self. How come I have thees extra bolts.
  21. Why don't we stop calling it recreational boating. An call it the social communist boating squadron. Every one stay in a straight line, don't do this and don't do that. If you don't follow the rules to a T,your off the water for good.
  22. 8 million registered boats in Canada. Lets say 4 life jackets per boat. Taxes on 32 million life jackets. The cost of the law. Made a profit!
  23. Breath through your nose.
  24. Two words, INSURANCE COMPANIES!!!! Insurance has the Government in it's back pocket. Is this the insurance company fault. NO!! It is are own fault for sitting around and not lobbing the govn't against big corporation's. Most Canadians have some type of life insurance. Ether from work or personal. When alive the govn't and insurance companies make money from you!.
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