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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. Driving without having your licence on you is a $100+ ticket
  2. If property values go down on Baptiste may be pro military site lol
  3. That sucks! Baptiste lake is a soul soothing place for me.
  4. Gillznfinz!!! Finally out of my misery.
  5. It was on WFN a few years back. A documentary style salt water show about marlin fishing, tiki bars and music. A young guy was the host/ narrator? Something life???? It's been bugging me all morning!!?
  6. Yeah, seems a better value than $400 for a bass fishing guide. Ideally id rent a bass boat but I've found nothing on the net. I'll look into an inshore guide
  7. I've heard both lakes hold huge fish. Don't think I'd need to go much further than those two. I'm sure they do see a lot of pressure
  8. I have two weeks in Orlando in early April and looking to do some bass fishing. I've rented on Turkey lake before and fished ponds but this year I was looking for a guide trip or rent a bass boat. My budget is $400, I have a car and willing to drive and I'm also considering salt water out of cocoa beach or Tampa but I'm guessing $400 won't get me much for that price.
  9. Congratulation! That's awesome! Love the lures, I'll be picking up a few more this spring
  10. Exotic woods Burlington
  11. Thanks! I'll look them up
  12. I had to watch a YouTube video to get the black edition out of the box lol! Hopefully getting it out of the box is the most complicated part lol! Merry Christmas everyone
  13. Google modis Great Lakes imagery. It will give an image of the lake the day before. That will help you find clear water.
  14. 16 for 53 isn't your typical Muskie fishing stat. Sounds like an exciting trip. Amazing pic of that tiger. I'm jealous
  15. Congrats on the PB!! Even better to catch them boat side. What a rush!!
  16. That's an awesome week of fish!!
  17. Wow at $30 per adult and $20 per kid it better be good!?
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