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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. I'll be on Rice with a jerk bait in one hand and a bucktail for rip jigg'n in the other. With no doubt, my arms and shoulders will be on fire by 3pm, samething every year....fish or no fish!
  2. A lot like that is $40 bucks a cut, edging and garden weeding included(once a month). $160 a month. I am still in the Landscape biz but more silently now. Let me know if you are looking to sub this out, we have a property maintenance crew.
  3. Man, there must be an amazing the fall bite on that lake!
  4. Congrats Paul. You have beaten something alot of folks cannot and not for their lack of trying.
  5. Roy is bang on as usual. Way to many variables to give one certain lure. Picture it like this.. you have to be sure to get whatever bait they want in the fishes face. And for the right amount of time. If you go to a country line dancing bar to meet a fine lady wearing your popped Polo lime green golf shirt and skin tight khaki pants with sperry topsiders and doing your best MC hammer on the dance floor... well, you may not get bit. However, switch to other certain locales with the same getup, you'd probably have a good chance. If I had to pick one.. ole' Pig and Jig.
  6. I think if I were you I'd be fishnig the lake close to there that is named after a waterway you would use to get there. JMO.
  7. Not much fishing around there. Sorry Ron. However I seem to recall losing a nice GLoomis hat one night when we went out. Any idea where it might be. Good on her Ron, I'll show my daughter the post tonight.
  8. I dunno, but after reading all this I feel kinda guilty using cedars to build duck blinds......ok, I am over it.
  9. Yeah, buy a new 621 and just live it in. What are they at now, $65,000+ ? My deam ride. One day.
  10. Don't let that deter you James. Can you fish Bass in a Deep V..sure you can. Is it easier out of a bass boat....yes. Mostly becasue there is less draft in a bass boat, no sides, and you do not get blown around as much. If you are fishing big water often the Deep V is a no brainer especailly for the multi-species angler. good Luck
  11. Great news Ron! I for one love fishing lakers on Lake Ontario. I am sure you know what I am talking about Ron. For those still guessing why they are stocking in lake O, read back to Craig's post he nailed it.
  12. Yes, low decks on deep V's can be a pain flipping and pitching for bass. I used to stand on our Gunnels in the Lund. Not recommended, but worked for us.
  13. There is a gas and electric motor on alot of boats already, there must be some engineer out there who can jimmy up some kind of Hybrid deal. Let's get on it already!
  14. Alone, with the munchies, listening to Elton John, a darwin fish decal on your car and dressed like Howard Stern? Close?
  15. Just wanted to thank you for reminding me to pick up hooks for wacky rigs this weekend. Cheers.
  16. All this ripping on the NDP is a little pre-mature eJackuLayton wouldn't you agree. Plus we need someone to challenge Harper(for fun) and have some entertaining question periods.
  17. Good point! I hope they chummed alittle before throwing him to the sea.
  18. Burial at sea?? Too bad they didn't load him on a jet and have him buried under a new trade center building...alive. I feel bad for the folks who lost loved ones as this will bring back old feelings except now with a hint of justice.
  19. Heya Sands! Nice to here from ya... and Roy will be posting in 6....5...4....3...2...1...
  20. Just a heads up, if you try alot of different things you may just end up spooking them. I like the slip float with a sucker myself, stealth can be key in these conditions.
  21. I am sure someone here will take it off your hands and turn it into a smoker.
  22. You nailed it right there! Took the words out of my mouth. Cliff, there are a few areas I know on your pond that I bet are rocking right now. If you have the ablilty to travel a little bit, fire me a PM. Northern shorelines(most sun soaked), dark bottoms, protected from wind, and wood(marinas, docks, timber etc.) are killer prespawn crappie locales. Phil
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