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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. I'm iffy on this one .. not so sure on how to comment. BUSTER
  2. Your the best bro, brand new 460 chrome valve covers....ummmmm cant wait, call me if your driving by the 401 Ill meet up with you, maybe do lunch on me? and better bring a bunch of those spinners, Amy said he's wants some too...
  3. FIRST OFF! ROY AND MIKE I'll be rebuilding a couple ford 460 big blocks one around 450hp for my jet boat other one around 650hp for my jetboat~ Just picked up a shop size parts washer need to get a coulple cans of safety clean now,,, Oh and reno's, painting, flooring maybe a couple windows..etc. bla bla bla.
  4. AHHH Snap!
  5. last time you can come over for BBq steak and chardonney
  7. Irish make sure he has his fishing licence on him before you leave port!
  8. I've been looking at private islands for couple years now.. fun site to show friends
  9. Trail camera.
  10. Altho I have a single barrel 20ga on the bottom and 22 mag on top, I'd have to tell you the story of how many times I've come around a corner and seen multiple game birds in a group no way would my single barrel bagged 3 birds in seconds that my 12ga pump does... just a thought.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWH0xowa_1E
  12. http://www.outboardrebore.com/gfx/pdfs/HellyHansenfloatation.pdf
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VVOH7Ep_8w&NR=1&feature=fvwp
  14. selling my 12g? mossberg 500 with Knoxx stock, 21 inch smooth bore SLUG barrel and 28in with 3 accu choke inserts. email for pics asking 500 250 for the gun 150 for the knoxx stock 100 for the spare barrel
  15. ummmm Ribs.....
  16. 395 out the door tho....
  17. I just got back from sweating my lowers off, tried on a few suits and broke the bank, settled for the Helly Hansen Alpha 1 float suit in extra large, fit really well, only issue was the hood has to be out ,not rolled up in the collar, I cant stand the thick collar that wont fold down, felt like someone was pushing on the back of my head, little expensive, but the delta 1 and delta 2 and the other one didnt fit like this one.Piss zipper,suspenders,pockets sold me. good luck lew, but I'd have to say try one on, Iam 5'10-5'11,225 ok maybe 235! Fit well. Cheers
  18. http://www.tscstores.com/stage/mainhome.php#loadFG_319499
  19. ASK MERCER!!!!!!
  20. 5'10 230LBS GUY HERE, with the same problem as you.
  21. whoot whoot, you can finally build that hot tub room , now that you know it wont be needed anymore!
  22. Iam booked picton Inn 19th and 20th
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