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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. Same here Off for the winter time to fish!! untill march 1st for me.
  2. http://www.tscstores.com/stage/mainhome.php#loadSearchC
  3. http://ontario.kijiji.ca/f-lund-Classifieds-W0QQKeywordZlundQQisSearchFormZtrue
  4. next year all together for sure. No fish to report here too.
  5. looks like you guys did well ,and had a great time.
  6. I'am with Gerrit...COLD ,COLD,COLD AND COLD Oh and Windy, next year I'am going with these guys........
  7. I knew i should have given U @ me my bank card.....


    Boats in the water, cant wait for 5am meet you at gus rest.
  9. scratch the Bradley smoker off the x-mas list
  10. Hydro is to go up 46% over the next 5 years...........
  11. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=48458
  12. Die hard stern fan here, work for utilites, sit on my lots.....lol in the mobile office doing paper work of course! couldn't do it without stern everyday.
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