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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. I guess ill grow another beard....
  2. Rather spend 100 bucks on a new rod , than 100 bux on some crack..............
  3. _ That little camera is great guys , and even better for that price.....I was playing with it last night while smoking some lake trout
  4. you can make your neighbour pay up to HALF the cost of a 4ft chain link fence
  5. Thats the same shade of my cat ...after i shaved him...
  6. I called the city to get my curb cut to the widen my driveway, city was $80.00 a meter last year to cut city owed curb, I had to provide the copy of the survey to show i wasnt going past my property line and they gave the go ahead to widen, now i only did 1.5 meters wider so double the width i dont know about,the city came and cut the curb in a couple days, then i called the paving company to widen the ashphalt they asked no questions about permits or nothing it was I think $3.00 sq ft for them to pave it with unerlay etc....
  7. My father had a kidney done a year ago, it was from a young 16yr old girl who died in a car accident, my father knows who she was but the family didnt want to meet my father, this was very hard for my father who wanted to thank the family, but on the other hand the family wanted to just leave things as it is, my father has since driven 600km to the cemetary to thank the girl himself, and still has never met her family altho he'd like to. LOOK AT A LOVED ONE IN THE EYES AND TELL THEM IF YOU WANT TO DONATE OR NOT......DO IT NOW Wish your father-law best wishes from us
  8. Still lots of ice out there 12-16in on sunday I hate yellow jackets, I wear the orange construction clothing all year but in the summer they think iam a big orange flower or something, chase me all the time,evil buggers.....................
  9. I think your correct http://www.toronto.ca/health/norwalk.htm
  10. This wk-end was epic in this house for people throwing up, started friday night into saturday my 7 yr old got some type of bug, was vommiting every 20 min like clock work, sunday he was feeling better, monday morn comes around I feel a little strange, by 5 pm my wife is running to the bathroom every 15 min like clock work, then I started getting sick like crazy comming out both ends??My long time friend Risti who usually comes over every morn to send my kids off to school cause the wife and myself are gone to work early Am just called said he cant make it he's very very sick?????? comming out both ends like clock work? WOW We all had our flu shot and n1h1 before x-mas time, I was just wondering if any other members are praying to the toilet?Eat your vitimins and get lots of rest cause something NASTY is making its rounds .... Good luck all
  11. Nice catch, yip I bet your kicking yourself for not keeping more table fare, you could have done some on the BBQ! MMMM
  12. Good stuff! Yes good thick ice out there might have to go back next wk-end.
  13. Here whities from 2 weeks ago lk. simcoe 95fow lol late Report.. 2 wk's ago we went for lakers and only caught whities....
  14. Freezer is full of white from 2 weeks ago at simcoe !! Iam just getting used to this post a report thing or I would do one every time, suppose you can say iam a forum lurker who throws in a wise arse remark now and then more than he post's reports.... I caught a nice load of fish last year and was on team 2 but I didnt even submit my entries? but anyway today was a trout day only... thanks for looking
  15. ...Well what a morning... lake simcoe gave us our laker limit in under 3 hrs.. Risti and myself made the trek from guelph to barrie this morn leaving at 5am on the button, I woke to hear Risti whistling for me downstairs in my kitchen at 4:35am because i slept thru the 430am wake up call from ...well.... no-one! I forgot to set the alarm...he he.. We arrived on time to lake simcoe north of barrie(6th line) at 06:45 just in time as we where meeting up with someone else.. Got on the ice set up and ready to fishing in no time at all.. By 07:40 the first fish from Risti was iced!!! nice laker 5.2lbs 24,1/2in long His First lake trout EVER!!! Congrats on that one bud Within short time it was my turn!! Before we knew it, we was heading home by 1030am with our limit and some great memories........
  16. Is the prices on the bass pro site canadian or american?
  17. We need a driver Mr.Ristimaki.........last time march 16th/2008 was just freaking awsome not much more to say, bruce just get's better and better,What I really hope for is front row seats and way More EDDIE!!!!...and a driver so we can have some pop.
  18. That's a great home for that boat of yours!
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