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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. http://www.outdoorlife.com/photos/gallery/fishing/2008/01/one-hell-ice-shanty?photo=0#node-1000002495
  2. My dog cleans the litter box for me!....................go give mommy kiss
  3. moderators of the forum should not participate either...
  4. cant we all just get alone??? This is my cat and my dog.
  5. I cant believe this thread... I wonder how a Anyone else find dogs super annoying thread would fair.
  6. Great pics steve! I look forward to heading out for some lake trout again! Buster's ugly mug made the pics
  7. I was on a 3:18 am???? I really dont remember writing this???
  8. your not going to ask for money are you?
  9. I calf one of those up every morn! .i should save them for the pizza
  10. ya sorry he was joking about the 3 buck I didnt get it....
  11. Mike as always your a treat to hang with!
  12. Bring and extension for the ice auger!
  13. I have close friend there talking about gas may go as high as 3 bucks a liter?
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