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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. Great sport! I played CXBL Pro the first year they started, fantastic sport for team building,leadership skills etc.. For your outdoor field back in the day we would use wooden pallets placed up on the side, An old door was one bunker(standing up)..lol. and just about anything you can think of,dont forget to make a snake on the one side,so someone to slither past the opponent. Keep if safe and you guys will have a great time, dont forget the rules!!!! goggles on all the time, make a safe zone for goggles off.and crono your guns to no more than 280fps, make a target range to do this, again goggles on rule when tech'n guns or at the range period no exceptions. break rules make up consequences and follow it. like you sit out a game 3 times you can go home... your last issue is liability. cross your fingers that nobody gets hurt..or make everyone sign a waiver take one from a paintball field and change the field name to your own, photocopy and make people sign it. Better than nothing.
  2. Do you have fire insurance?
  3. That's nice.....I think i'll be better off knowing people that own firearms in canada have to pass some sort of accredited testing.
  4. BASS PRO offers the one stop program, hunter safty and firearm course, usually around $275-300 the one i took was friday night 5-10pm saturday 8-7pm and sunday was 8-5 but I was first to do the practical and got out around 1pm sunday...super easy
  5. Me no comprehend eh
  6. AHHHh thank god.....my wife just brought me out of my induced coma,I didnt know what to do with myself while we we're shut down...
  7. $17 bucks for the privilege to shop there is a bang on statement...............................charlesn
  8. Ahh man..........Does this mean I have to watch days of our lives and murder she wrote with my wife? You know ..she's going to want to cuddle,hold hands and stuff like that ...yuk. I forgot how to french kiss, better ask my dog to show me again, he seems to have it down pat.
  9. A good hand held charges up the wazoo for maps and a good hand held does not do everything i described? like you said send text and update automatically onto google earth and I dont know of any hand held for 100 bucks with a 911 feature I paid 100 bucks for the unit and it came with first year free , this year i paid the 100 to renew just for the 911 feature for when i hunt or hike alone , how much for those sat phones? Finding out where i've being when i get home is just a cool feature ,but the best part is the wife and kids can check out where Iam while I'am still out in the feild, does that hand held Gps do that? does that hand held call for help with a help button? say iam stuck in the mud i can ask for a non-emerg helping hand, my friend can look on his computer and see exactly where Iam, try telling your buddy on your sat phone you took a left then a right then over a hill and a left no wait maybe it was right ??????? one can travel far into the woods on a quad... enjoy you stay in the bush .....I know iam going home , and only for 100 bucks.....easy choice for me
  10. I cant find anything wrong with it, My wife can look at her email and see where i've being during a 1 week hunting trip, My kids can track dad's prgress and use the google earth to zoom in on the locations i've hunted, and when i get home I can really see the terrain iam using and often I've found little lakes right off the trail i was driving,and return the next day Now I use my laptop and a wireless stick so even if I go hike for moose that day when i return i bring up spot locations and view it, sometimes I'll go to a friends cottage push the button then bring it up on the laptop and show the owner and boy are they impressed, sometimes again finding little lakes that nobody knew about, even my uncle who owned his cottage for many years, we we're able to fully plan out hunting areas ,this technology was never availible to the older chaps untill now,with out foot survey of the 1000's of acres of crown land, if you ever want to know whats down that trail just push the button go home and view, next day take the trail or know that it leads to a dam or creek......also it sends a text to a couple phone numbers you enter, one was my friends and he would go look and see where I've being thru out the week, I'll cover a boat load of land on quad in a solid 10 days of hunting...now I know where NOT to go next year and what trails i should have tried.....
  11. I love mine and use it whenever i go out hunting, 2nd year now and couldnt go where i go without it...by myself
  12. please......Try putting skinless fillet on grill and smoking it with your choice of chips...thats it....try eating the real deal. Great stuff this is plain lake trout caught on march 7th ,skinless on the grill,very good eating. no added salt,sugar,lemon or nothing..
  13. got this today for 200 reel is for my friend Risti , b-day present and how could i not buy a new rod....nice combo tho
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