VOIP is so much better than ANYTHING else.
Free long distance to anywhere in North America, your messages are literally emailed right to you, so no matter where you go in the world, if you have internet access, you can get your messages. Or even better, whereever you go that has high-speed internet, you can literally take your home phone along with you. Bring the router, and a cordless phone, plug it in, and bam, you have your home phone with you when you go to visit your Aunt Selma in BC.
$22.99/mth for 500 mins, no long distance charges to call my in-laws in FLA. YES PLEASE.
I was paying about $60/mth for my BELL cell phone. Thats just for local calls.
I switched about a year and a half ago to VONAGE. Best choice I ever made!
I agree with whoever said, that when the power it out, the last thing you want is for someone to call you.
No issues with 911 dialing anymore.