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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. That is 3 out of 4 nights this week that the GO isnt running on time..... VERY FRUSTRATING............
  2. My father-in-laws friend does that all the time, without any issues. He will fly down, and drive his "new" vehicle back. He picked up a 2006 canyon for $6,000. he just had to put a new bed on the back (couple thousand), and it was like a brand new truck. Not a bad deal for around $8,000ish. I say go for it! With that money your going to save, feel free to put a down payment on a nice new 21 ft. Ranger for me!
  3. My wife and I are heading to the Dominican next week for our 1st anniversary, so I have to exchange money as well! I think I will hold off for another day or two, to see if I can actually "get" instead of "pay" for money this time! Its been a long time coming. Last time I went to Florida with my family (5-6yrs ago) we were getting 50-something cents per dollar. INSANE! Just like everyone else, I will be hitting up ebay, BPS, and Cabela's!! I think our money should be worth more anyways, because its much better looking!
  4. Very nice fish!! Thanks a lot for the tip. I will have to try that technique this weekend! Cheers! *Stoty
  5. I would love to find out what this dude was/is smoking............. because I would love to get some of that! What a moron, wow.
  6. Nice! I am going to try to get out this weekend as well. Hopefully the action is in full swing!
  7. Good point Gary. This week of stable warm weather should turn the fish back on for the weekend (hopefully). Thanks for the replies!
  8. Hey everyone, I was out on the weekend in that NASTY cold front/wind and didnt have very much luck with the bass. I have read a few articles and some say to fish deeper main lake structure, but others say to forget deep water, and head to the flats/shallows. What do the Kawartha bass tend to do for the most part? Stick deeper, or head shallow? Has the water temp has dropped enough to make the Kawartha bass start turning to their fall habits? Any help would be much appreciated.
  9. 68 ish
  10. Just wondering if anyone has been to Bass Lake provincial park this year? I am going up this weekend and hoping to get into a few good bass. Anyone have any luck so far this year? I convinced my wife to come camping, so hopefully there will be plenty of action on the water, to keep her entertained. Whats in the lake? I am assuming Bass (lol), what about walleye and pike? Thanks for any help!
  11. I agree with rickster..... If they are actually so CHEAP to sit there and count the minnows.... I will go out of my way to find somewhere else to get them from. Its normally a scoop full.
  12. You're all wrong, I caught it in March at the Toronto Fishing show, in the trout tank, blindfolded, with a shoelace and safety pin.
  13. That picture of the "bite" look pretty photoshoped to me. All the rippples in the water are identical.... and around end of the mouth of the big fish just doesnt look right. I think someone is using photoshop to play with our minds!
  14. thanks kemper
  15. Not sure if they sell leeches or not, but you'll be passing Bass Pro Shops on the 400....
  16. Does anyone have any tips on the whereabouts of the famous smallmouth of Stoney Lake? I have been too nervous to go into Stoney (up until now with my new Lowrance GPS unit), so I have literally NEVER fished Stoney for smallmouths. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  17. I just think its hilarious to hear that coming from a Domi fan..... Am I the only one who see's the resemblance between that first bass, and Tie Domi? Don't worry, I am a big Domi fan too, just couldnt resist that one!
  18. Nice fish! Congrats. It's around 3.5 lbs
  19. My Fav's: - Scott Martin Challenge - Beat Charlie Moore - Best of FLW Tour - Bass Techs GOD BLESS THE WFN!!!!!!!
  20. Try Arrowhead Provincial Park. I went there a few years back. Nice campsite, and great fishing! BIG smallies in the 1 lake. They have canoe rentals there as well. Hope this helps.
  21. Outdoorsman.......?? I just got your PM now, because I was out distributing my resume.
  22. Thanks CCMT. I am assuming by his name, that is his profession as well....
  23. Hey everyone, I wouldnt normally do this, but I noticed a thread a few weeks ago about a guy looking for work because he got screwed over by his employer. This same thing just happened to me today. I just finished a nice big project for them, and BAM, out I go. Talk about a slap in the face. Anyways, just wanted to see if anyone knows of any IT (preferably web design) related positions anywhere around the GTA? I have lots of experience with Web design/programming as well as Network administration. Any help would be very much appreciated. PM or email ([email protected]) me if you know of anything, and I will send you my resume. Again, I appreciate any help.
  24. Darn, if it was around christmas time, I would do it! My in-laws have a place in Venice, FLA, and we are going down for Christmas this year. Hopefully make the 10lb club this year!!!
  25. ha ha ha true enough I guess! maybe that dude in the boat has a metal plate in his head! lol
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