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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. Ha ha ha, thats not even close to the same thing. We are talking about a store that makes millions of dollars a year. They arent going to miss a vest. Plus, if they trained their staff right in the first place, they wouldnt have this problem. We all spend so much money at stores like this, so its nice to get something in return for once. Enjoy the free stuff!
  2. For those of you who have been to Happy Isle Lake, I have a few questions (based on the Backroad Mapsbook lack of accuracy). The Mapbook doesn't say anything about bass in the lakes that connect to Happy Isle (Merchant, Redrock Lake, Nepawin Lake etc). Have any of you went into these lakes while on Happy Isle Lake? If so, hows the fishing? Bass in there?
  3. Ya, I am beginning to figure that out. People have said they have been to some lakes, and caught some decent bass, yet the Backroads mapbook doesn't mention bass in them at all! lol I just checked out their website, and apparently version 2 is coming out this year. Hopefully they are a little more accurate! As for live bait...I never use it, so I am safe there. Using live bait kinda defeats the purpose of the "challenge" for me. Thanks for the heads up though.
  4. Their error, not yours! Enjoy the free stuff!
  5. Hmmm, you guys really have me thinkin now! lol I would prefer a place that isnt very busy. Being the only ones on the lake would be fantastic! We will be going in August, most likely. How are the bugs then? I am going to do some research into Sunbeam and Bridle lakes. Thanks again for all your info.
  6. I am not sure which looks more like a replica.....the fish or HIM!
  7. LOL In Kevin Callan's book it says "the trail was relatively flat, and, where it wasn't, I was able to rest my weighted canoe across a well-positioned canoe rest". It might have seemed a little more daunting then it really was being hungover and all. Then again..stairs seem daunting when your hungover!
  8. Thanks Verno, I just read that in the books that I picked up from the library. And I checked into the water taxi from Opeongo, and you were right, its $25 ecah way, which is WELL worth it to save 2 days canoeing! Apparently the portage is pretty flat and has a rest stop halfway through. I think we have a winner! All the reports I have read all say good things about the fishing there, so I think thats were we will go. Thanks again for everyone's help. MUCH appreciated!
  9. Approx how long does it take to canoe up to Happy Isle Lake? Opeongo lake seems to be pretty dang big.
  10. Nice, thanks. I just picked up the "Backroad Mapbook" of the Algonquin Area, and am doing my reserach as to where we are going to go. What I have been reading though, is that there doesnt seem to be smallies up in the North Western end of the park (North Tea Lake area). I was looking at that side, because its the closest area to me in Pickering. I think that I might have to make the extra drive, and go in the east side.
  11. I have never fished anywhere near the city before, so I would like to give it a try! Someone post the date/time when a few of you will be going, and I will try and join ya! Cheers, *Stoty
  12. Cheer up, its Friday!
  13. Great, thanks Fishnsled. I am going to do my best to (get the wife to let me) hit up the Bay one last time!
  14. Joking about waiving a gun around isn't a personal attack on a board member. Roy, I say lock this before it gets ugly. Apparently some people dont understand the concept of a joke.
  15. waving it and using it are two different things. his reply was in a joking matter. sorry for you're loss, but that type of reaction wasn't necessary.
  16. hahaha, no doubt! But then you're not getting target practice in at the same time!
  17. Very nice! Does walleye close tonight at midnight, or tomorrow at midnight?
  18. Guarantee they wont fish your dock again, when they see 200 paintballs coming their way at about 300 pfs! hahaha
  19. Which is what I will have to do I guess. Just a pain in the butt considering my boat and house are over 200 kms apart! If I forget the chip at either place, I'm going to
  20. Nothing solves that problem like a paintball gun!
  21. I wont be using a "program" to copy it. I didnt get any software with my chip. I have a card reader, and was going to put the exitsing card in there, copy all files (included hidden files), onto my PC, then insert the blank card into the reader, and copy all the files to the blank card. Thats why it doesnt make sense to me as to why it would ruin the card.
  22. How can you damage the existing card when its locked, and files aren't being written to it? Doesn't make sense to me.
  23. oh really? is there anyway to go about it, without having to buy a new chip??
  24. carder reader -----> card reader
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