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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. Tony.... I wasnt asking for their exact spot. Just a general location is what I was after. I am new to the Pickering area, and can only fish on weekends in my boat, so was hoping to find the approx location where I could go for some decent shore fishing. Didn't know it was a sin to ask for help. I guess I will know for next time.
  2. Holy crap!! Some very nice fish there! If you dont mind me asking, whereabouts are you guys fishing to get fish like that?? I would love to be able to hit a spot or two like that after work on a weekday!!
  3. Thanks for the map. Just wish that spot was a little closer to Pickering!
  4. 65 crappie... WOW! Where abouts is that? I am dying for a feed of those tasty critters!
  5. Ha ha ha I was going to ask you where that was, but thought that I wouldnt be such a smartdonkey. (thats a first). Turns out the wife wants to look at the birdhouse they have there, so I am heading there in the morning!!!!!!!!!! It will be an expensive one! I am gonna pick up a Lowrance Fishfinder/GPS combo unit! Plus a bunch of other stuff! Thank god for plastic!!!
  6. Ya, I figured they would have them, just wanted something a little closer to Pickering, thats all. Thanks though! Gives me an excuse to go there!!!
  7. Hey everyone, I am looking to get a timer that (when turned on) will automatically cycle the water in my livewell every XX minutes. Does anyone know if Canadian Tire carries these? I would assume that BPS would have them, but wanted to see if someone closer to Pickering would carry them. Thanks for any help.
  8. Sounds like a few good days fishing! Nice fish, great report!!
  9. OK....so much for the "not getting nasty". Admins....... I suggest locking this thread. This is NOT what I wanted with this thread. Sad that a bunch of adults cant just talk/express themselves normally without getting all worked up.
  10. WELL said. I totally agree with you. Like I said at the start, I agree with them protesting about their concerns, but I dont agree with how they are doing it, causing difficulties for the average person. The same with the teachers, truckers, and whoever else. if you have an issue, protest to the people who can make a difference (the gov't), DONT take it out of the person who has nothing to do with it!
  11. Lets not let this thread get nasty..... We dont need comments about killing anyone. I just wanted to state my opinion about the comments being made.
  12. After seeing and reading about the protests that are going on today, I feel as though I need to make a comment on behalf of the natives (like myself) that have nothing to do with these, and are getting stereotyped because of these. Like I just said, I am part native (with status). I DO NOT agree with what certian people are doing today with these protests. There is no need to inconvenience millions of people because of certain things that happend a long time ago. I DO agree that the natives do have something to be ticked about, and do deserve to voice their opinions about the issues. But protesting on public roadways is NOT the place to do so. But for people to just automatically think that since a person is native, they get everything for FREE. That is NOT the case. I recommend NOT commenting on an issue that you know nothing about. Not all natives get certain benefits that others get. There are many types of natives. I, myself am Metis. I am NOT First nations (which are the ones protesting). Yes, there are exceptions to everything, and yes there are many natives that do take advantage of their benefits, but I am not one of those people. With me not being First Nations, I am not entitled to fishing whenever/wherever I want, nor do I get anything for FREE, like a few people think (in the other thread). I am a hard working, hard playing person just like anyone else. I purchase a fishing license every year, and obey ALL of the fishing regulations. I do not think that just because I am native, that I deserve any special treatment. I am sorry to see that just because a few people do something that all of us are being labelled for it. Just because someone in Toronto is a poacher, does that make all Torontoians poachers?? NO! So I would appreciate before making a comment (especially on a certain type of person) that you make sure you know something about the topic before blurting out how disrespectful they are being, and taking advantage of their benefits. I am sorry to bring this topic up again, nor do I want to start anything, but I had to make a comment about this whole thing and how innocent people are being labelled for the actions of others.
  13. Gorgeous fish! Congrats!
  14. I am not talking about the lovely ladies on this site. I am saying that anything is possible with today's technology. And as a matter of fact, that dove commercial IS photoshop. But again, that has nothing to do with anyone on this site. My comment was about the technology.
  15. not to mention downriggers!
  16. This is more along the Rosie topic......
  17. hahahahahaha Just an example of how powerful photoshop is.... Make me pretty!
  18. of all days to forget my umbrella!!!! AND, i am wearing a white shirt!!!!!! hahahahahah
  19. i cant believe people on youtube think thats real.......... ANYTHING is possible now-a-days with all the technology..... hell, photoshop can even make Rosie O'Donnell look skinny.
  20. Thanks for the links, the charts are awesome.
  21. My buddy and I fished that pond once, and had a pretty good day. We got a bunch of fish, with quite a few being the 3lb + range. Like wask said, right up against the stumps was where we got most of our fish. We were flippin soft plastics (tubes & worms) Good luck
  22. Right on! That should be a good show!!
  23. thanks for the link. i have requested to be put on a team!
  24. How do you become part of a team, and where are the rules, and such?
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