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Everything posted by Cast-Away

  1. Very sad Wayne, what a fighter she was. So sorry for your loss. Take comfort that she is in a better place now. God must have a plan for her.
  2. So sorry to read this just now Wayne. The big storm you mentioned a short time ago just blew through Newmarket and I wonder if that was Jen stirring up the heavens before she leaves you and your family for a better place. God bless
  3. If you were a 150lb guy you might get another 5kph out of the boat! Just kidding
  4. You have to remember that the bylaw people don't come around for something like this unless there is a complaint. Like some Richard neighbour. We all seem to have one around. Good to see the Councillor step in to correct the situation.
  5. Dit they gobble up the bugs in your lawn Lew?
  6. Wow this is pretty cool. Bigfish1965 was Rick O I believe. I to went from the zooboard to here
  7. Great report TJ. Man your kids have really grown up!
  8. I really can't stand when some of you guys get so negative on these positive posts about the event and some even getting off topic about car salesmen. My parents used to say if you don't have anything good to say then keep your comments to yourself. Go find another forum where people like all of the negativity because OFC is not the place for this.
  9. On my way to gymnastics right now. Free Go Train from Newmarket and free Go Bus home with the tickets. Hi perk eh!
  10. Hello, my name is Mumba and I am from Nigeria and trying to fund this camp for my good OFC friends. Please send me wire transfer of $10,000 for one share in Wilderness Outpost Camp. I guarantee you all time share slot between November and March. Send to [email protected] or [email protected]
  11. If you have a Costco membership you get a pretty unbiased opinion from the person working the cell phone booth. They represent all companies and get no kickbacks from any of them.
  12. I just found out today from another website that the license for my boat has to be renewed every 10 years even if I did not change addresses. Not sure why the Federal Government requires this? There is no change for this other than the stamp. You can download the form at the link below. You have to fill our section A, B, the reason, D and F. http://wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/Corp-Serv-Gen/5/Forms-Formulaires/searchrs.aspx?formnumber=84-0172E The fine is $250 if you are not compliant.
  13. Holy Cow what a report! The stories and pictures are unbelievable. I love the shot of the clouds reflecting on the dead calm water.
  14. Nice pics! Did you happen to sit in the little horseshoe waterfall? I noticed you were sitting quite close to it but you were a bit lower down.
  15. Very stupid and cruel. I wish that we would all take the high ground and not even post something like that because the moron gets more hits and thinks he should do more of the same.
  16. I canoed down it one year from the highway and out into the bay and back up 12 Mile Bay. My buddies and I did the first leg to the Moon Falls in about half a day. We decided to go to the Twin Rapids because it was only one portage instead of two going the northerly route. The portage was brutal up and over a very steep rock cut. We should have shot the rapids instead but were in a borrowed fiberglass canoe and did not want to chance it. There are quite a few Massasauga Rattlers around Moon Falls so be careful if you camp there. We did not fish anywhere along the way, however I do fish the Basin on a regular basis and recommend camping out in Iron City Bay. There are plenty of Islands to explore and it is well protected from GBay. The bass fishing is quite decent there. You can stay on one site and do lots of exploring.
  17. Hey Lew, where did you get that boarding ladder?
  18. That is exactly why there are no Badger petting zoos!
  19. Oh Wayne, you had to show an aerial shot of 12 Mile didn't you! A tease for the warmer weather:) My pick would be GBay all the way, Sure, lots of water to cover but pick an area and work until you know it well.
  20. Jezz, lucky that nobody on a sled ran into that dock in the winter time.
  21. Posted before I was done typing. Free Walleye is the best, so Jack is the guy!
  22. I don't know Jack but I would like to!
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