I have had them on and off in our home aswell. Some years nothing, some years it's apparent they are here and I set traps. I got the shock of my life the other day. I pulled the oven out to clean the walls behind it and found at least a half a bag of Ralphie's food all piled in the corner (no wonder I have to buy so much dog food ha ha ha). I guess they were taking it out of his dish and going under the oven to their "crack" but could not fit the kibble so just left it. Needless to say I was aghast. I cleaned it all up and have been looking for other signs of them but we had set traps up a few months ago when we heard the telltale sound of them skittering and I think we got them all. I'll keep looking and setting traps. I think it's just a fact of life they will get in the house and garage no matter what you do.
I don't agree with the poison though. Birds eat them and then die from that poison
My sister used to switch the salt with the sugar, so when you put sugar in the coffee it was awful, as it was of course salt, and if you put salt on your food, of course it was sugar. Yucko, but funny
I BBQ all year long too. I also have used Kosher salt on my steak for about 10 years now. It does work and makes it very tender and tasty. Great link Mike
Watched the remake of Robocop today this song was on it and I have not heard this for over at least 30 years ( showing my age, I know). Anyone remember it????????