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Badger Shark

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Everything posted by Badger Shark

  1. Jediangler, not sure the length or weight, I wanted to get her back into the water as quick as possible. It was a fairly long fight on a walleye trolling rod with 10lb test P-line so she was a bit tired. we figured she was in the low 40's".
  2. After last weekend when I caught a nice muskie which broke my net, I decided that Eric and I would head back to Constance bay and try our luck again. We met up with Steve (Troutnmuskiehunter) and the 3 Amigos who were already out for several hours by the time we got out. They had a couple of strikes but no hookups. It was a beautiful day, sunny, hot and not much wind. We tried for muskie for an hour or so and then decided to switch things up and trolled smaller cranks. We got a few pike and a couple of bass but nothing of any size. We were just about to quit the Bay and head over to Buchams when my rod doubles over, I grabbed it and told Eric " This is a good fish " all the while hoping it was a muskie, I didnt want to jinx myself saying I thought it was a muskie. It was a great fight and peeled alot of line. Once it got closer to the boat Eric was ready with " The replacement net " for the one that was broken last week by a nice muskie. She finally gave up and Eric scooped her up and now I have a new PB muskie and a nice pic this time so here it is.
  3. We got 3 rounds, started with hail up to golfball size, wind and heavy heavy rain. There was lots of flooding around here with one street in my area completely flooded with several vehicles stranded in water up to their hoods. It really was a cool show and lasted several hours. Dont know how much rain we got. One person I talked to said he had hail damage to his siding on his house.
  4. Great report, makes me miss my trips down to my mothers place on the Mississippi coast. I loved the hot humid weather, it was like walking out into a sauna and the water at the beaches was like bathwater. You had to go out to the islands and swim to get any relief. But hurricane Katrina decided to come ashore and directly hit my moms town with the eye and a 33ft sorm surge so no more town. She lost everything and moved back here after 26 years. Apparently the town is starting to recover, I hope she moves back down there, I love the south and the people are great, nice, friendly and relaxed, and laid back. Always love to read your reports and see your pics.
  5. Its about 45 min to an hour north of Kingston near Ardoch. Its not in Algonquin, I had no idea there was more than one lake named Crotch.
  6. Man this report got over looked. Anyway, we would like to get some bigger pike, hopefully we can find the big girls on the next outing. Any ideas?
  7. This lake is mainly a walleye and pike lake , there are no lakers in there. I have been going there for the past 8 years and have never seen one or heard of one being caught. I have spoken to Ward and a couple of the guides about them and they say they have never seen any. But who knows maybe there are some lurking around.
  8. I was thinking of naming mine " DEBT FLOATS " My grandfather named his sailboat " CASHFLO " One of the best names I have seen was " MONAS MINK "
  9. PLine CXX and Power pro briad. Really like the P line for eye fishing.
  10. We always stay at Tumblhome Lodge. It was not to crowded at all, I think it has something to do with the dollar. Usally there are alot of Americans there but this time it was mainly Ontarians. The lake is located near Sharbot lake off Hwy.7. Ben, I am a man of many hats I am a member of the other site as well as this one. I would however like a OFC hat to wear. I actally wear two diffenet hats fishing depending on the weather, if it is sunny I have a hat with a hanging down to the shoulders part at the back to keep the sun off my neck kinda like a desert hat. The lake and surrounding area are really beautiful and the owner of the Lodge is a fantastic person and always treats us well. Moira man, the area you wrote about, 500 feet from the launch is closed to fishing right now according to the regs map, it is a sanctuary from the incoming stream to the mouth of Macleans bay.
  11. Sunday morning Eric and I head out on what looks like to be the best weather day we have fished on in a long long time. Usually for us it is raining, or cold or very windy or a combination of all three. We launched at Buchams and headed around to Constance Bay in search of pike. The water was glass and it was warming up rapidly. We reached our usual spot that we fish and within 20 minutes we had 4 pike in the boat and lost two. Sorry we didnt take any pics, the fish were not huge, probably in the 2 to 4 lb range. We decided to try and find bigger ones by trolling but didnt have much luck. We took a breather and headed to shore and had a visit with Steve (troutnmuskiehunter). Good to see you and talk with you Steve and man you have a really sweet place. Around three we headed back out and trolled, we got two more little guys and I lost one. We decided to head into the creek to have a look around, there were 4 other boats in there and we never realized how far in you could go. I didnt fish in there but Eric did get one small pike. After a bit of touring around in there we decided to head back out and try our luck in the main bay. It seems what we were doing was not working so I suggested we go back around to the Buchams side and troll there for a while and it seems this was a good choice. The sonar was full of fish, in fact I have never seen this many fish holding in this area before. It didnt take long and my rod doubles over, as I am fighting this fish Eric gets on on, double header. I get mine in and it is the biggest pike of the day at around 5 lbs and Eric brings in the first Eye of the day. We trolled for about another 45 min. in total we got 5 eyes and two pike. So for the day we ended up with 12 pike and 5 eyes. Not bad considering we didnt catch anything for about a 3 to 4 hour stretch. Funny how they just shut down like that sometimes. Here is a pic of the pike and eye we got at the same time, it seems Eric didnt get the whole pike in the pic and I dont normally use the grippers to hold fish with but I wanted to put them back in a hurry so its easier to hold an eye than a pike sometimes. To bad about the pike getting cut off, it had some nice colour. Hopefully next time out we will get some better pics. Here is Eric with one of his eyes. Not the best report but hey, its a report and I got to go fishing. :wink:
  12. We left early Friday morning and headed up to Crotch lake, yes that is the real name. So when we got to the lodge Terry, Andy, Dave and Andys son headed out onto the lake, they didnt wait for me :cry: , I had a bunch of re-wiring to do and set up. So after 20 minutes or so I headed out. I went straight to my favorite area of the lake and started fishing the way that is most sucessful for me there and on my first trolling pass I got 2 eyes then a pike, also lost 2 eyes. After that things were a bit slow. I ended up with 8 fish for the day including my PB pike for this lake, sorry I dont have the pic, it is on my buddys cam.. My eye pic is here hopefully. [/img] The other guys were doing there own thing and I belive they got into a few as well. This lake is tough to fish and it does help to have fished it alot. As some often say, try finding an area on your own and it is rewarding when it turns out to be one of the best spots on the lake. I did share this area with the guys and told them what I do here and it does work. Over the 4 days there were around 36 fish brought into my boat, we dont count pan fish. I actually caught a catfish in this lake and thought there werent any. Here is a pic of Terry and his new ride. Here is JPS rocket that he brought up, 21ft Lund with a 200hp Merc on it. Not to mention it seems to have come with My wife who is fishing in the pic and my friend Kathy. My wife got a pike as well and that is what she said she wanted to catch. Here is a shot of the sunrise one morning we were out. Here are some visitors that joined me. Here is Andy standing up in his boat and Terry in the background. Here are a couple of eyes Eric got on Monday. A typical pike. And a not so typical pike caught by HOS who to give you an idea of the size, is 360lbs. The pike weighed 11.8lbs and was 36.6 inches long. Look at the size of the gut! All and all a great weekend away even with the typical Crotch lake weather and it hailed on us for the 3rd straight year. Hope you guys, Andy, Terry, JP, Dave and Jamie ( is that your sons name Andy? I forgot) had a good time. JP I think you may owe Kathy a dinner or something for the rod poking incident, the scary thing was it was meant for me! :shock: Hope the pics work. Don
  13. Staying at Tumblhome Lodge, on Crotch Lake for the 7th straight year, great place to stay and always rainy, oh well at least its getting away from here. Good luck to everyone this weekend.
  14. Forget the young offenders act, they use it as an excuse, they know they will only get a slap on the wrist. Kids today are smart and know thier rights and will take advantage of them. What every school should have is a program where each and every kid is taken into a maximum security prison and brought into the inside life of being behind bars. When I was a kid I lived in Lansing Kansas and I had to go into a prison and see the inside and let me tell ya it scared me into not even risking a speeding ticket. You have these young offenders go in and let the inmates have a few minutes with them and I guarentee at least 85% will straighten up. Of course there always will be bad people who dont care about consequences but it would help. I know of several programs in the states that take first time offenders into prisons and have a group of inmates sit with them and tell them like it is and also make them go into the show hall and eat amongst the inmates all the while being taunted and have comments thrown at them. If a group of kids approached me and assaulted me or my wife or friends I sure wouldnt hold back because they are kids, I would make sure I got some good shots in. The law definitely needs to be changed and these kinds of kids need to be treated like adults.
  15. Hey Shawn, me and a buddy were at the sports show yesterday and then went to Bass Pro, man busy isnt the word for it. we spent 3.5 hrs at the show and 4 hours at BP, so much stuff and not enough money. Great deal on reef runners. I have to go back before the season opens.
  16. Yep Cliff, you are correct, they are mammatus clouds. You see them more often in the summer usually when there is bad weather around. I used to see these all the time when I lived in Kansas. Sometimes they would be green in colour and that is never a good sign. Whenever the clouds would turn green we would take cover because it usually meant there was a tornado around. But as luck would have it we never did have one. All that time in Kansas (10yrs) and never saw one tornado, I have been back in Canada for 16yrs and have seen 2. Really cool pic Joey, thanks for posting it.
  17. Thanks
  18. Hey guys and gals, I would like to have a top built for my boat, I have an Alumacraft Navigator 165 sport. I want one that collapses like most other fishing boats. I have in the last two years built my own temporary tops and they worked great but I want an actual top that looks like it belongs and is a bit more asthetically pleasing. I want to be able to make it enclosed with side plastic windows too. I am just wondering if any of you know where I can get one made for a reasonable price and not more than a couple of hours from Ottawa. I looked for an Alumacraft dealer but cant find any reasonable close and besides they would charge a tonne. Any infor would be appreciated. Thanks Don
  19. I will be leaving from Ottawa at 5am Sat. morning with a couple of friends, after the show we are heading to Bass Pro. Would love to meet some ofnrs there but I am sure it will be hard with so many people there.
  20. Almost 60cm here in Ottawa and since Wednesday combined two storm totals almost 3 feet on the nose. The pics from fishinonthebrain are what it looks like everywhere around the Ottawa area. We have to use a shovel just to get from the front door to the car. The side streets are only just big enough for one car to go down, if there is one coming the other direction you have a problem. I went to my cousins today and my truck which I keep out there with my boat, is completely gone, I had to dig a tunnel to the doors to get in. The rest of the truck was completely gone, my wife asked me where it was, I said right in front of you. She thought it was just a huge pile of snow. My truck is a Ram 1500 full size cab. And my boat , well I couldnt see it at all. All and all pretty incredible stuff, let hope we get the record.
  21. Twelve feet and counting, bring it on I hope we beat the record of 14 feet in 1971. I hate winter but at least this is something interesting.
  22. Last time there was roll up to win, I didnt open any of the cups until they were done giving them out. I had 80 cups and out of those 80 I had 7 winning cups, 4 doghnuts and 3 coffe! Somone told me that xl cups dont have many winners, I guess they were right. My cousin buys large and wins all the time! This is unfare, I spend more money for less of a chance! Oh well as long as I get my order made right, thats a win right there since it seems to be the same odds!
  23. Yep Mike, there were kids sliding off their roofs and people had to dig what looked like tunnels from the doors of their houses, that was cool.
  24. Another case for the Darwin awards. Morons!
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