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Badger Shark

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Everything posted by Badger Shark

  1. Thanks , I hope this weekend is more productive, I know I caught a huge sheephead but have not got an eye in two weeks now. By the way how big do you think that fish is and what is the biggest one caught in the Bay?
  2. I am still trying to get someone from this area to join me for the weekend, hopefully I will be able to. If not I will get someone for Sunday and drive downt for the day. Hope to meet you guys.
  3. They almost look like small fallfish. Was the mouth soft? Not positive though.
  4. Young one, I remember seeing you there, I was in the Alumacraft and we were not far from the black tracker, that was Eye-Tracker. Wwe were closest to the shoreline than most other boats in the 30 to 33 ft. range and the arches were eyes , they just were not very active.
  5. Headhunter you should have no problem getting a double digit in the boat, that is if they are biting. Good luck and if you are there on Sunday hoppfully I will run into you guys.
  6. I dont care if it snows as long as there is no ice on the water. I wont put away the boat until I can no longer get her on the water.
  7. Headhunter, the east side of the ferry has some big schools but they were really deep this weekend and we started out almost at the gap. That is where I got that monster sheephead. On the west side of the ferry the fish have been in there for over a month easily now and are pretty stacked up but on Sunday where they were the thickest they just were not biting. No arches just lines which to me means they are just sitting and not rising up to feed. Personally I am starting to think they are religious fish and take Sundays off . I know more and more schools are coming in every week. I guess depending on the wind would be your best bet to determine where you want to fish, if it is really blowing most wont venture east of the ferry and it is easier to cover a smaller area of shallower water than the wide open deep water of the east side. Fishendevil, that sheephead was one of the toughest fights I have ever had of any type of fish. He just kept peeling line and just when I though I had it tired out he would take off again and again and . And my arms were tired. Then I had to hold it up for the pics, well worth it though. Just wish I could have caught an eye. Apparently Sunday was a real tough day for everyone, even the guides. The active fish were just to deep. Hope to see ya Sunday. And I may have room in my boat in the upcoming weeks so if anyone is interested let me know. I am trying to find someone to go with me for the weekend of the g2g from this area. If not then I will have to try and get there for the day on Sunday. Don
  8. Hey guys, well I didnt get to do a report from last week because I couldnt get the pics to work but now they do so I will do last week and this week together. Last week we got out on the water and headed up Adolphus Reach to the lighthouse and started trolling a big school. We had set up 4 rods, two with leadcore. After a few minutes Erics board goes and he has an eye on, this eye had plans on making our day a mess as he decided to head right through the other two lines and tangled them all together. Well Eric ended up bringing in this fish by hand and then proceeded to detangle all the lines which took him about an hour. More patience than me. About an hour goes by and finally I get a fish on, I knew right away this was not an eye, turned out to be my first ever sheephead, what a fight. Another hour or so and Eric has another fish on and he gets it in and it an eye. Several more hours go by and the last fish of the day comes in and its an eye. That was it for the day. We had about 10 hits but a very bad boating percentage with only four. This week we arrived at the launch just after 8 head out even further to work a big school out towards the gap. The problem this week is the fish were really deep. Also a rare thing for Quinte was the water was glass. We fished for quite some time and Eric finally gets a fish on, gets into the boat and is an eye with a nice tumor or wart or whatever on it. We keep working the area and I am getting restless and I say " Comon fish I need to catch......... I didnt get to finish my sentence and my board was being dunked and my line was ripping away, I knew it was another sheephead. This sucker was ripping line like crazy, it took me almost 10 to 15 min. to finally get it in. This fish was big as you will see in the picks. I am 5'10 and weigh 220lbs just to give you a bit of a reference. Well we try and try and try for more fish but they just were not biting out in the reach so we decided to go and work the other side of the ferry. We marked tonnes of fish but they were just sitting and not biting. While we tried to get these guy to go we got a freak 20 min. hailstorm and it got cold. After working this area for a while we decided since it was starting to get late we would work our way back towards the launch. We finally marked some big arches and then we got the last fish of the day. All in all I personally think the fish are just lazy on Sundays or religious! At least we werent shut out and had a nice day out on the water. We will be heading back this Sunday. for some reason this pic won't come up. Sorry.
  9. Pretty sure we saw you out there yesterday. Thats a nice fish. It was a tough day for sure. We ended up with 2 eyes and 2 big sheephead. There were a few guys who caught about 5 eyes but they were fishing really deep. We were marking lots of fish but deep, ( bottom up to 40ft ) Did you guys get caught in that 20 min. hailstorm? We were near Thomsons point and it started and didnt stop for at least 20 min. Man we had everything from glass calm, warm, sun then to the hail storm and cold. Then when we were on our way in we see a huge array of blue flashing lights off in the distance as it is now dark. It was the OPP doing checks on the boats out there. We waited our turn and finally they headed over and checked us. Man what a nice boat these guys have! Count down to next Sunday is on, see ya out there!
  10. Im 38 and usually I cut my own hair but about 6years ago I was going to a wedding and had no time so went to the barbers and he just went ahead and trimmed them and the whole time I am thinking " Oh my god what the heck is goin on here? " I just wanted my hair cut, this really got to me and started a mid life crisis I think a bit early. I went home and told my girlfriend and my cousin and they laughed. Then I said to my cousin, your six years younger than me and almost bald so Shut up! We laughed a bunch and this always comes up still and we laugh about how weird our bodies get when we get older. Less hair on your head and more hair in other places I dont need hair! What the heck is going on? Sorry for this silly rant but it is a funny thread!
  11. Now that is COOL! , I know I have not been a member on here as long as most of you but I am working on getting someone to come down there for the weekend. We probably will be staying in Belleville but it would be nice to meet you guys at some point. We will launch at Picton harbour on the Saturday if I manage to get someone to join me, my buddy has to ask his wife it is ok ,Im luck enough that my wife doesnt have a problem with me going fishing every weekend. The closer we get to the date I will let you know if we are going to be there and maybe we can meet up. Don
  12. Congrats Cliff, I remember my first ride in my first boat. I am now on my third and have forgot the drain plug on all three of them. So it is a common thing. Bring your boat to Quitne, you will regret it if you dont. Nothing like catching in your own boat. Plus you gotta break er in.
  13. Headhunter, I caught my first sheephead yesterday and it was caught at the 30-35 ft depth, WHAT A FIGHT! Didnt mind catching theat at all.
  14. Hometownhandyman, G2G is the get together in Picton of OFC board members. A bunch of them are meeting up for the weekend of the 18th I believe. I am planning on being there that weekend hopefully as I am going there as much as possible.
  15. That pretty much describes last Saturday. Its blowing really hard here with rain right now. We are leaving at 4 thirty or 5 should be there by 8 at the latest. The winds are supposed to die down to a manageable level by morning.
  16. Here is my boat I guess if you click on the pic it gets bigger.
  17. Thanks douG, I appreciate it. I am sure I will be down there at that point if I can. Maybe I will try to come up on the Friday and stay till Sunday, probably in Belleville or Napanee.
  18. Cranks go for it , fall off the fence and head to Picton. I am limited for time as well and only have Sundays unless I make arrangements ahead of time. I live in Ottawa and plan on leaving here around 5am and get on the water around 8 hopefully. I plan on doing this every week until it is to icy. I am also assuming this is the weekend of the GTG, I asked in a previous post when it was and no one replied. I would like to meet some ofnr's, even if it is just a hello. I launch from Picton harbour and have a 16'7 Alumacraft with a 75 merc optimax. Not sure where we will head first, out to the reach or stay on the other side of the ferry. Depends on the winds and how difficult it is to locate the fish. Anyway if you head out, good luck! Take lots of pics. Don
  19. Hey Irishfield, I think were done with the warm, nice weather. If it was freezing on Sat. it would have been tough to stay out long without a top. This is why we have a homemade top to keep us a bit dry and warm on those really crappy days. Most likely we will have the top up most of the times from now on. And your right it always makes things easier to deal with when you are catching fish.
  20. I had the hood up not because it was cold, actually it was warm, the wind was just so annoying in my ears and I didnt want to lose my hat. Cliff when we came back in on Sunday there were people fishing from the docks in Picton and while we loaded the boat this guy lands about a 6 or 7 lb eye. We marked lots of fish in there. Another guy on Saturday said there were salmon jumping in there, Im not sure about that, I didnt see any. But there were fish splashing around. So you could probably get some from shore. I cant wait till Sunday so I can get my never ending fix!
  21. So finally that time of year, Quinte Time! We headed down on Friday and stayed in Belleville. Headed out to meet Eye-Tracker for our day out with him. We hit the water and headed out into the Gale that was blowing. They were wrong about the wind direction and it was pretty much impossible to get out of them. Must say it was fun though. By the afternoon the winds were over 50k gusting over 70 at times, but that didnt stop us. There were three of us and Eric formerly known on this site as Clown Worship, had never been to Quinte so it was decided he would be first up. We trolled for a while and finally Sheldon says fish on and Eric brought in his first quinte eye, not quite the big girl he was hoping but a nice eater about 3 lbs. Next up was Brian and it didnt take long, he brought in a nice one between 7 or 8 lbs. Finally it was my turn. I guess the fish knew this too because they decided not to bite for a very long time, 4 hours to be exact! Finally Sheldon had just set up a long line and while letting out the fish hit and the fight was on and I mean this fish fought. I finally got her in and we weighed it and it came in at 9.6lbs. So it seemed we had found a pattern that worked and Eric had his next one on, this was what he came for. Got her in and it was just over 9lbs. Next up Brian and he gets another decent fish in. Then my turn again and I bring in a not to bad fish, I thought it was small but it was a nice size as well the thing with this fish was its dorsal fin was almost non-existant. It had not been cut off or anything, it was born that way. Brians turn and Sheldon says big fish on the outer board and I saw this one take the board like it was nothing, he fought it for several minutes and it was about 30 ft straight below the boat and she shook free. It was a big pig too! So we diecided to pack it in and as I was bringing in one of the boards, I removed the board and suddenly felt weight and yes there was a fish, turned out to be a nice eating sized. We let her go. Sunday Eric and I headed out in my boat and set up , we found fish but in a two hour span, couldnt get them to go so we headed to a different area and this area was loaded with charter boats. I decided to completely switch up colours and it was only out for about 1 minute when the drag started ripping, this was a heavy fish and it fought, I thought at first it was a pike but it was a big Eye. Got her in after it surfed some big swells and she was 11+lbs. We decided away from the traffic back to the previous area and finally after about 5 hours Eric got a fish on and it turned out to be the biggest of the weekend she weighed 12.2lbs and Eric went home a happy boy! Cant wait to get back there this Sunday and the next and the next..... I am going to try and post some pics . Here is a shot of how rough it was. Erics nice fish on Sat. Brians nice fish on Sat. My nice one on Sat. My 11+lber from Sunday Erics 12.2lbder from Sunday Hope the pics worked. Don
  22. Just got back and yes Saturday was rough but it was also sucessful. We got 9 hook-ups and 7 in the boat, the biggest one of the day happened to be caught by me and it was 9.6lbs. There were some very large schools, you just have to look for them, we were lucky to have a really good guide to put us on fish. Thanks again Eye-Tracker. Today we headed back out and it was almost a repeat of yesterday with the winds but not quite as gusty and they eventually died down, yesterday we had gusts over 70km per hour and sustained over 50. We managed two over 10 this time with one being 12.2 and the other 11.3lbs Cant wait till Sunday as I am going back every Sunday until I can no longer get out. I LOVE THOSE HOGS ! The Bay of Pigs indeed. As soon as I get the pics loaded I will post them. Don
  23. We just came back from Carlisle and they wanted both drivers license and birth certificate. My buddy doesnt have a drivers license so he gave his health card. And they are really checking and asking a lot of questions. Raf my mother was in the same boat as you, her citizenship papers were destroyed in hurrican Katrina in 05, she moved back here after losing everything and she just finally recieved hers about 6 months ago. The government dragged its heals looking for proof, but allowed her to work and gladly took her taxes. She couldnt even transfer her plates on her car. Good luck.
  24. Well now I am sitting here looking out the window and debating on weather I should build an ARK, man is it pouring and the wind has finally made an appearance. How is it around Quinte ?
  25. Wish we were going out today, its 22 degrees and not much wind. Oh well at least we are going fishing and thats what I love to do.
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