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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Wow! Musky on 40 feet of wire. It would feel like the fish had your hand/arms in its mouth.
  2. I'm not going to pretend I know all about immigration laws, but I'm sure it's easy/cheaper to hire local in-country people for some of these jobs.
  3. Thanks for the help guys. The back story is I bought a Magellan triton 1500 for half price ($200 from $400). It was the last one, so I figured I buy it, then find out about it. I haven't even taken it out of the box (and it's been killing me), because I was sure I was going to take it back. I'm now going to give it a try, but I'm keeping the receipt at the ready. I'll let you know how it goes.
  4. Nice goin'! What was the ice like? ... and do you need someone to help drill some holes the next time you're out?
  5. GCD didn't like the fact that the clocks changed. Saskatchewan doesn't bother with the charade of "changing " time. Maybe he would like it there. Nothing more. Enlightened. Nice try guys.
  6. There was/is an tv add for some outdoor paint ( I won't name it, because they don't deserve free advertising for being bozos) It's been running for years in Canada. The guy is sitting on the metal "deck" chair that needs to be painted with product X, fishing with spinning reel upside down. Year after year, after year. It's not just the model or actor its 25 people standing behind the camera or approving the add at head office. Ahhhh all better. Thank you.
  7. Some people only get a chance to make a big mistake once, some of us get a second, 3rd..... try to mess things up. Some people learn from their mistakes, some people learn from other's, some never learn, and some never get a chance to learn from their first one. Such is life. It's the family and friends that are left, that pay the biggest price.
  8. SHHHHHHH Terry! That's the secret portal to the best brook trout fishing in all of Innisfil. Man, now everyone will put their hut there.
  9. It's a bit of a crap shoot sometimes. Minor damage , even to gills, will heal. A fish's blood will clot in water, but major gill damage is most likely fatal. Some times you just go with your gut. If it was a Simcoe laker many of them are stocked as a put and take fish, and if your within your limit, there is no reason for you to feel as if you have to put everyone back. Nice job by the way, I didn't get any yesterday.
  10. Nice! Just remember to throttle that son of a gun back as you pass my canoe at Lakair.
  11. Sounds like you'd like Saskatchewan Dawg.
  12. I don't know if it's better to be alone and not get any. Or to be in a group and be the one not gettin' any.
  13. I had a few hours to myself today, and wanted to get out for what maybe my last trip on the ice until next winter. Rubber boots and cleats made the walk easy and dry. First spot: 95 feet, marked many fish, some interested, but no takers. Walk out a bit to 110 feet, one fish marked. Walk back in a ways, 100 feet, marked lots of fish, still no takers. It started to rain at about 1:40pm and after about 30 minutes of that I figured I'd go home and maybe score enough points that I can go back out on Sunday for half a day. 18 inches of solid ice , but it was movin' around a bit. I guess we'll see what this rain does, maybe it's time to break-out the long rods and waders.
  14. Nice one! It may not hold up for length, but gezze it sure was fat.
  15. I've got the all clear from my wife (she's taking the baby to see some of her friends) I'll be on my roof Wayne. You've got a tail hook right? Now where's my sunscreen?
  16. I'll say the same thing my wife tells me when I'm watching hockey: "You know they can't hear you, no matter how loud you yell?"
  17. I'm not a huge curling fan but the tournament of Hearts and the Brier get me going. Just the in me, I guess .
  18. Oh Oh! Pike is considered by many to be the gateway fish to musky. Nice fish, now you'll be chasing more inches.
  19. I had a feeling that someone was going to be wearing icing. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Anybody out on the ice today? If it doesn't rain, I may head out Saturday.
  21. I've done some searching here and on the net. Do the Magellan products still have their WAAS problems?
  22. Compare the size of the great lakes to the area of the drainage basin.
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