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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. I really don't understand anything that's going on other than I could go fishing on Saturday and not miss much here.
  2. http://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/ArticleDi....aspx?e=1504281 Honda further reduces production AUTOMOTIVE Posted By RAYMOND BOWE Posted 8:oo am Production was throttled back again yesterday for workers at the Honda plant in Alliston, following reductions already implemented in February. The Japanese automaker has announced 13 non-production days between May and July at its North American factories, reducing the number of vehicles manufactured this summer by about 62,000 units. "With Honda being one of the largest employers in the region ... it does have a ripple effect on the community and the general climate itself," New Tecumseth Mayor Mike MacEachern said last night. There was a sense of "unease" when the first rounds of cuts were announced in January, MacEachern said, "but you also have to recognize that this is not just our community. This is not localized to Alliston or New Tecumseth. This is a larger issue, and much broader than that. It's global." Honda Canada reduced production in February at the local factories as a temporary measure until sales rebound. Plant No. 2 was cut back from 800 units daily to 400, because plant officials said they didn't want inventory to back up. "In the current market, we had no choice but to take additional actions," plant spokesman Colin Fisher said, adding regardless of a person's title or job description, everyone from the top on down will be affected. Bonuses have been reduced or eliminated at all North American plants, Fisher said, and there will be no wage increases "in the foreseeable future." Pre-retirement buyout packages will also be offered to some employees. "Our approach to these reductions is to balance our business necessities without having negative impacts to our associates," Fisher said. The mayor said he was pleased that Honda is taking "a measured approach" in these difficult economic times, "but they are facing some real challenges. "We're optimistic we'll get through this and be that much stronger for it," he added. Continued After Advertisement Below Advertisement Several meetings were held throughout the day, yesterday, with about 4,600 local workers to announce the moves made to address the recession. The news includes six nonproduction days in May (including every Friday plus one Monday), two Fridays in June and an additional non-production week in July. "We do have a typical shutdown beginning in July," Fisher said, adding five of the 13 nonproduction days are included in that July week. Similar actions are also being undertaken at Honda's North American factories in Alabama and Ohio. "All of the Honda North American operations continually keep a close eye on the market. It's very volatile and quick to change," Fisher said, adding company officials remain confident about long-term prospects. The Japanese automaker employs more than 35,000 people at its factories in Canada, Mexico and the United States. The Honda plant in Alliston opened in 1986, with Honda becoming the first Japanese automaker to set up shop in Canada. A second plant opened in Alliston in 1998. MacEachern said the local government has also provided the company with water and user rate reductions in an effort to help the bottom line. "We try to assist them as much as we can, but we're a small form of government," he said.
  3. I wasn't there for that one, I think it was Glen, I missed the pm that day. Just shows that the CO's don't read the regs either.
  4. That's not the way the Ontario regs are written. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/198219.pdf Fourth page top right.
  5. Lots of teachers on the sunshine list. http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/publicati...isclosure/2009/
  6. Ya, the internet is great. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_tan_hoax Computer tan hoax refers to a trick website set up by skin cancer charity Skcin in 2009 to spread awareness about skin cancer through the Internet. The fake company was promoted by leaflets, street marketing and online ads, which directed users to the website where they were directed to download software. Launched on February 3, 2009 and originally planned to run for seven days, the site received more than 30,000 hits in the first 24 hours and over 1 million hits in the first two months.[1][2] The premise of the hoax is that software downloaded from the website recalibrates the user's computer monitor or mobile phone to produce ultraviolet rays, after promising to give the user a skin analysis. Described as a "revolutionary new online tanning service"[3] which promises an all-year tan, upon activating the 'five minute free tan trial', bars from a sunbed flash on the screen followed by the message "Don't be fooled, UV exposure can kill",[3] and then by images depicting the victims of sun damage. The advert was shown on 75 screens in 11 stations on the London Underground, where it was projected to be seen by up to 1.7 million commuters. It was also seeded online, where several bloggers joined in on the hoax. In response to the number of hits recieved by the website, a spokesperson for the charity described it as "... an astonishing response [which] has undoubtedly helped raise awareness of the dangers of skin cancer."[3] Skcin was set up in memory of Karen Clifford, a resident of Nottingham, England, who died of cancer in 2005.[1]
  7. Ya! For that kind of money you'd think they had invented the stuff?
  8. Wonder what the news will say tonight about things? http://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/ArticleDi....aspx?e=1502430 Honda, workers to meet Posted By RAYMOND BOWE Posted 10 hours ago Meetings are scheduled today with all employees at the Honda plant in Alliston, but what will be discussed is anyone's guess. "We do have regularly scheduled meetings with all associates," plant spokesman Colin Fisher said yesterday. "Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to talk about what will be discussed in those meetings." More details are expected this afternoon. Honda Canada reduced production last month at the local factory until sales rebound. Plant No. 2 was cut back from 800 units daily to 400, because plant officials said they didn't want inventory to back up. The move has been called temporary, and no timeline was announced for how long the reductions would stay in place. The Honda plant in Alliston opened in 1986, with Honda becoming the first Japanese automaker to set up shop in Canada. A second plant opened in Alliston in 1998. Some of Honda's competitors have also fallen on tough times during this recession. The federal and Ontario governments agreed yesterday to extend $4 billion in funding for Chrysler Canada and General Motors Canada, while also warning the companies and their union that time and patience is running out. The emergency loans include $3 billion to GM Canada and $1 billion to Chrysler Canada.
  9. I've already caught two line class records and have been slagged widely on the internet for irregularities in my photos.
  10. Fish will eat snakes. Snakes do swim. However from a practical stand point a snake lure may be less effective than many other options. My big question would be the placement of hooks on a 10-plus inch lure intended for fish that may be only 2-3lb, and hooking percentages.
  11. I hear ACME's sales are through the roof. Get in before the shares are over priced.
  12. I don't care what my wife thinks. I didn't nothin' to nothin'!
  13. Nice job, I'll send you the measurements for mine and you can write my a quote.
  14. Agreed. I didn't say who's kool-aid was being offered. Global warming can be argued to some degree, and is a term that is missed used by most. Climate change is real and can't be argued (at least not intelligently). The cause of climate change can and will be debated by many people smarter and with more knowledge than I.
  15. Boy, I bet "your" kids pull crap on you all the time... and get away with it. You might be right, I really doubt it, and we'll never know. But what the heck, the lakes will be thawed soon enough.
  16. I know I'd want Pete holding all of my fish for pictures.
  17. http://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/ArticleDi....aspx?e=1499593 Hunters at open house Posted By Posted 3 hours ago Moose hunters are encouraged to attend an open house in Barrie, Tuesday, to offer feedback on the province's moose tag draw system. The open house is being sponsored by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. It will take place at Victoria Village, 146 Toronto St. Presentations will take place from 4 p. m. to 7 p. m., followed by questions. Visit ontario.ca/natural-resources- news for information.
  18. I don't know what it is, and I don't know where it is. I said what it looked like, not what it was. Glad you know what it was.
  19. It looks like there is one angler, 6 rods fishing and 5 planer boards in the water. That is not legal on Lake Ontario on the Ontario side.
  20. My 1st Leaf game in 1981 with my dad was a series of firsts. Trip to T.O. from North Bay Subway ride Street car ride Golden Griddle right down the street from the Gardens pancakes for dinner NHL game Maple Leaf Gardens Man when those tv lights came on after the anthem I nearly crapped myself... The ice was so white, the uniforms so bright. Priceless... thanks dad.
  21. Maybe his 2 buddies are laying down in under the gunwales?
  22. Another option would be TTC. Park at Yorkdale mall-free. Ride the rocket right down to Union Station and it is a short walk to the HHoF and back to the ACC for the game. If you drive down there are a lot of underground lots in the area.
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