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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Sounds good. Tickets are $17 each for adults. You can save $2 per ticket online before Mar 9th. A man has to eat a lot of those sausage samples to make back $17 times 2!
  2. 16 is warm but it's the rain (that's in the forecast as well) that will melt the ice faster. It couldn't wait 2 more weekends?
  3. As my brother said when I first told him about goggle maps, satellite shots and that you could see cars parked in drive-ways: "Adulterers beware".
  4. Spring flyer has signature and elite series rods $80 & $70 off. I've never used one. You likey?
  5. 2 tvs. 2 computers. 1 new born. Not a problem in this house.
  6. I knocked a bunch of things off the honey do list (because I don't have internet access at work). May be I can go fishing this weekend?
  7. You're so good you can land on just one?
  8. I went outside... you know there are trees and stuff out there???
  9. Don't ever do that again! Maybe we should remember times like these when we start complaining about things around here. I'm sure there was lots of hard work put in. Thanks.
  10. So he's stupid and a lier. What a Punk!
  11. Nice Ling! Kind of a pain when they turn themselves into a question mark as your trying to get them through the hole.
  12. Had a chance to fish Nipissing with my cousin and his 6 year old son on Saturday afternoon. It was about -24C in the morning and got into the high teens by afternoon, but there wasn't a breath of wind and the sun was out, just about perfect for me. My cousin puts his shack in the same spot pretty much every year and does fairly well, although the fish do have to come to him. I use all his stuff except my tackle so its his way or not at all. There was 3 of us. Five set lines with 5 inch shiners, and me jigging everything I had, 27- 30 feet of water. We got out there about 2pm even though the fish "don't bite" until 5:30pm or so. (I told you the fish have to come to him). I never got a sniff on my jigging rod. One hole produced all the fish, 2 walleye in the slot and 2 nice sized perch. No pictures of the walleye because of the cold and wanting to get them right back down the hole, and the perch, are perch. Fish were caught between 5pm and 6pm. I also grabbed some of my uncle's photo albums, so I hope to have some "vintage" photos up in the next few weeks. Getting set-up. The line at the left of the shot had all the fish. My cousin's son and I. North Bay at night by snowmobile light. 15 or so kms away.
  13. I use it to extend the life of some plastic baits.
  14. No we are not free to say what we want. Them's the rules, top right of of the page. If we don't like it we can take a flying leap. If I were to refer to someone as a ____ it would be edited before I even posted it. I do my best (most times) to stay within the rules because I like this "place".
  15. I'll mention your name when I do. Maybe I can get a ride...the canoe might impact the aerodynamics a bit, and I'd really have to tie the son of a gun down. How many airsick bags do they carry?
  16. Always neat to see, maybe we can get them to do a fly-by at Lakair on the weekend. http://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/ArticleDi....aspx?e=1446713 Snowbirds to pay a visit to Simcoe County ENTERTAINMENT Posted By COURTNEY WHALEN, SUN MEDIA Posted 12 hours ago A couple of high flying guests will be dropping in on the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport this afternoon. Ahead of their June 24 show over Orillia, members of the Snowbirds aerial acrobatic team will be at the airport performing some pre-show scouting. "This is part of their pre-show protocol," said Ellen Cohen, board member with the Community Foundation of Orillia. She said two Snowbird team members will be landing one of the demonstration team's show jets around 2:30 p. m. this afternoon, but won't be venturing much further than the airport on this sojourn in to Simcoe County. Although today's stop isn't open to the public, Cohen said local media will be on hand along with several representatives from the Community Foundation. "Whenever the Snowbird pilots or planes land it really is exciting," Cohen said. Of the team, three are no strangers to the area. Captain Mark Laverdiere is an Orillia native, team co-ordinator captain Steve Thompson has family in the Brechin area and technical co-ordinator corporal Eric Beauchesne is from Bracebridge. "We've got three fairly local connections," said Wendy Timpano, interim executive director for the community foundation. Thompson is expected to be one of the team members to arrive today, she added. The main event, being organized by the Community Foundation of Orillia and area, will take place at 6 p. m. on June 24 when the show pilots take to the skies above Lake Couchiching for the team's display of aerial acrobatics. The entire team, consisting of the nine pilots, the necessary technical and support members will fly in on June 23. In addition to a reception being held that night, the foundation is working to arrange for the Snowbirds to do a number of public visits, said Timpano. Continued After Advertisement Below Advertisement Activities will also be taking place at Couchiching Beach Park leading up to the 6 p. m. show. Donations will be collected to cover the cost of hosting the Snowbirds team and to raise money for the foundation. "There are an incredible amount of details we have to pull together," Timpano said. "We're partnering with a number of people, and we've tried to pull in volunteers who are experts in their area." Those details range from getting the necessary air space restrictions to arranging for accommodations for the snowbirds during their stay. Timpano said the foundation is also working with the OPP to look at restricting boat traffic in the waters under the fly area. As the day approaches, more volunteers will be needed to make sure things run smoothly, she said. Despite all the work, hosting the Snowbirds is something the foundation is happy to do. Today's visit will officially start the countdown to the June 24 event. "It's a great opportunity for this town to really showcase itself," she said. "We are so excited. The board is really excited and our volunteers are excited."
  17. The Barrie tv news lead off with a report about the pressure cracks on Simcoe. They showed a car "sunk" up to the doors, not sure if it was the one from the newspaper article or a different one. It's as if this is a new phenomena.
  18. Have fun. Take the time to "play" with the features and try to learn from your photos. Some of the best tips I received for photographing kids: get down to their level, don't pose them, watch for a "moment" and be ready.
  19. Not a lot of tickets are bought by fans. Hard to argue with the prices being too high if they sell out. I spend my $$ else ware.
  20. Thanks for the responses (I think). Blip or down turn, only time will tell. My experience is that the walleye fishing on Nipissing has been getting better for the last 15 years.
  21. My walleye fishing on Nipissing (ice and soft) has been getting better over the last 15 years or so, although I haven't fished it this winter. Only time will tell if this is a blip or a down turn. Arctic char for bait???
  22. http://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/ArticleDi....aspx?e=1446712 ICE RESCUE Persistent problems with pressure cracks Posted By STAFF Posted 6 hours ago Emergency crews were called to Johnson's Beach early yesterday evening after a van became lodged on a pressure crack. Fire and emergency services Capt. Brent Wilson said the van, which had been driven across the lake on the ice from Line 6 of Innisfil, did not go under the ice at any time. The driver and two young passengers were uninjured and dry. Barrie firefighters returned them safely to shore. "There are so many pressure cracks out there and the snow can hide them. It's not a good idea to take a vehicle out there," Wilson said. "People should remember there is no insurance for their vehicle when they're on the ice." An incident on Saturday saw another van go through the ice of Cook's Bay. According to South Simcoe Police, a 20-year-old man had his mother's van out on the lake near Snake Island when it went into the water after hitting a pressure crack. Neither the driver or the passenger were injured-- they also didn't get wet -- but the van eventually became completely submerged. The Ministry of the Environment was advised of the incident. No charges were laid. Police are reminding the public that operating vehicles on any part of Lake Simcoe is not recommended. The ice is not safe in all areas and those who venture out onto the ice must be aware of pressure cracks and open water.
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