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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Nice! You'll be able to slalom really well behind that thing.
  2. My wife and I are bringing the little one down to London to see some friends next weekend. I wonder if I can sneak away for a few hours
  3. Sorry Big Cliff I can't leave this one alone... Is that "no stupidity clause" specific to you? How does ones insurance company deem a client worthy of such a clause? Is it one big dumb thing or is it a bunch of little ones? I wonder if that's in the small print on my own policy? That's all I got for now, glad you (or I) haven't needed it.
  4. I of course was referring to your ability to punch numbers on a calculator (and a keyboard) not counting to ten.
  5. The lower section that has a open season would be very high and likely have dangerous ice along the shore. I however have not seen it in the last few days, I'm just going from experience and living in near by.
  6. And that's why Dawg can still do rithmetic well.
  7. I'm going down to the fishing show either Sunday or Monday depending on reel fishing plans. I want to check-out some Live Target Lure "in the flesh" so to speak. See any?
  8. Action was slow, weather was good, that's fishin'. Great job Mau Here are some shots: Lots of cars in the parking lot and on the ice. MuskyBill and Glen Workin' the fire. They caught as many fish as I did. Great prizes, I think everybody got something. Can't hide him anywhere. Thanks gang!!!
  9. In the distant future yes/maybe. In the near future I doubt it, except for some small or seriously stressed lakes. But that is just one bozo's opinion.
  10. Hey Glen what colour will you have on? I'll be wearing mostly black (I know that may not help much) no radio, no portable hut, just looking down the hole and staring at the screen. I don't know if I'll be driving out on to the ice or not, but if I do I'll have the blue CRV.
  11. Was it just me? It didn't look like Terry was standing on the ice despite the fact that he said the ice was "fine". The ice will be great, weather conditions look to be great, the people will be great and the fish We shall see.
  12. Take lots of photos, and then try to learn from them. Practice. Practise. Practise. And ya, don't drop it down the hole ... or next to the dock.
  13. Don't feel sorry for BJ lo.....v.....e....r. .... never mind.
  14. Monday Feb 16 the History channel (here in Canada anyway) will have a M.A.S.H. marathon including the final episode. I'll be fishing or at the fishing show, but I'm going to tape a few at least. Enjoy.
  15. Great stuff Bernie. I was looking in the backgrounds to see if there was any of my family arguing that you were in their spot. You may want to let the whole board know... I'm not sure if many of them check here on a regular basis.
  16. I don't how many here are familiar with the Vinyl Café and Stuart's ability to tell a tale, but during his January 10th radio show he talks about meeting some people ice fishing on Simcoe. This link may get you close: http://www.cbc.ca/vinylcafe/shows.php?vShowID=1072 Here is the show's web site where you can find past episodes. http://www.cbc.ca/vinylcafe/home.php Again the show date was Jan 10, 2009.
  17. Man. No more drinkin' and surfin' for me.
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