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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Hopefully before they see the food bill.
  2. So how do we get Barrie on the map for next years tour? How's that for subtlety?
  3. They once "reported" about the results of a world championship triathlon that had happened 4 weeks before but was shown that day on another network.
  4. Local tv news said that there was a loose floating dock near Johnson's beach in Lake Simcoe.
  5. Globe and Mail Thought Du Jour: "The vast wasteland of TV is not interested in producing a better mousetrap but in producing a worse mouse." Laurence C. Coughlin
  6. Globel Electric Electronic Processing has a location in Barrie on John St. http://www.geepinc.com/index.php
  7. If it is really wet I open all the boxes and leave the tackle box and/or bags open and just run a fan over them for a day or two in the basement. If there is a lot of water I will use a old t-shirt or paper towels to get ride of some of the water before using the fan. Saltwater would be a little different, but that is not a problem here. We don't have any little one running around yet and the dog or my wife is rarely in the basement.
  8. http://www.nugget.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1525406 Water fears ease Posted By Dave Dale Posted 8:00pm Apr 15, 2009 Lake Nipissing was taking in as much water as it was losing Wednesday for the first time in almost two weeks, allowing dam operators a brief reprieve from a potential flood situation. Phil Hall, a Ministry of Natural Resources land and water specialist, said the inflows and outflows were finally “balanced” after a “good run of weather.” But Hall said the French River is at its flood limit with the bait shop at Wolsley Bay only a few centimetres away from wet floors. “The river was very high,” he said after returning from a field trip to see first-hand how Lake Nipissing’s outflow is affecting shoreline properties. He said the dams on the French River operated by Public Works Canada are allowing the near-maximum amount out of Lake Nipissing. The lake is still 60 centimetres higher than the optimal level for this time of year, he said, although it’s 5 cm below the summer operating level. “We’re three weeks ahead of where we like to be and the ice is still intact.” Hall is one of a couple dozen people who hold a teleconference call every week to get an idea where water levels are and what can be done about it. Federal, provincial and independent dam operators, as well as community represenatives and various agencies participate in the strategy sessions. A day-long rain followed by wet snow April 3 and 4 gave watershed managers something to worry about with the lake rising by more than 8 cm a day and dams spilling maximum volumes. Cold weather followed and tightened up the system, although Hall said one heavy rain storm could present challenges. Snow readings indicate there’s about 83 cm of saturated snow in the Ombabika Lake area, which feeds the Sturgeon River that provides 60% of the Lake Nipissing’s inflow. “They’re still in winter mode up there,” Hall said. Giving everyone room to breathe, he said, is the fact the temperature has been ideal for “sublimation,” the process of turning snow directly into gas that rises into the atmosphere instead of water running into creeks. “It’s been perfect melting conditions . . . it certainly helped us out.” The forecast for the next five days also offers reason for optimism, Hall said, and they hope to keep the French River “rolling” for another three weeks. [email protected]
  9. HEY!!!! Virginia twins! How the heck are ya? Isn't one plumma is just like anuda?
  10. Canada's population- over 33 million Ontario population- 11 plus million (someone else can look-up the exact #'s) That is pretty close to 1/3 or 33% of the people. That is a lot of tax dollars.... Have, or have not. A country, a company or a family is only as strong as it's poorest, laziest or weakest member.
  11. 2000lb payload??? Dawg your ain't nearly that big.
  12. Welcome, and you've asked the million dollar question, well a few thousand bucks at least. To start? Hooks, weights and some floats for the kids, and for you to. Jigs: various colours in 1/8, 1/4, 3/8 oz weights. Plastic bait bodies: grubs, worms, minnow (for the jigs, if you're not using bait on 'em). Spoons and spinners are old standbys because they work, and the won't brake the bank. Maybe a few minnow type body baits and a crankbait or two. I'd also want a few topwater baits because having a fish hit a surface lure is an amazing felling. This is only the begining...
  13. Must be nice to be able to still ice fish with longer daylight hours.
  14. If you're not trollin' deep or long with it, you can eliminate "round" baitcasters and just look at low-profile ones. You may want to consider a reel with a fippin' switch. It will allow you to let out more line by pushing down on the thumb bar (like just about every baitcaster) but the difference is when you lift your thumb off the bar the reel re-engages, normally you would have to use your other hand to turn the reel handle to re-engage the reel. Handy for trolling and drifting. tight lines
  15. Lone it to a bozo... who'll find every rock in the lake.
  16. I can't help much with the location, but I'll offer a suggestion. Try a trial run in the back yard on a nice warm and dry night. Lets you double check some of your gear and gives the little one a taste of the real deal, before you are hours from home. Good luck.
  17. I'd get it for that price, even if it isn't up to the job for musky. You can never have enough tackle.
  18. Ah Pig Pen. I haven't heard that name in years. Swans don't really dive at all, just "tip-up". Loons on the other hand can dive quite deep.
  19. I was involved with the Trumpeter swan program. We had the same problem. Sometimes it was acute lead piosoning...sometimes chronic.
  20. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I would rather say hi to Wanda... She'd be bigger.
  21. Anybody else have a vision of Dawg holding his breath? Or "freezing" in late June at Lakair?
  22. Lead is not good for us or the environment, period. Are the other options better? I don't know. Should we always be looking for ways to make things better? I think so. Are we arrogant to think we know all there is to know? Yes.
  23. Nice fish! I did not know that we had Blues in Ontario.
  24. Use Google satellite maps. Zoom in on Sutton and look to the east of the river mouth.
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