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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Well said Deano and The Bare. Fearmongering = taxpayers dollars. Just wondering how many of you guys that are jumping on the environment bandwagon have outboards over 100hp???? And how many of you will be downsizing to something smaller???
  2. Stick it the Man
  3. Deano, Mishu is very similar to Lily (also female Maltese/Shitsu)
  4. Hey Biteme, have you heard any of Geezer Butler's latest albums....pretty intense speed metal to say the least. Saw Sabbath w/Dio as well. Ten Years After were the opening act when they played Ottawa in the 80's.
  5. Carp: Agree 100% about Dio. But another wicked Black Sabbath album is "Born Again" with Ian Gillan doing the vocals. Sabbath only put out one album with Gillan but, for as far as vocals go, it's one of the finest examples. Gillan hits some insane notes. Oh and by the way, enjoy the show Joey (sorry for straying off topic).
  6. Rock N Roll AC/DC Garage Rock, Punk Rock, Alt Rock and Blues are all underated
  7. Hey....I heard that. I'll be attaching hooks to all your digits and casting you're pint size frame out like a magnum bulldawg this coming season.
  8. The boat and fishing shows always used to offer savings.....years ago. That was the big draw. You could get some really good deals. But over the years they became nothing more than a big cash grab. I've seen vendors actually raising prices for the shows. I haven't been to the show in Ottawa for years. Not like the old days. I don't like paying money to be advertized to, and that's what you're doing at one of theses shows.
  9. I get a kick of idiot drivers that think they're getting somewhere fast. I used to have this moron go flying past me every single morning on my 1 hour commute. Passing on double lines, approaching hills, even with oncoming traffic, etc. By the time I'd get to the city, there he would be, about 6 cars ahead of me at the traffic lights. One icy morning, as usual he passed me as if I was standing still. A few kilometers up the road, there he was, planted way down in the bottom of the ditch. We pulled over, and he yelled up from the ditch, "can you guys call for assistance". The guy I was with says, "No, you're right where you belong, people are a little bit safer". We jumped back in the car and took off, leaving him there. The kicker is....even after this incident, I would still see him every single morning, still flying down the road at breakneck speed.....all so he could get to the city 2 minutes faster. Some idiots just don't ever learn.
  10. Hi Murray, welcome aboard.
  11. I don't think GM gets it. Saw on the news last night how GM is concerned that Toyota will soon be bumping them out of the number one spot regarding the sales of North American internal combustion powered vehicles. To gain back lost ground GM is concentrating on better styling. Better styling???? Just my opinion, but they should forget trying to lure customers with pretty cars and useless electronic features and concentrate on quality. Frankly, their stuff is cheap junk. Whoever mentioned the $35.00 import air filter should replace a wheel bearing on a GM. I was quoted over $400 by GM just to purchase a wheel bearing....no installation. I had a local garage install an after-market wheel bearing for $280.00. (Still overpriced but a far cry from GM's price). The only reason domestic trucks are bigger sellers is because the imports are just breaking into the full-size truck market and don't have the selection of vehicles that the domestics provide. I personally have trouble believing that the gap between domestic and import quality has shrunk. The quality of GM products has certainly not been improved in the last 5 years. I guess when a company spends more per vehicle on pensions than on steel the quality has to go downhill. Good luck Steve if ya buy GM.....you're gonna need it.
  12. I would not reccommend GM to anyone. I have been a GM guy for as long as I can remember, but after the experience of owning a 2003 Buick Century, and trying to get them to honour their warranty, I will never buy from them again. Poorly designed vehicles, poor workmanship, and overpriced parts. Not to mention their warranties aren't worth the paper they're written on, so increasing the length of the warranty means only that you will be given the runaround for a longer period of time. Read the warranty VERY carefully. Their "bumper to bumper" warranty excludes just about everything. Here are some of the things you may have to contend with: -poorly designed HVAC system. To keep our windows clear in cold weather, you have to keep the defog on high for so long that the car becomes a sauna. Plus in the summer you can smell the musty A/C inside the car. GM's response: "this is normal, there's nothing we can do about it". -window rubber don't scrape the moisture off the windows, in fact they don't even touch the window. GM's response: "this is normal, if the rubbers touched the windows it would burn out the power window motors". I believe that too because the crappy power window motors barely work in cold weather as it is. -although the car seemed tight as a drum when test driven, it only took a few weeks driving (all on paved roads) before the dash started to squeak and rattle. GM's response: "this normal, all our dashboards are all press fit plastic these days, no more screws or fasteners, the squeaks and rattles will disappear as the plastic settles in". The squeaks and rattles have gotten worse. Oh yeah, "there's nothing they can do about it". -screeching brakes. After about 2 weeks driving the brakes on the car started squeaking and squealing so bad, my wife was (and still is) embarrased to drive the car. This is not a normal mettalic brake pad squeal. This is an extremely loud scraping noise. GM's response: "this is normal with metallic pads". But they attempted to eliminate the squeak by applying some kind of lubricant. The squeaking was eliminated.....until I got a few blocks from the dealership. They still sqeak and squeal to this day and "there is nothing" GM can do about it. -there are several other things that have been addressed by GM, like the rear tail lights, which filled up with water every time it rained, the sticking seat belt strap (got another one sticking now), intermittent buzzing of the fuel pump, wheel bearing to name a few. All this and the car still only has just a tick over 60,000km on it. At one point I contacted GM with a very cordial letter requesting that they honoured their warranty and was promised that they would contact the dealer and that they would take care of all my problems. But the dealer has done nothing but give us the runaround each time. I was going to sell the car after the first nine months, but these vehicles are so poorly built that after only 9 months our $25K car was only worth $12.5K. And GM used to be known for holding their value. I suppose I could spend the time pursuing things further, but the reason we bought a new vehicle was to have trouble free driving for a few years. Bringing the car to the dealer every other week is not what I call trouble free driving. We will buy Japanese in the future and I recommend that's what you do as well.
  13. No longer with MCI, will be joining OFAH in 2007.
  14. Man, looks like that smoked turkey leg wasn't gonna be around long, haha!!!
  15. Wow, that is just too cool. My wife makes quilts so I know how much work is involved in making one. You a lucky man
  16. Very nice touque Rich
  17. Best wishes From eddyk: Too funny
  18. Great stuff Nautifish....BUT............. Pleeeeeeaaaassssse No more Macarena!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. This year I want to catch my first St. Lawrence muskie. Got the Rideau and Ottawa River muskies figured out, but the Larry has been hard to crack. From Lew: Crazyhook....you got a new boat???? Details please.....
  20. Home Brew was on cable last night!!! Don't forget Harold Ramus "dialing for dollars. Catherine O'Hara of "Home Alone" also started out on SCTV
  21. The first fish I remember catching was a perch from the St. Lawrence River when I was 8 yrs. old (approx. 42 yrs. ago). However, the first years of my life were spent living on the shores of Lake Nipissing and I've been told we went fishing with my Dad several times back then. First fish I can remember seeing caught was a small tiger muskie caught by my Uncle thru the ice on the St. Lawrence River near Lancaster when I was about 6yrs. old.
  22. From Rick: Probably ther most accurate statement so far. From Guidofisherman: Well said. I don't put much stock in what David Suzuki says. He has made a living out of doom and gloom and his predictions simply have not happened. I saw an article once about 4yrs. ago listing about 20 of Suzukis most prominent predictions.....and none had come true. Not saying global warming does not exist, but.....like Guido said.....
  23. From Lew: Lew, bring eddyk too and we can get Jamie to show us all how to work a bulldawg. Richard, as usual, I have no clue what you're talking about. If you're talking about the fish I caught with Marc that was 51.5", the one in your pic was 47".
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