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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Hi, caught this grotesque looking beast while fishing on the Ottawa River.
  2. Well....already fished with Thorpe, so for a muskie guy, Lew is the next logical pick. But he's kinda far away so maybe I'll have to drag Crazyhook out for a day on the water in '07. Don't worry Crazy, I'll wave the guiding fees for the day.
  3. Wow, some nice loot there everyone. Our family typically does not spend a lot at X-mas, but this year we broke down and went nuts. My wife got a fancy Danome sewing machine for doing her quilting and I got this 16 channel Yamaha audio workstation, and a couple of mics. I can now do CD and broadcast quality recordings. Just have to learn how to use it now.....
  4. Swweeeetttt, thanks for posting some great pics.
  5. I've been running a successful business for 17 years now providing mechanical design drafting services to local industry and I truly enjoy it. The projects I work on always provide new challenges and no two jobs are the same. I have also done lots of home renovation plans and new home plans (architectural drafting), but I can no longer do that as the Ontario Gov't. has come out with new Building Code regulations that prevent me from being able to do those drawings, even tho' I have approx. 35 yrs. drafting experience. That is unless I want to spend 2K on Bull courses and then pay approx. 6K/yr for Bull insurance. Apparently the Gov't. does not feel I am qualified, yet a home owner with no experience in this field is allowed to provide their own drawings (doesn't this sound like typical government??) . Fortunately, the bulk of my work comes from industry and not residential.
  6. That's a decent pike you got there
  7. Is that a steeple I see in that pic???
  8. Keram, that's one of sweetest boat make-overs I've seen. I think I saw a whole photo album of your modifications on the old OFC board. Very nice work.
  9. Wow Carp.....I'm impressed (and I don't impress all that easy)
  10. Nice pics, love the one w/the tower.
  11. Oooouuuccchhhhh
  12. Bought this tri-hull 14'er in 1988 and just traded it in 2002. It came with a 20hp Mariner (never had one problem with the motor in 14yrs). First two pics show the original boat then with the rear deck I built. I had to make a steel bracket to mount the MinnKota and the Eagle 7200. Another before and after. 1995 pic of my better half at Bon Echo (Mazinaw Lake) At a Rideau River launch and stored for the winter.
  13. Here's a coupla muskie pics I have on file. Ahh it's a bit early, but, Merry X-mas everyone. Can anyone see anything festive about Crazyhook's muskie???
  14. Hey, awesome tune....and I thought Primus was the only band that had fishing songs!!!
  15. Maybe a blessing in disguise....now you own a place on the water
  16. Congrats Joey!!!
  17. IMO there is nothing lower than a thief. Hope they nail the guy.
  18. Go Bruins Go
  19. Wow, that coulda been a catastrophe. Best time to check is after you launch your boat and park. Makes it a lot easier to check it all over.
  20. Born in Cornwall, Ont. Lived in North Bay for 5 or 6 yrs. Moved to the booming metropolis of Chesterville (half hour south of Ottawa) around 65. Been in this area, known as "the land of milk and honey", ever since.
  21. Gilbert Godfrey was asked to name which of the world's animals had the largest eyes of all. His answer was "Marlon Brando at a buffet". Funny post!!!
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