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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. Now we need to ditch these 20 degree temps....
  2. The spray they use on the roads in winter is horrible for brakes
  3. You're opening a big can of worms with your comments. I know guys that have been fishing for 60years and their preferred method is bottom bouncing a big juicy night crawler. And you know what, they out fish everyone. So saying that one method is more professional while another is for novice fisherman, is pure Bull and highlights everything that is wrong about elitist attitudes. Anyone can chuck a spoon a have success, the roe baggers, worm bottom bouncers, fly fisherman, they are successful because they learn to read the river and place their presentation in a spot with the highest success rates, not randomly chuck a spoon and hope for the best I could say that my chosen method of fishing is more professional than all else, but it's not, we're all equal, we have a common goal. One method will outnshine others on a given day, and you are either forced to switched up, or face a skunk. That's the beauty of fishing.
  4. and this one just gave me goosebumps...... a legendary Canadian song covered by a legendary Canadian band.....Enjoy!
  5. while going through videos, i found this, an unreleased song, never recorded in studio, but sang at live shows. called montreal, commemorate the École Polytechnique massacre.
  6. Big shiny spoons
  7. Not often does a musician touch so many people. I think just about everyone can relate to at least one of their songs. I'm so glad I got to watch that final concert, rarely does a concert shut down a countrue A truely great lose to music, and to Canada
  8. Try bass pro, they should have surgical tubing in the float fishing department. Or these guys have it, http://www.fishheadscanada.net/drennan-float-tubing/ He's located in Oshawa, online store only though
  9. I was waiting for a barrel roll
  10. LOL good luck with that, we had fibe at our place in oshawa, when we moved to whitby, we moved into the one little block where it isn't available, im talking right in the middle of town, not out in the country, its available 10 doors to the west, 15 doors east, 15 doors south, and 2 backyards to the north. so bell put us on satellite, and the highest speed internet available at our place, a whopping 5mb/s download speed. it was fine for about 8 months, then I switched to rogers, called to cancel with bell, they offerered to lower my rates, and said that we were schedualed to get fibe in the area by the fall. i said no thanks, and made the switch. 2 years later, fibe is still not available at our place. just for sh!ts and giggles, i JUST checked availability on the bell site, still not available........
  11. You'll be up to 250 when the promotion runs out. I did the same deal when I switched from bell to rogers. Although they did upgrade me from the 60mbs to 100mbs and 320gb usage
  12. I know people that will sign up for the year long promotions, once that year is up, they switch to another company for another year, and do the same when that year is up
  13. For just tv from rogers I'm at $75 per month, hbo and movie network are like $25 a month each. I went with Netflix for movies and stuff, it's $11 a month That's all HD as well with a pvr. I've been going back and forth on deciding to go with an android box or not, my gf parents went with iptv for a month, and it was horrible, was probably just that the box was the cheapest on the market, but yea, bad
  14. Man, geography was my favourite subject in school, even considered taking it through college. Used to know all the European and Asian countries by shape and what countries they bordered.
  15. While the wildfires are horrible news, I think you have the wrong Ontario forums. This is Ontario in Canada, not Ontario in California
  16. It's official now, he has passed on
  17. he cant copywrite it because of the songs he used in the video
  18. All the more reason to get rid of dams.....this sucks
  19. Out in a lake is one thing, try a busy river or creek.......I've surprised more than one dog walker in the woods
  20. i heard about this, my best guess is, it was dumped off a boat
  21. Nope I wasn't fishing. I don't like my fish precooked. Too dam hot for me
  22. That's awesome, you brought her up right, That is a black tip shark, black tipped fins is how they get their name. Very powerful animals.
  23. Well, you do drive a dodge......moving heavy things might break it lol
  24. For a beginner setup, redington makes an all in one combo, around $160. Rod, reel, line, leader, and a couple flies to get you started. The rod is actually pretty decent, the reel will need to be upgraded when you feel ready For bass, a heavier weight rod, 7-8 wt is recommended just because of the flies you'd be throwing, highly wind resistent, so you need a strong rod with lots of power to throw it. My two rods are a 6 and an 8wt. My 6wt I would consider a mid level setup, my 8wt, well, let's not go there.....I haven't even told my gf the cost of that setup. I would recommend a 6 or 7wt rod setup for you. TFO, redington, echo all make nice entry level rods. For a reel, echo ion all the way, it's about $100, excellent drag, large arbor, and about the best bang for your buck at that price point.
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