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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. is it weird that i see flies????
  2. best thing to do, go to the store, try on a bunch, buy the ones that fit and feel the best
  3. google and surprisingly a realestate company has the info http://muskokarealestateservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Riley_Lake.pdf also check this site http://ontariofishtrips.com/content/view/122/65/
  4. simms freestone....best waders under 300, extremely confortable, great warranty, just wear a pair of long johns under your pants if you want to stay toasty
  5. haha yea, when my boss saw him, said he was running around with tongue and junk hanging out chasing the cows lol
  6. was this elk in lakefield? my boss went to bancroft moose hunting and said he saw a big elk chasing cows trying to breed them
  7. its illegal to sell wild game that you have harvested. unless you can prove that it came from a farm and was provincially or federally inspected, you can't do it
  8. you know its funny how a mild conversation about a police officer getting what he deserved gets locked but yet a heated discussion about roe harvesting or government spending remains open
  9. its the reason why i fly fish, worms dirt and fish slime is fine....roe goop....no thanks
  10. cause that would just make too much sense
  11. just like the idea of fishing two different baits to increase my chances
  12. if it makes you feel better, you don't have to use a bare hook, i tend to use a maggot/wax worm or small piece of nightcrawler
  13. google maps work.....
  14. it is a legal setup but discretion is on the CO, if they feel your bead is too high you could get a warning or fined for using an unbaited hook
  15. haha yea....thats the size of most peoples boats
  16. mine is good for up to 3/4 oz, its 9.6 ft, has a ton of whip to it, from whitby pier i can hit the break wall on the other side of the harbour entrance, about 50-70yrds providing the wind isn't blowing in my face. its a cheapy pinnacle vertex light action, but can handle a salmon with ease running 15lb braid with 10lb fluoro leader
  17. http://news.ca.msn.com/world/5-meter-sea-creature-found-off-california-coast-2
  18. generally speaking, trout have a narrow mouth, like 3-4 inches across, so running your bead 2 inches or more above the hook will put your hook outside the mouth
  19. check the regs, ganny open from the cn tracks to the lake only, you have about 200 yrds of river to fish, good luck
  20. basically its the same rig you'd use for pier casting for salmon, personally i use a 9-10ft rod, some people use up to 15ft, with a 4000 size spinning reel, 15lb braid, with 6-8lb test fluoro leader, and the terminal tackle you mentioned is correct, 1oz egg sinker with a nice fat roe bag at the end, cast it out as far as you can, put your rod in a holder, sit down in a lawn chair with a cold one and wait
  21. haha yea...i use superglue on mine
  22. beads on a fly rod??? why not an egg fly
  23. was down there today.....what a mess, and way too many people fishing. no construction while fish in the river....so that means it won't be done til next summer, since the steel are moving in now
  24. how do you know its a flossed hook up if its inside the mouth where the hook should be?, where in the mouth you hook the fish, depends a lot on how the fish takes your bait, the corner hook ups come because most times the fish takes the bait and turns, sometimes you'll up under the jaw as the fish swipes but misses, or in the snout on the upper lip, has happened a few time with me on the fly. so unless the hook in the outside of the mouth, its almost impossible to tell if its been flossed
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