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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. wowsa.......just goes to show that you really don't need to do much to catch fish
  2. Thats awesome. thanks so much
  3. Im not sure if any rods are needed, I don't think so, but I can check and see next time I talk to her. That would awesome! Thanks You are awesome!
  4. That would be a stretch for me to get there next week, only other way we could do that, is if there was a member out that way that would be willing to hold on to them until after Christmas. Just so busy putting in extra hours at work to get Christmas orders together, its about a 1hr 30min dive for me, assuming traffic is fine :s I could, they aren't needed until spring/early summer anyway. just getting this post up while people are putting gear away and thinking about they may or may not need anymore
  5. Not sure if this is the right place, but here goes. A friend of mine works with special needs kids, and takes them fishing for an hour a day, however, the reels they have available are very old, and the anti reverse is broken on them, so they spend over half the time untangling lines. So, I am collecting reels to donate to them, personally I have 2 reels that will be going. If any of you have any reels you no longer have a use for, that are collecting dust, in decent working order, and you like to donate them please let me know, I;ll be giving them to her parents to take up north to her. Im in the Ajax/Whitby/Oshawa area
  6. HAHA reminds me of a funny story. My bosses Nephew rode his horse to a Montanas Restaurant once for 2 reasons, 1: to avoid driving drunk, and 2: they have a hitching post in the front and he wanted to use it. The manager told him he couldn't, they got into an arguement, police were called, police told him to go home, so he did, and they followed him all the way back LOL
  7. Well, technically there IS a salary cap.....a soft one, but there is one, its around 145mil, if you go above that, you pay a luxary tax, Dodgers got hit for 47.5 million in luxary taxes for this season. from rumours i've heard, the board can't stand the rogers son in the board room, so they gave him the jays to 'play' with, they figure theres less risk with him running the jays then there is with him in the board room calling shots, lot less money to lose. This is the down side to having a major company owning a sports team vs a private ownership group. it turns into a side project or play toy. 7 years and 200+ million for Price?? no way, way too much for way too long, hes going to turning 31 next year, 7 years, he'll he 38, most starters last until 35-36 years old. you still want to have someone on the books for 60million+ for 2 years of retirement? if he was 26, 27 or 28, a 7 year contract makes sense. At his age, a 5 year contract makes sense, a 7 year is just asking for trouble for your teams future. The off season is far from over, there are more big name pitchers available.
  8. yep......can travel to so many other soft water fishing destinations in the off season with that kind of money
  9. Jays didn't even put an offer on the table......... Heres an interesting discussion though, Cleveland is looking to build outfield depth, Jays currently have 4 proven outfielders and at least 1 thats major league ready, trade 1 and someone else for Kluber?
  10. Nice truck! love the 150s. shortbox? Also, consider changing out the tires, the wranglers are ok, but not great. mine lasted 5 years, about 60,000km switched them out to a commercial grade tire, firestone transforce. couldn't be happier for gas mileage, $25 ~38L to gets me around 115-130km at city speeds with the 5.4L triton V8
  11. Seems kind of steep to me. http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/albertan-ticketed-for-texting-in-tim-hortons-drive-thru-1.2679849 An Alberta man who was issued a nearly $300 ticket for using his mobile phone while waiting in line at a Tim Hortons’ drive-thru says the police officer's actions were “heavy-handed.” A.J. Daoust says, after he replied to a text message while waiting for his coffee at a Beaumont, Alta., Tim Hortons last week, a police officer knocked on his window, asked him to pull over, and gave him a $287 ticket for distracted driving. "I said, 'In a drive-thru? Really?'" Daoust told CTV Edmonton. "He was definitely within his rights…but to me this is ridiculous. It's just kind of heavy-handed." The Alberta Highway Traffic Act restricts drivers from using a hand-held cell phone, texting or emailing while behind the wheel. The legislation applies to drivers on publicly and privately-owned property that drivers are permitted to use for the passage or parking of vehicles. Jeff Kasbrick, vice president of government and stakeholder relations at Alberta Motor Association, said it's up the discretion of the police officer when to issue a ticket. "There's the classic, that we see all the time, which is at a red light people will sometimes pull out their cell phones,"Kasbrick said. "That's considered a distraction." While Daoust acknowledges what he did, he says he may try to have the ticket fine reduced in court. "It's stupid," he said. "It didn't have to happen, but I guess that's how it goes."
  12. I would wear that
  13. its true......thats what I wear for now, i don't have a wool sweater, i find them way too warm personally, I do have a fleece one though. if it's 10 below or colder i have my winter coat on, not a wind breaker
  14. yea don't screw around with the cold, its unforgiving. I remember one spring where the water was so cold our feet were freezing after 30 minutes standing in the water, and it was only ankle deep, spent 20-30min, then 15 out to warm our feet, casting was much easier in the water, so we kept going back in. For layers, I wear a t-shirt under a hooded sweater, then a thick windbreaker when its cold, long johns, shorts, then track pant, and wool socks. I buy my waders a size larger than what I need to make room for layers. Hypothermia is no joke, don't test mother nature
  15. photobucket or dropbox
  16. personally i use my simms breathables all year round, just wear a pair of pants/longjohns under them, and nice thick wool sock. or go with 3 or 4 mm neoprene waders, and you could always go with a pair of thermacell insoles, CT has them for $139, wireless, rechargeable, waterproof. put them in the stocking of your waders
  17. who forgot to feed the hamsters?
  18. my needle sits like that too when i take my foot off the gas. but seriously, my f-150 sits around 1500-1600 rpm at 80km
  19. time for some big egg sinkers, toss em across their bow. had a guy this spring on the river let his line drift 100ft down to where i was fishing, after the 3rd time i waited, and then cast directly over his line, was going to reel it in and cut it off. i've never seen a float come in so quick lol
  20. they get nothing in return for him, he was a rental pitcher. have to be there a full year to get a comp pick
  21. the klingon soles are designed for your regular everyday slippery conditions, ie algae, slime, mud. the rubber ones are designed for ice gripping, whether it be ice fishing or standing on icy rocks
  22. Geez.....bunch of the sky is falling guys here. The budget is not decreasing, it looks like its going to be 140 mil or more if they can get the right pieces, they aren't stupid, the writting is on the wall, 2016 is their time. The trade rumours around Tulowitzki are just that, rumours, he has an activated no trade clause in his contract, it went active the day he was traded from the Rockies.
  23. pretty much par for the course, my daughter never did take a bottle, it will take some time, but just bear through it, your wife is on mat leave? tell her to sleep when the baby sleeps and not worry about the housework
  24. Sarnia Bay Marina, across the street from Stokes by the Bay, awesome restaurant btw, miss going there on friday/sat nights, take the front st cut off, head south, make a right on exmouth, make a left on harbour rd, launch is on the left great place to shore fish for salmon/steelhead as well
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