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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. you can always vote not to vote, those votes are counted as well
  2. exactly.....oh hey fox sports, you want nothing to do mlb during the season, but want exclusive broadcasting rights for the playoffs..........go f..k yourselves! honestly, buck and pat know more about these 2 teams than those fox announcers combined
  3. Have tried several different ad blockers from different places, and same result from all of them, me thinks there might be a sniffer line in the coding that detects ad blocking software, and does not allow the content to load also as a suggestion, maybe setup a donate button, and then one day in the future, this site can truely be ad free
  4. every other game is a 4pm or earlier start now
  5. a must watch. best promo video ive seen https://vid.me/eG6T
  6. nice fish......i think i know where you were though
  7. yet, when they're in texas in sunday, its an 8pm start
  8. a lot of people are crying foul with their tickets as well, they were assuming a night game, not an afternoon game on a weekday
  9. so the jays have the early games.....what the hell......a 330 or 430 start then a 1230 start.......
  10. Was going to say, Dianas has the best selection you can find, we send customers there when they're looking for fresh fish, and we're in Oshawa
  11. the water will go cloudy, and then clear up, this is when i was a rookie fish keeper, about 10 years ago, this is nearing the end of the water cycle, you can see the cloudyness of the water
  12. kenai river stays open in some areas as well
  13. this is the ultimate....i know a guy who trolled for salmon on lake o with his
  14. either way, the nitrogen cycle is still important for keeping any fish alive for long periods of time, tap water is full of chlorine and ammonia, which is toxic to fish, by letting the water cycle, you eventually build a bacteria base which eliminates ammonia, but then you have another toxic chemical, nitrite, finally you get the good bacteria which eliminates the nitrites and converts it to nitrate, which is non toxic to fish, if you don't do this, your minnows will die off a lot faster than whats considered normal
  15. First things first, get yourself an aquarium, you find them used for pretty cheap, get a filter, and a heater, kits are pretty cheap as well from a place like big al's. get it setup, put your water in, and then you'll have to cycle your tank, which basically means you need to get rid of the bad stuff, and replace it with the good stuff, otherwise anything you put in there, will die within 2 weeks. Cycling your tank will take anywhere from 10 days to a month, your water will turn really cloudy, then clear up, thats when its safe to keep fish long term
  16. I dunno, that Babe Ruth thing in Boston was pretty surreal
  17. can be a distraction if you lose your load on the highway.......
  18. 3 out of 5, got the ace on the bump thursday, not sure who will be throwing for texas yet
  19. 2 of those games you can discount due to them not playing any regulars, the third just down to bad luck in the 9th and the 4th, todays game, a poor decision to start beuhrle to try and get him to 200, 9 runs in the 1st innings, thats not mark at his normal rest
  20. TV dives........do you even watch baseball??? a tv dive is when the catches ball and then dives to make it look good. Pillar, he never gives up on a ball, and runs it down full speed all the time.
  21. 2/3 of the earth is covered by water, the other 1/3 is covered by pillar if he doesn't win a gold glove this year, no one should win one!
  22. Keep believing that, there are a lot of steelhead that winter over in the creeks that run with the salmon, and shortly after, they don't don't spawn, they sit in the creeks until spring, its why you get some really dark coloured steelhead in the spring, the numbers at the ladders and from the mnr are more than enough proof for me, the evidence of fall run browns and steelhead is there, in fact, I caught a fall run steelhead on Sunday morning, sitting in the back of the pool full of salmon gulping down eggs, the smart anglers know this, the uneducated do not
  23. should be able to find the wire match in the owners manual, or online
  24. if you want to ruin the river completely, if by other rivers, you mean the credit, yea, we see how well that works out, only 500-1000 steelhead get lifted over the dams. Also, if you want to sit there for the next 4 years trying to pick out the steelhead and browns and atlantics that run with the chinooks from the pool of thousands below the dam, go right ahead. The salmon are just as important to the ecosystem as any other fish, not to mention the great money maker and job creator they are, jobs meaning fishing charters, and annual salmon derby
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