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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. They may be excited for the traditional holidays, but its not the actual holiday thats the problem, its all the background stuff, all the religion behind our traditional holidays that are the issue. Christmas and Easter being the most religious of all of them. They want the traditional turkey dinners and the festivities. and no, its not just one part of the world thats causing this issue, but they are big part of it. I remember when I was in elementary school, we had a person in our class who would step out of the class while the National Anthem was playing, because it was against their beliefs. Multiculturism is great, its when those cultures start changing things to suit them. heres another one, my g/f is a daycare worker, they can't put up pictures of Santa Clause due to the beliefs of a few
  2. did i say the new refugees are doing this, no. open your eyes and take a good look around you. Can;t have nativity scenes, might offend a certain group. can;t say merry christmas, might offend a certain group, can;t have halloween in schools any more, might offend a certain group. can't hang flags in windows, might offend people. we're so worried about offending immigrants, that we are completely changing our ways to accommodate them, instead of them adapting to our ways. we should be taking lead from Australia, you came here, we didn't ask for you to come here, you need to adapt to our ways, we will not change for you
  3. so if not the homeless, then how about more help for seniors, or those that don't get the benefit of a union pension, and have to rely on CPP Canada is losing its identity as a nation, hell, we can't take a piss without offending some religion or another, can;t fly a flag cause it will offend someone, we can't have Halloween in schools anymore cause it offends someone, its black and orange day, Christmas is slowly by the wayside as well cause it offends a certain group of people. People leave their country to have a better life here, but then try to make this country like the one they just left, and our government is just accepting it
  4. Don't forget about the attack in Ottawa, how quickly things can change
  5. so enlighten us, why is it we're spending all this time, money and resources to make sure that non canadians have, a place to live, warm clothing, and a job. meanwhile we have how many tens of thousands of homeless canadians that can't make ends meet? Why can't we take care of our own people like we take care of non canadians and refugees? Thats right, its because canadians aren't the minority, and minority makes the government look good. Im all for helping others, but we need to make sure that everyone is being helped the same way.
  6. Yellowknife was only -14 yesterday, its Canadas historically coldest city. -41 though, no thanks, my truck barely wanted to start up in it, I do know people that did go ice fishing yesterday, friggin nutty people
  7. down in Florida, you're at risk of losing your house to squater if you're gone for a week
  8. Kings deeds are fun aren't they. Theres a property I fish where the owner has a Kings deed that includes the river bed.
  9. ouch.........
  10. its bull. the worst that can happen to you from authorities is you get a trespassing fine. This sign is a scare tactic.
  11. the Peel Smart Remote is fun to play with, not sure if the m8 has it, but its a all in one remote for everything. pretty funny to watch people wonder how their tv got turned off or why the volume keeps up or down lol
  12. i've got the HTC one M9 phone, amazing, love the features, the high def camera rocks, its 20mp and takes video in 4k resolution. has dolby digital sound with true stereo speakers. and they've made it very very easy to transfer everything from your old phone on to your HTC phone via the HTC transfer tool in the settings
  13. im not sure where the fish was caught, whether is was in russia or NA, hard to tell with people speaking both Russian, and perfect English
  14. stay away from those site. a good one is malwarebytes. you get the full version for a bit, but then get the trial version which only missing a couple of features like the web browsing security from the full version. just have to open it up every couple of weeks, update the database and run and full scan, will get rid of any malware quick and easy
  15. https://www.facebook.com/fishing.vidz/videos/759586980841620/?pnref=story
  16. GHOSTBUSTERS......sorry, I had to
  17. Nice. There's all kinds of these little stories from different players around the leagues. A lot of them are very selfless and are happy to spread kindness, others, not so much.
  18. I have an HTC phone, it has a built flashlight feature, that is not an app.
  19. theres been more contact and stick checking in this last game then there has been in the last 5 combined
  20. why not dead mouse or daft punk
  21. This league is quickly becoming a joke. First the John Scott debacle, now Toews and Ovechkin are suspended for being unable to play due to an illness and an injury. http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/eye-on-hockey/25465009/alex-ovechkin-jonathan-toews-suspended-1-game-for-missing-all-star-game
  22. Using Internet Exploder is never a good thing. google chrome is a much better browser
  23. pretty sure each company has their own design and chipset, they license the rendering engines from nvidia or amd
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