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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. forgot height then you just have to remember BEDMAS rules for multiplying it out (Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction)
  2. heres the answer direct from Microsoft: Windows 10 because 7 8 9. no joke http://betanews.com/2015/05/08/microsoft-jokingly-reveals-what-happened-to-windows-9/
  3. how do you find the volume of a cylinder, its 5th grade math come back to haunt you! V=πr2h
  4. i've got a custom built tower PC that i put together myself, the initial output of components at that time was surprising, as it was my first build, 5 years later, still going strong, only thing i've done is add a sound card, and considering switching to an SSD for faster load times
  5. if you're talking processors, then yes, you are correct, however, video cards, sound cards, motherboards, RAM, harddrives, all have numerous brands different computer builders will use cheaper components to keep the end cost down. for instance, components made by gigabite are a lot cheaper than components made by say NVidia, or Corsair. for example, NVidias top of the line video card, is running around $1500 just for the card, you still need the rest of the guts to make it work
  6. usually any metal fabrication shop can make them for you, theres a metal supply shop here in Whitby that will custom cut and weld for you. i had a set of gimbal mounts made for my dad there for under $60 out of material a lot heavier and stronger than you find in store. Name is Metals Plus. http://www.metalsplus.ca/services.html
  7. naw, NWT is generally more expensive for everything, just cause of the cost of shipping up there. so it'd be under a buck a litre. down in the US its around $1.70 /gallon
  8. If you can't find the humour in everything, life and death, then I feel sorry for you. The fact that this guy basically told the PM to take his canned speech and shove it and then proceed to just hang up on him, and then go public with it, IS funny.
  9. I'll clarify that the events that led to this are not funny whatsoever. http://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/husband-of-terrorism-victim-hangs-up-on-trudeau/ar-BBoxjd6?li=AAggFp5
  10. hopefully with the new town bylaws, a lot of that over fishing there will disappear
  11. more accurate than a handgun at 30yrds+ from what i've heard, the ones they got are no more powerful than like a 223
  12. Chessy is one of the main people that run the ladder, he loves that river more than anyone I'd trust when he says the Old Farts And Hypocrits (OFAH) will not run the ladder
  13. Garnet, I believe you are confusing weighted flies for flash materials, as weighted flies, either with beads, dumbell eyes, lead wraps or sinkers are illegal
  14. please show me the regulations where it stats that. btw this is a display as the more popular flies on the Miramichi River, on the east coast, take note at the number of flies that use tinsel on the body and the crystal flash used in others. http://www.flyfishingatlanticsalmon.com/flies.html
  15. hes in the NHL because he's 6'8 and can throw a punch on skates, in 8 seasons he has 5 goals 6 assists, there is no skill there
  16. a friend of mine broke his 2wt sage, had to wait 6 weeks for the repair......he was not happy
  17. you're trying to compare 2 completely different river systems, that both have different dynamics in fish reproduction, on the Ganny, the fish can freely pass through a majority of the main river, with only having to pass through a fish ladder. the credit has major barriers that prevent fish from reaching prime spawning grounds on their own.
  18. WTH are you talking about? if i want to make a fly out nothing but a hook, tinsel and crystal flash, there is nothing stopping me
  19. depends on what version of windows you have/had, the version i had did not support dvd playback, i had to search for a 3rd party player to watch any dvds on my laptop
  20. This is a smoke and mirrors kind of thing, in order to get funding for a river, it needs to be part of the Atlantic salmon program, so in essence, by the MNR including the Ganny in the program, they are opening the door to funding for, new fish counter, better monitoring and enforcement, cameras and whatnot. theres a pretty good discussion going on facebook in the Ganaraska River Wild Steelhead Association group
  21. Thats how it used to be, in the years of the original 6, now its just a meaningless game of shiney and it sucks, haven't watched a game since owen nolan called his call
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