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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. theres still time for a comeback...........maybe...........they've only scored more than 10 runs in a game once this year........its over.....
  2. pillar was out there as well looking for some heads. the calmer players took care of it though. beltre was the first in there to get things calmed down
  3. odor for sure, fines for donaldson, pillar and gibbons, probably fines and suspensions for the rangers coaching staff as well. and bush will be fined/suspended
  4. and the ONLY thing illegal about it was that he didn't make an attempt to maintain contact with the bag, i mean he slide straight into the bag and over it then popped up on the other side
  5. perfectly legal slide for the last 100 years. nothing wrong with it. take a closer look at the replay, odor actually tried to throw the ball at Jose. want to see how dirty odor is? watch the video here http://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2015/10/3/9446765/rangers-angels-odor-slide-disgusting that was just last year. all jose did was slide hard between odors legs. he could of just run right through him if he wanted to
  6. umps didn't feel the pitch was intentional? what the hell have they been watching? 97mph fastball to the ribs of the guy who your whole team is angry at, and its not intentional..........
  7. algonquin brookies for sure.
  8. was she trying to go to the cheech? she missed the road by a good 20ft. article says it was foggy
  9. i would say anything where you the possibility to learn something new, and with those kind of perks, take it. you never know when those opprotunities will come up again. the more you know how to do, the better you set yourself up for the future.
  10. thats when you see a big musky come cruising through with mouth open lol
  11. nice!!!!!!!!! im jealous!
  12. jays are slowly coming to life! it was nearly impossible for them to be that bad given career numbers for everyone
  13. its only if you're using the Aplitex Earth skin that there is no signature line funny how this thread went from being about a chemical spill in the grand to whether or not someone can see a line in the post lol
  14. KITCHENER — A complicated cleanup effort is underway after a significant spill of petroleum into the Grand River Friday in Kitchener. City officials got a call from the Ministry of the Environment late Friday afternoon after a resident called the Spills Action Centre to report a sheen on the water near Forwell Road. Scott Berry, interim associate director of operations, said the contaminant hasn't been confirmed but it is believed to be some type of petroleum product. "I would say it's a significant quantity of material, of contaminant just based on what we're seeing on site," he said. At least 250 metres of the northern shore of the Grand are affected, officials say. The substance is believed to have come from a storm sewer but officials don't yet know where it originated or if the source is still active. "Obviously, you want to find out, did somebody intentionally dump something into the system or … if it's happening without anybody knowing that it's happening, then that's something you want to get a handle on as quickly as possible, as well," Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic said. The city is working with the ministry to clean up and investigate the leak, a process that will continue through the week. Booms have been installed that will absorb the substance from the water's surface. The storm sewer also has to be remediated. Cleaning up the shoreline will be the most intensive work, Berry said. The water has receded and the shore must be dug up to remove contaminated soil. That starts Monday. About 20 per cent of the local drinking water supply comes from the Grand River. There is no impact on residents right now, Berry said. There has been no confirmed impact on wildlife, either. "We've been looking," he said. "We haven't seen any aquatic life. "Will it impact it? I think any material will impact to some degree. What that impact is I don't think we can say at this point." While the Grand River Conservation Authority and downstream municipalities were notified when the city learned of the spill, there was no information released to the public until Saturday morning. Berry said it took that long to get the facts confirmed. "It was just getting the information from the site," he said. "Also, we wanted to make sure that whatever is released was accurate — and a lot of information wasn't confirmed until this morning when we had more light to deal with it." City and ministry officials remain on site. "Our goal is to find the source and to deal with those involved and make sure that it isn't repeated," Berry said. "That's the bottom line. "That's our priority." Vrbanovic said this is a reminder to residents about caring for the water system "The amount we're talking about clearly isn't somebody dumping something from their home or anything but it's also a good reminder to remind people not to dump any contaminants … down their storm sewer because it ends up back in the river," he said. Anyone with information related to the incident can contact Kitchener's corporate contact centre at 519-741-2345.
  15. also, this. Would you help your uncle jack off the horse. or would you help your Uncle Jack, off the horse
  16. oh the irony......... (thread title)
  17. why do people want to fight large crowds of people who don't give a crap about the river or land they fish on, is beyond me, its a lot more than his property btw. there is a limited number of people allowed on the membership. in fact, if you walked the river on the included properties, I would be shocked if you came out with a grocery bag full of garbage. i have fished these properties MANY times, and the level of respect from everyone you encounter is amazing, people even reel in their lines and wait for you to land your fish before resuming, and they won't take your spot if you have to follow a fish up or down.....looganism......far from it.
  18. this is where the NWPA fails, there is no real definitive answer
  19. and this is why we are losing access to fishing spots, ZERO RESPECT FOR PRIVATE PROPERTY
  20. they're within their rights as long as they do not leave their boats, soon as they leave their boats, they are on his land. the township knows he has a kings deed, he wants to put his property up for sale, the township wants him to segregate it and use the river as the dividing line. kings deeds are old deeds, and rare ones. he uses his dogs for intimidation only, hes an old man, not able to take on a young punk who thinks they can trespass on his land
  21. same thing on the ganny, they put trash cans out for people, and people still can't be bothered, people walk across their freshly plowed and seeded fields, and just disgrace their property, if you can take it in with you, you can take it out with you.
  22. no he does not! his new dog is big too, he just bought him last year, said it was one of the only dogs that scared him
  23. same thing is happening on the ganny, 3 farmers posted their land this year. was on some private grounds as a guest of a member, and got to watch a couple of trespassers get introduced to the land owners fully trained schitzun king sheppard! they came down in kayaks as a way of getting around the private property, about half way through, they decided to leave their kayak and and stand in the river. land owner has a kings deed which says he owns the river bed.
  24. the knuckleball requires a lot of 'feel' on the ball, in colder weather, the fingers get cold. for a pitch thats thrown with your finger tips, its not a good thing
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