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Everything posted by Shloim

  1. I am a bit ahead of you as I got my first boat last year. The best advice I can give you is to take it all very slow. Go with an experienced friend if possible the first time so you can get some pointers and focus on what you are doing. I went from being nervous as heck to launching and loading solo with relative ease. Also avoid busy launches if possible as all those nice folks that wave on the water aren't nearly as nice at the launch ...
  2. I'm allergic and hate the buggers but love the woods. Reactin in your system, start a day early and I use both a bug jacket and spray to avoid getting eaten. Works!
  3. Ok so it looks like plan "B". Damn I wish I had a plan "B"! Thanks people
  4. This is right up my Alley! My parents have had a beam for 20+ years and they've been awesome. However we bought a hoover at Costco that came with all sorts of goodies, it lasted 4 years and I believe we are responsible for it dying. However with that being said we returned it without question after 39 months and got another. Hard to beat that...
  5. Ok, so I've decided to take a day next week and possibly take my kids ice fishing. I'm assuming there will still be safe ice available. Simcoe is closest so I'm looking for a point of entry that's easy and not too far of a walk that will produce. I know its a tall list but necessary for me to keep certain kids interested, otherwise it might be torturous... I'm open for suggestions and we are not picky about what we catch... Thoughts and suggestions folks? Thanks in advance!
  6. So since we've well established ourselves as a bunch of old folks or hippies if you please? , who is going to see The Grateful Dead in Chicago this summer? My wife and I have tickets for all 3 nights and managed to get ourselves seats on a plane that was fully chartered by Toronto dead heads... Some friends are friends with a pilot at Porter, therefore the hook up. Then to top it off about 75 of us are staying in the same hotel. Oh, it will be messy...Nobody else going ?
  7. Hi, I'm a master electrician/ builder. I've built several houses from scratch and have never seen one used on a site. Floor screws yes but never drywall screws. The pros will start with nails to hold sheets in place then go around and screw it all. There are magnetic tips (dimplers) that work great. if you don't do it every day? why invest in a tool that's going to sit more than not? And believe me I love buying new tools almost as much as buying fishing stuff! Dewalt make quality tips for that purpose. I've seen a lot of generals that do it but not every day line up the sheet quickly mark the studs jab nails into the marks. Then pop it in, hit a few nails and move on leaving it for the screw guy.,. Hope that helps! PS They use special "blue" nails.
  8. Why do these shows make me feel like I'm paying to get in to a BPS store?
  9. Oops I realize it's only one. Weedless jig then
  10. 1/4 ounce jig head weedless northland or reg with gamagatsu and a 4" gulp minnow! Catches fish !
  11. Hi I was thinking Id save some time and order some stuff from BPS online. But once id factored in exchange and read the small print on the shipping. It was no deal at all... Anyone find out the same? The one thing I wanted was an auto inflating life jacket/ vest and if I cant get to the store ill either pay full price or do without it until the next sale. On line it was $79.99 + 27.99 Shipping and then the exchange. It worked out to be more expensive than just buying it in store at the regular price.Thats crap IMO! Sheldon
  12. Deka has always been good to me. I have 3 on my boat right now!
  13. I heard steve's on simcoe
  14. For the most part its a digital signal it either gets there or it doesnt. Analog was different there was a difference with how much signal etc. came through
  15. That is so true. The industry killed that job. In his final working years around the time DVD players were getting popular, the manufacturers closed their parts departments to the general trade. You had to be a dealer to get parts and stuff was expensive. A 27" TV that you couldnt give away today was over $1000...
  16. Such a good time! It was indeed a great party...
  17. Well, I went to a lesbian birthday/ New Years party and it rocked! We were kid free and completely took advantage! It was a fun time, those people are for the most part so nice and sure know how to party!!! Didnt get home until 3!
  18. Also keep in mind that the HD content must be purchased for extra $ usually and most fishing shows are low res....need I say more? also the truth is most TV's will look pretty good once ya get them home, especially compared to the one being replaced.
  19. I can just barely remember my parents TV antenna, then the 13 channels on the dial and then finally a corded converter, complete with wood grain and all. My dad was in the TV biz and we got a lot of toys early now my son reaps the benefits of this obsession that's in my blood... Im embarrassed to list the electronics this kid has. Anyway, as the TV repair man's son. Here's what I recommend. Always buy the middle of the road! It was yesterdays top of the line set, they've worked the bugs out if there was any, and your brand new fancy TV will be the middle one sooner than you think. We've always done that and its worked for us every time! Unless money is no object then buy the best because why not?
  20. I really cant believe people still drink and drive??? what the hell? Has anyone in the city tried UBER? We did on NYE and it was awesome until the way home (our own fault). After a few drinks, we clicked the wrong button and got a "black car". It was a nice ride but a $35 ride turned into and $80 ride in the fancier car...The original car was from UberX and was a spotless Volkswagen sedan. I feel sorry for the cab drivers,this service is just far too good. You can even track the car as it is enroute to you and read reviews on the driver etc...
  21. Ya know, I respect everyone and as I said before, I'm the product of immigrant parents so, very tolerant to all people. I am most certain that in 2014 whichever god anyone is praying to would certainly understand if they didn't pollute! Why are there not some biodegradable versions? Happy new year everyone!
  22. Theres a guy on the show" mountain men" that wears those white boots. So they must be solid boots. I have a pair of sorel skagway boots that I bought for work they are green patch but, they've been awesome and never let me down. They are even too warm for me many days....
  23. This is an odd one. A couple of years ago while on lake Wilcox I found a whole bunch of Indian/ Hindu type plastic deities. They looked newer so my son and I fished them out and disposed of them. Im guessing they were part of some ritual. Ritual or not they were pollution in my books, and have no business in a lake! After that we started what would become a tradition for us and remove a piece of garbage every time we go out. Well almost every time.....
  24. Much thanks and wishes for a happy and healthy, fish filled 2015 to all!
  25. Back in the day my dad used to take us to the gardens and you could get ting side seats from the box office the night of . It was maple leaf wrestling and Billy Red Lyons wrestled in the first match every time. Mr Fuji was still wrestling too
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