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Everything posted by Shloim

  1. Guys don't get me wrong I'm not a permission type of guy and nor is it required. However I as most of us do, have responsibilities. She does 200x more around the house and for the kids etc. A lot of it is my own guilt as I leave her with both kids all the time. So I'm going to call it a stroke of genius some may call it desperation, but I figured it out. I asked my zone if he'd want to go if we brought one of his buddies and he went for it. So it's on! fishing the Trent around big chute and likely a staying the night Saturday at a friends cabin/ cottage (rustic and under construction like everything I've got). Some great replies though as I've come to expect from the fine folks here....
  2. Happy new year to all celebrating....
  3. Know how it feels, only on Balsam, and I should have known....
  4. The problem is she's awesome and has let me fish my ass off. Then I saw the weather forcast for the week....and well the son doesn't want to go. Hes more into playing video games and chilling.
  5. I have a very understanding wife and shes let me fish my face off the past summer. We/I even got a boat. I had a fishing/work weekend last weekend but the weather sucked. This once should be great weather but I am having alot of guilt about going. Tried to convince my son to go as my daughter has a sleep over and he threw me under the bus....Suggestions? I can force him and hed thank me after, but Im not sure the wife would back me on that
  6. Trent Severn area around Gloucester pool, many species, often no trophies but all day non stop action!
  7. Iron maker go for it ! You deserve it, and happy 60th BTW! If it will help and you wouldn't be insulted id be glad to make a birthday contribution, after all the help you've given me it'd be my pleasure and I'm sure I'm not the only one!
  8. Better you didn't catch them. I heard of a guy that tried to surprise a burglar and wound up getting the crap beaten out of himself over a crappy bicycle from his garage. Cheaper to replace said items and hope the karma police catch up with them. They often do....
  9. Yep sadly
  10. I have a friend who lives there, he's not a fisherman but I can ask if you like? He lives in Vernon 30 min away...
  11. it was a toonie size chip out of the bullet with the back half of my skeg that split vertically. It needed to be fixed as the hole/ circle where the prop comes out was compromised and the bearing was partially exposed. I was worried it would stretch and get looser. damaging all the gears inside if it ever leaked and stranded me. I also did it under the advice of my insurance broker (and long time boater) buddy. The boat and motor are otherwise pristine....
  12. So the deal is/was the lower unit was being replaced. Any parts needed were trash anyway. Prop was bent a bit but the shaft was ok, spun straight. I'm a trades person that raced go carts for years so I'm pretty mechanically inclined.... Anyway since my previous post it's worked out for the better and I should have it for the weekend. I also found out that I have loss of use coverage do I can rent worse come to worse.... But as I said I've been promised it for the weekend with a new entire lower unit so wish me luck
  13. Hi folks I can always count on you people for dome good advice in this dept anyway. So, I smacked my lower unit and chipped the case, and bent the prop. The boat was running fine not a drop of oil leaked it was at the very back where the prop comes out of the bullet. So I've made an insurance claim and dropped the boat off to be repaired. I gave the reputable repair person explicit instructions to "NOT" take it apart until he had the parts in his hands as it was running. Well , he didn't listen and it's now turned into a parts cluster fuq. (I've missed 2 weekends already). I made it very clear yesterday that I am expecting it back with my old case reassembled for this weekend. The missing parts from BRP are expected mid September allegedly .... Please advise what are my options?
  14. I smoked a pack a day and although I wanted to quit, didn't even try. Finally on March 6/13 I took a seven hour seminar and have not smoked since! It's the Alan car stop smoking seminar. Worked for me!
  15. Oh I know all about the rocks, did about $3k worth of damage yo my lower unit on balsam, luckily the boat ran after and we finished our week with a boat. That's why I brought it up...Don't even go past the north end of the big Island. There's a guy Hank from the states on here (nicest guy ever) who shared some tips, give me your email and Ill forward his awesome maps.
  16. Hes right on the money! I just spent a week there, watch out for the rocks on the north end there are 2 scholes that will get you if not careful. Try this map for fishing and just be very careful north of grand islandhttps://www.google.ca/search?q=balsam+lake+fishing+map&client=firefox-a&hs=9Ji&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&tbm=isch&imgil=GFxC2l5ibKRpQM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcS8akXBPTF25_mPB1X-BDFd37ey2wNFZiX5bfsGzNdSPC7NS1aK%253B400%253B327%253BLLQ6-UsZ4Pq8rM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.mnr.gov.on.ca%25252Fen%25252FBusiness%25252FLetsFish%25252F2ColumnSubPage%25252FSTDPROD_081309.html&source=iu&usg=__UqJnizUIZDN9rPmVZfZkJLcPScc%3D&sa=X&ei=YbDZU86CFM2fyATa4YLAAQ&ved=0CCYQ9QEwAw&biw=911&bih=383#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=BU8wDeZ2KrL4hM%253A%3BirIlde_eHF5dRM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.kawarthalife.com%252Fimages%252F10201%252Fbalsam-lake.gif%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.kawarthalife.com%252Fhttp%252F%252Fwww.Kawarthalife.com%252Ffishing%3B550%3B967.
  17. Balsam for the week Saturday to Saturday with the family. Bringing the new boat and I see a lot of fishing and tubing in our future.
  18. Hi all, getting ready to head to Balsam Lake for a weeks stay at a friends cottage. (good to be the handy guy sometimes) We trade a friend work for use of their cottage 2 years running now. Anyway Ive never had my but handed to me like that lake did last year! It was horrible, nobody was catching anything. Something Id like to avoid this year. So Im looking for advice from the pros on here. any advice will help Im sure. Thanks Sheldon
  19. I have a fishing rod and can make myself free next Tuesday....
  20. Just fished it for a few hours. Found a few bass , 2 nice ones no sign of muskies yet. I'll be hitting it early tomorrow.
  21. Fishing this WE from a friends cottage on that lake and was wondering if anybody knows it and can send a few tips my way? I'm not even sure where the cottage is on the lake just know its about 1/2 km from a boat launch. Thanks
  22. He's quite a man! Well done ! You have slot to be proud of
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