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Everything posted by smitty55

  1. Not sure how busy Adam is atm, He did recently post he had some cancellations so he may have some free time to help you out. Give him a call to find out. https://loonlodge.com/
  2. Totally agree, for some roasts and larger racks of ribs (3-2-1) I finish them in the oven but otherwise it does everything I need. I'm on my third one now but two still work.
  3. Dougie, you can buy replacement elements for your Big Chief and be good for another 20 years https://www.smokehouseproducts.com/collections/parts-accessories
  4. Here's the recipe with my added notes. I cook it for a good half hour at least before letting it cool some and then use the blender. One time when doing up a container I decided to add some leek butter to the pot along with the half and half and it was a big hit, so this time I added the leeks to the concentrate, more like a half cup. I'll likely still add the butter anyway as it help to richen the texture as well. The asparagus tips are still raw and crunchy so it helps to simmer it for a while to soften them up some if you want. Otherwise once the container is removed from the freezer and the base is placed in the pot still frozen and then the dairy added it's ready in about 15 minutes.
  5. Fresh Asparagus is still in season. Last week IG had nice young spears on sale. I bought 4 lb of nice younger pinky size. Anyone here enjoy cream of Asparagus soup? I happen to have a great recipe for a non dairy concentrate that you freeze in containers and then mix with equal amount dairy. Back in the 90's when I moved to the country there was a local farm that sold fresh asparagus each spring and also this soup concentrate. It was all on the honour system, they had a fridge in the open garage where you'd pick up and leave the money. Well a few years later some lowlife stole all the cash and of course they basically had to shut it down and ruin it for everyone. Anyway, about 20 years back I dropped in on Bernie and asked him if he would share his soup concentrate recipe with me. He said to come back in a couple days and he'd get his wife to type it up for me. Still have it. Didn't make it for a long time actually but it got resurrected on a whim looking at spring sales a few years back and it's like I'd forgotten how good this cream soup was. So we did a triple batch and then a double the next year. Ran out since then and I decided it was time this year to transfer all those empty containers taking up room back to the freezer. I did 2 triple batches in the last couple weeks. The big change in the base recipe this year was to add wild leeks to the pot while it simmers, after trying the first batch there was no doubt I was doing it again. Not to take away from the original recipe at all. I used a quality immersion blender in the large pot, so much better than dealing with transferring to a plastic blender. Here's some pics to give you an idea. Better than any restaurant I'd wager easily. I've got 30 containers frozen now, each one gives two smaller bowls, just perfect for part of a nice meal. Cheers
  6. Water sensor perhaps, just a wild guess.
  7. With rain and showers all night around here there won't be anything to see unfortunately.
  8. Yea mine here are just barely starting to swell a bit, it will be a while yet before main pick but still getting the odd treat fresh dipped in salt. The soil is very dry and will slow down growth without any rain in the near future. I've never tried them roasted like that, I'll have to try that tonight with steak.
  9. Just to let you know if you want fiddleheads you'd best get out soon or it might be too late already. I was almost too late when I went out yesterday, most were up well over a foot and if I didn't have one spot where they come up a bit later as the water receded I would have been screwed. As it was I managed to get just over 9lb. Cheers
  10. Tons of older 9.9 OMC engines out there that are still running fine. Save yourself a ton of coin and find one that still has good compression and it will still last you for life. Still lots of parts for them available too like impellers, coils, lower unit seals etc. from what I know but might still be a good idea to check with a marina to be sure.
  11. I have no idea where you would get that idea. A quick search for treble hooks shows anything but China crap. https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/search-results.html
  12. You can be sure they're up down your way. Right now they are basically the only green in the bush so easy to spot.
  13. That too for sure. I have 3 or 4 spots out this way where I pick. I make this fabulous leek and fiddlehead cream soup that is to die for. Also has mushrooms and green onions in it. Supposedly it came from an old Harrowsmith article but I've never been able to find it. It's called Wild Country Cream Soup. I may have shared it here in the past but not sure. Down to my last 3 logs of leek butter too so I'm just going to make it till mid May. Dougie did you end up making some last year?
  14. Looked out the window this morning and really starting to notice that the leeks are up pretty good, right on schedule. Cant wait until they get a bit larger so I can at least get a taste from the stems until the bulbs start to form
  15. That's an excellent point I never would have thought of having never owned a power trim engine, so my knowledge is limited. I never lock down my outboards unless I was back trolling into a good wind. Nothing bigger than 20hp. I definitely will admit to having more than once being forced to quickly lift it out of the water as an unexpected hump magically appeared while exploring new runs on windy days. Cheers
  16. The only issue I see with a 25 over a 20 is the 25 might not troll down slow enough without a trolling plate or drift sock. For instance I like to troll lead core or copper and gang trolls for Lakers where the optimum speed is 1 mph and I doubt a 25 would go that slow, although with the newer 4 strokes it might with the right pitch prop.
  17. That makes far too much sense lmao. The asylum moniker is perfect hehe...
  18. Chris I get it that you're pretty wound up here lately, and if I still had young kids I'd likely agree a lot with you. But listen man, your thread got locked up fast, you should realize that there is a low tolerance level here for threads going sideways and anything political. So please don't bring that crap to Bunks thread, hijacking it makes no sense and is totally inconsiderate and disrespectful to Drew. Hopefully mods just remove your posts, no need to lock it.
  19. Unless Win11 has features you absolutely need I wouldn't change. Pretty well every new OS from MS ends up needing more memory and faster speeds. Plus, beware of scams. https://www.pcworld.com/article/613508/hp-researchers-spotted-malware-in-fake-windows-11-upgrades.html
  20. If you have a meter you could use a fine pin to poke through the insulation on the black wire and see which pin it relates to, that will be negative.
  21. Jeff I would suggest you join or peruse the Ontario Black Bear Hunters group. Quite a few outfitters post there and tons of members to ask questions. https://www.facebook.com/groups/225827837965816/ Cheers
  22. Doug if you can, try and stick around until dark, it's often a later bite when the Crappie turn on out there.
  23. That's not what you originally posted is it? Typical leftist response, when faced with facts just resort to insulting remarks. You should check out OOD, you'd fit in nicely there. Btw I've seen plenty of posts with those reports and not one of them was on youtube so you shouldn't make assumptions because you know what that does eh? That's my last response, no use wasting my time on you
  24. They have floating bubblers that help a lot with the hole freezing up.
  25. Here's a study from Carleton University back in 2013 done on Charleston lake. Pretty alarming. I posted this study back then on a Fish-Hawk thread about discarded plastics and made the mistake of pointing out that it was mostly bass fisherman by far that used plastics. Well some of the bass guys freaked out big time getting on my case saying I didn't like bass fishermen and was picking on them lol. Talk about overly sensitive and easily offended bunch of guys, it was wild the comments they were coming out with. Fortunately the owner and some other members recognized that I was just posting facts and stuck up for me. Dougie I think you were around there back then. There have been plenty of studies since then, there was talk in some states about banning them unless they were biodegradable. https://www.deepdyve.com/lp/springer-journals/exploring-the-potential-effects-of-lost-or-discarded-soft-plastic-nqTiq8ccjj https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260525998_Exploring_the_Potential_Effects_of_Lost_or_Discarded_Soft_Plastic_Fishing_Lures_on_Fish_and_the_Environment
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