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Everything posted by cityfisher

  1. nice report johnny! my parents just bought a place on south lake near you on gull.. One day we gotta go chase some bass or lakers!
  2. post the link!
  3. Ive heard the same for lakers.... Bass though do exist and I have had some good days, the lake gets a decent amount of pressure though.
  4. was at a buddys cottage 2 weeks ago... 3 big trees down on the 1km private road into his place.... luckly we always bring a saw with us
  5. I just got a nice piece of 2inch pine and cut out 2 signs for it... ( stop by home depot, 20$ later your good to go, )
  6. im actually making one for my parents cottage this week.... nice piece of wood, router, torch, stain, clear coat, and a spot to hang it
  7. used to have an use a tiller.. now full windshield! would never go back, getting soaked by waves and my wife complaining made the swap easy.
  8. ive had the cheap rapala ones ( great if your prone to destroying them) but since I have insurance coverage through work. Ive been enjoying Various Maui Jims over the past couple years.. they are fantastic. I got my first Oakleys this year also.. Also really nice
  9. +1 I have the big 800w powerpack(crappy tire) and have used it to charge my trolling motors overnight while camping.
  10. lots of crown land in the area, if you dont mind REAL camping. Ive always stay at the lodge on the south though...
  11. lunds, princecraft or crestliners over tracker annny day!
  12. 1990!! I think you got your money worth.. Enjoy Truck shopping!
  13. awesome!!Congrats...get a nice pic blown up with the lure attached to it.. Hard to beat 45lb laker!
  14. Im sure they are... I have to make some time for some beer mid day:)
  15. +Very Sad .. +Hate Jet Skis... im sure its standard for most fisherman... On sunday they were cirling my boat all day it seemed... Brutal
  16. Makes sense.. Was it just a big fish tourney? no bag of 5 fish?
  17. lots of smallies on drag... topwater evening bite was awesome the couple times i was there last year. During the day its better to go swimming as I had a hard time getting anything to bite ..( i was there last aug)
  18. avery point is always a go to spot...... lots of the shoreline has great weeds to bump for buckets or eyes. Enjoy your week
  19. my place is 1 min from there.. great my wife will never go with me in the forest again ..lol
  20. they allowed Motor boats for a couple days? must have been a riot!! ussually electric motor only lake
  21. im with you guys... i never litter... some people are just plain slobs and dont give a damn what they do and no it impacts the environment and everyone else... I used to like visiting the kawartha lakes but with the +++ amount of people in the area... and the amount of garbage everywhere. i now stick with Haliburton and muskoka and beyond ( not that i dont find garbage once a while )
  22. id order well in advance... im still waiting on my motor.. supposed to be delievered may 7......
  23. I was thinking of putting up a couple Wifi Cameras at my cottage and wondered about the legality behind it if in the future i rented it out. I wouldnt of been hiding the cameras or placed them in bedrooms/washrooms and such... just the main area and front entrance. Hmm
  24. Costco has a good one for 80$
  25. Great post:) A little update: Boat will be ready Sat am.. As per my dealer. Lets see if it all comes together. This great weather has got me itching for the past while!
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