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Everything posted by cityfisher

  1. +1 linex all trucks should come with it standard!
  2. WoW nice rig! Buy in the US or Canada?
  3. i tried trolling one 2 weeks ago while flatlining for lakers.... I didnt catch a thing
  4. you mean Crystal lake? Its a nice lake, smallies and largies are the main target specie.. Lots of bays to tour... I heard there are lakers in the center bowl but never tried to target them. My family really enjoyed our week there, Have fun.
  5. I repaired by sled seat by getting some heavy duty thread and sowing the split. Then put on some heavy duty epoxy overtop. Looked great 2 years later when i sold the sled.( it did take a long time)
  6. hardcore setup.. i hope your sponsered by go pro!! all those cameras aint cheap!
  7. cheapest place ive rented over the year was 900.. and it was wayyyy out there... 500 for a week would have to be a dump or a 1 bedroom place.... most decent cottages go from 1-2k per week... Depending the lake
  8. ive been waiting on my boat for a while now ( seperate thread) and the dealer also offered me a 115 opti vs the 90 4 stroke.... i denied the offer and continue to wait there must be a surplus on the optimax... only reason they keep tryin to sell them off
  9. yeah lots do it... just pick good boat launches:) if not a truck or a jeep will help u out. ( i did it last weekend, front tires kept spinning on a guy with a minivan)
  10. good buy! i bought one years ago but i think i need a spare.. THANKS!
  11. Huge area... lots of great fishing spots and loads of shoals to hit I do like the area just cant stand the amount of boat traffic on the weekends... Make sure your not on one of the many boat routes ... or you will never have piece and quiet and just have wake and the smell of gas !
  12. sweet ride! I just rejected there 115 optimax offer, lets see what else they can do...
  13. Greedy ? I could of gone with other dealers or boat makers and had my boat on time. When you make a promise and fail ..keeping your waiting customer happ is important.
  14. Great info guys..Im going to call them in the morning and see what other options they can throw in.
  15. Hi all, I ordered a new princecraft 174ws with a 90 4 stroke way back in early April. Boat was supposed to be delivered early may. That day has come and gone and after multiple calls asking whats taking so long they have heard back from Princecraft and have offered the following: instead of the 90 4 stroke they will throw on a 115 Optimax(2 stroke) free of charge and my boat will be delivered Monday. If not i can wait 2 more weeks for a 90 4 stroke to be ready and then ill get my boat... Is it really an upgrade? I assume the hole shot would be better and maybe 1-2 mphs more on the top end but the motor will defiantly be louder than the 4 stroke. Will need to buy 2 stroke oil to run it.( i assume the cost of running 2 stroke will be the same as the cost to change the oil in the 4 stroke every year) Maybe even suffer a loss in resale value down the road vs a 4 stroke motor. ( not really worried since i dont intend on selling this boat for a LONG time) Thoughts?
  16. i used to live 2 mins from wilcox and bond...only went a couple times and caight some hammer handles... it gets very swampy during the summer time
  17. Glad to ofners steping up and lending a hand.. Its been a while for me but a couple years back a man and his son were stuck out in Cooks bay...towed them into Crates and still had time to go catch a couple more pike in the bay! Kharma i guess:)
  18. im fortunate enough to have friends that own a huge acerage bordering algonquin...with 1000;s of acres and multiple untouched lakes to enjoy.. Its not algonquin but in my mind its even better... Since its privately owned and managed
  19. I know your pain!! My boat was supposed to arrive april.20.. Paid for a slip and everything .. now its supposed to be june.20.. Princecraft better make it right... lost a good month of fishing.
  20. +1 Buddy stored his at a farmers place down the street from his favorite lake... Cheaper option vs storing in a slip.. will be 600+ anywhere you go
  21. seems like when the pike get in .. they are there for good!...Hopefully the bass and Laker population stays decent
  22. that makes it easier:) ill give it a go anyways... always throw the boat back on the trailer and move to one of the other lakes nearby
  23. Thanks guys!! No riggers yet on my new princcraft so ill give a shot one od the other area pike/eye waters!
  24. Very cool ! Congrats
  25. Just got invited to spend the weekend at a friends place on Horseshoe lake in minden.. It appears it connects to Mountain also. How are these lakes for fishing? Are they just smallies and Laker lakes? ( launch my boat or head over to Kash or another local lake with eyes/pike) Any thoughts or opionions are appreciated.
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