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Everything posted by rickster

  1. Beauty report Simon those are some nice smallies Can't wait til Saturday Rick
  2. great report Simon after reading this I really can't wait for eye opener this Saturday Rick
  3. hiya brkygetr Caliper is usually one of the first open but as of yesterday is still covered I hear crane lake is mostly open Heading to Dryden after work but don't imagine anything open there yet rick
  4. awesome spec man congrats
  5. just a few pics from easter weekend my son and daughter decided to play survivorman after finding these boughs and sticks on shore my sons laker out of 20ft of water on a unpainted 1\4oz jig and minnow my son got this nice eye i told him if he holds it out in front of him it will look bigger the catch all in all a great weekend
  6. I have a 99 Ram and you are right not great on gas but I have 237,000 plus km on it and still running great Knock on wood!!!!!!!!
  7. Naaaah don't worry about any bugs up here I haven't seen any for three or four months now Congrats on the job
  8. Congrats Simon Hope all are doing well Rick
  9. my condolences for your loss
  11. nice lakers Simon glad you got some action hope slush firms up for this weekend
  12. nice job and congrats on the PB she is a beauty Rick
  13. Well I finally made it out this weekend after too many weekends of work. Left Friday evening for the inlaws with hopes of a nice weekend. Saturday morning was pretty mild with a cool NE wind but that didn't stop myself the wife and our two kids from heading to a small lake to try for some splake Got to the lake about 9:30 and got some holes drilled Set my daughter up with a jig and minnow and told her to drop it to bottom and this is what she got.... her first perch this year Unfortunately my battery conked out on the camera right after that Two hours later and only one more perch we decided to head back. I had planned on going walleye fishing Sat evening but with us giving up on the splake so early I decided to try for some lakers for an hour or so before the walleye bite started. Went to a lake that is only a quarter mile from the inlaws and got set up pretty quickly. Lost a couple right away and then managed this one.. Sorry for the bad pic had to take it after my battery had charged up One for team five a 17.5" laker So after that things slowed right down and it was coming on to 4 oclock I decided to try my luck at some eyes. Managed to catch ten before dark but only 3 worth keeping Sunday dawned bright and clear and very warm so my son and I along with my father in law decided to try lakers again Here is a small view of the lake got set up and after five minutes had a bite but lost him Really slow on Sunday so my son decided to get a workout shovelling snow for a fort About an hour and a half later one of our set lines went down and my son ran over to it which was a good thing as just as he got there the rod started to go down the hole Good grab son this guy gave him a good fight on my walleye rod with 6 lb test a couple more of the same laker...about a 22" And that was about it for the action Going to head back there this weekend as my brother in law and family are coming from Calgary for a week so should get a lot of fishing in sunday and monday
  14. nice job Simon I got out for a bit today as well one laker in about an hour of fishing (one for team 5) lost two then went to turtle lake for some walleye and managed 10 but only three that were big enough to bother keeping will post some pics tomorrow going out Sunday to try again for some lakers Rick
  15. estimator and building supply sales at our local Home Hardware also chief of our volunteer fire department
  16. sorry for your loss Lew
  17. i think sombody is.............. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=KcIP5w4H6Dw
  18. congrats Simon nice eye
  19. nice lakers it was a nice day to be out today
  20. Santa Clause
  21. too bad i was already infected with it this morning really screwed up my fishing plans
  22. lowes might be a good store but lets remember that HOME HARDWARE is a GOOD CANADIAN chain
  23. this one could describe some of us here when cabin fever sets in http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=EFekbp17YO8&...feature=related
  24. how bout some good Canadian boys http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=cF2AAMVd33I
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