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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Did you even believe this as you pecked away ? ? ? WHY leave a note when you hit your neighbour's car....why not just go over to his house and knock on the door and fess up to your mistake... ....this person tried to get away with this until probably someone talked some sense into him/her.
  2. You have way too much time on your hands.
  3. Oh, that definitely counts....now only if Hummerbird could count fish or at least find fish.... :rofl2:
  4. Mike, my condolences to you and your family. Remembering him the way you do is the best way Honor him. I'm sure he's very proud of you too. God Bless, Bob
  5. Officer, you of all people I would of thought would know the meaning of a accident....fault has nothing to do with the word accident...it's a unplanned event...but according to the insurance industry there are no accidents as they all could of been avoided in one way or another...now that's not saying I agree with that definition...but that's the way it is now a days....SOMEONE is ALWAYS at fault and must pay these days. The lawyers "insure" us of this....LOL But getting back to what the OP should do.....if the person that backed into his truck did the right thing in the beginning....well then, the OP wouldn't have to do the right thing now....I really believe if you let this person off, no lesson will be learned and someday down the line he/she will do it again. But this time it might not be, just property damage. The City of Buffalo has a (bad) Mayor, but he had a good idea...spend federal money to put up security camera's to cut down on crime....while he was trying to convince the common council to spend the money on camera's, his teenage son stole his car and hit several cars along Main Street one night...No one knew who did it at first as the kid LIED all the way to the bank....But low and behold Canisius College had security cameras that not only recorded the Mayor's vehicle hitting all the parked vehicles in the middle of the night, but also his stupid son who got out of dad's SUV and ran home. Many of the damage car owners were only students from the college and didn't have collision coverage or the money to replace or repair their cars. And guess what....the Mayor tried to squash the college's security tapes with his political power....if that would of happened the kid would never have learned a valuable lesson and his next act might have killed someone as this kid got away with other things in the past. Bob
  6. Probably to breakfast with the family.
  7. Either way you're still stuck with a Hummerbird....
  8. I was considering one.....but after reading all this I decided not to.
  9. Good neighbours don't HIT & RUN....could be that adult beverages were involve from the beginning...
  10. Cliff, I would agree 100% if they didn't try to get away with it from the beginning...but now compensation should be considered because this person will do it again if he/she know they can get away with it. Basic rule #1 is always get a police report....otherwise things get turned around against you....a police report is a official record that everyone has to accept, including insurance companies.
  11. Hello from WNY.......VERY NICE FISH... when the fish fry....
  12. Stupid is as stupid does..... Tell them what they want to here with no proof otherwise. Over the hundreds of boarder crossing I have made through out the years I have always respected the job that the boarder crossing inspectors do on both sides of the boarder and have never had a problem. Now that's not to say I haven't brought too much of this or too much of that into either country, because I do...but it's just stretching the limits of maybe food and beer to save a buck or mostly a lot of inconvience to the trip. Bottom line, crossing between our countries boarders is a cake walk unless you really have something to hide or try to cross during a holiday or peak rush hours...and that's just plain stupid IMHO. Bob
  13. But don't forget to put some under the motor cover....LOTS of wires there to chew on for them little buggers....last thing you want is a onboard fire while miles out in the middle of Lake Erie or wherever.
  14. After you experience the damage mice can do to your boat, you will love the smell of moth balls.....BTW the smell goes away quite fast once you air out the vessel. Bob
  15. You didn't have to hit me twice in the forehead with the transducer to figure that one out...even using Redneck math.....
  16. What bothers me is the Bull Crap of Free Trade until it comes to the consumer on both sides of the boarder.....Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
  17. Almost but not quite right Roy......we also have a lot of Bubba's but most are in the big house... And please use UPS and not USPS....USPS only delivers JUNK MAIL (Daily)....grrrrrrr...I now have a garbage can for a mail box but the mail carrier refuses to use it...so now I mark all junk mail with a magic marker "Return to Sender" and now the mail carrier has to carry it off with him...dumb ass.
  18. Billy Bob Lancaster, NY U.S.A.
  19. As you all know, I'm a huge fan of Cabela's because of their prices, quality and service...but sometimes you can get some great deals at Reeds. http://www.reedssports.com/Category/main.taf?cat=4233 http://www.reedssports.com/Category/main.taf?cat=4235 http://www.reedssports.com/Product/product.taf?_function=detail&_ID=25471 http://www.reedssports.com/Product/product.taf?_function=detail&_ID=25799 http://www.reedssports.com/Product/product.taf?_function=detail&_ID=25823 http://www.reedssports.com/Category/main.taf?cat=4232 http://www.reedssports.com/Category/main.taf?cat=4234 http://www.reedssports.com/Category/main.taf?cat=4151 Now remember, I do accept Christmas present from Canucks....
  20. HTHM, I know everyone here is trying to help but some are just comical..... I live about 15 miles from the boarder and have crossed so many times over the years I couldn't even give a accurate count. My sister owns a cottage in Pleasant Beach, Ontario so many crossing have been to her cottage....but not lately. I no longer use the Peace Bridge...at times it can be down right BRUTAL, but other times while driving along the I-190 I see almost no traffic on it... The trick to crossing a bridge is timing....what time to you expect to arrive at the bridge and what day of the week will it be....the earlier in the morning the better....but then there's rush hour and I have never crossed at that time so I can't help you there. I will say I almost never have a problem....as far as which bridge has the best custom officer and or immigration officers (one wears white shirts while the other wears blue).....well that will never be figured out because they rotate the officers so you can't get your buddy for obvious reasons. But I will say this....have your ID ready, be polite and friendly and tell them it's a pleasure trip to visit someone....DON'T say it for work of any kind. And have all your answers ready as they now ask some weird questions, like where about's in Philly does Aunt Edna live, etc...he may not know the area but can and will read your reactions to each question. Bottom line, "WISER" had the correct answer.......USE THE RAINBOW BRIDGE...it's the shortest and least used bridge and NO trucks are allowed on it.....truck traffic is what screws up the Peace Bridge... I just wrote all the rest of this crap for fun....LOL....really the Rainbow Bridge is the best and if your coming down the QEW and it looks like it's backing up to the bridge, get the hell off the QEW and go through the city and you'll pop right on the bridge next to the Duty Free Store and by-pass all the cars and be right on the bridge....it don't get no better then that... And if you have trouble at the inspection booth, just tell them you know Billy Bob from Lancaster....that will get you across and into a nice holding cell where you might even meet my brother from a different mother...BUBBA....LOL Have a GOOD TRIP, Bob
  21. I like my TruXport soft roll up on my Tundra.....one man can roll it up or down in less then 30 seconds....as far as security.....no one here messes with a Redneck's truck...I never lock the tailgate but can to think it's secure. Cost was $279 with shipping if I remember correctly.
  22. I don't know what to say....thought it was going to be a good joke but I didn't laugh....I only know one Newfie and I know he wouldn't of given up the duck....Right Sinker...LOL.. But I'm all ears if you do hear a good joke.... Bob
  23. Who has the kids.....if it's her, then drop the cat off and run.....
  24. No offense was taken.......just saying to post deals if you have some, especially before Christmas.....
  25. It's not a walleye so why would someone care..... Salmon/trout all taste like and that's why so many are released....
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