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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. I loved those old moccasin slippers but my stupid dog ate them....have another pair but their not as comfy as those were.....they are great all summer long......MUCH cooler and lighter then sneakers....
  2. I need at least 14" of draft at my transom to launch my boat....so sometimes all I need is about 6" or so at the rear roller of my trailer as long as the water keeps dropping off where the transom will end up after I push her off.....keep them rollers greased and pads siliconed up and you will be surprised how shallow a boat can be launched in.....
  3. Damn, Billy Boy......you've been spying on me, haven't you....
  4. I towed planer boards around for a long time when I fished walleye tournaments.....snubbers are NOT needed nor are the springs..... I built my own boards and I put on a bevel cut for the left and right board accordingly...see here. And folded for storage.....
  5. Fishing is DIFFERENT on Lake Erie and many of our inland lakes because of the zebra mussels.....fish are much spookier and at times harder to catch...but the doom days that many "experts" predicted never materialized.....Perch and walleye numbers are way up on Erie and the bass population is as good as it has ever been, PLUS they are bigger then ever because of all the gobies in the lake. Meanwhile Oneida Lake has suffered a lot because of the zebra mussels in that lake...population of walleye is about half of what it was in the 80's because of the clear water....that lake "was" a tea stain lake that was NYS walleye factory at one time.....fishing is MUCH tougher now 30 years later.
  6. Shellcracker/Bluegill......and a nice one at that...hope he let it go as those genes are hard to replace.
  7. The real pro backs her down into the launch and stops 1-2" short of getting the hubs wet.....
  8. Millions were made, millions are still around.....they remind me of a small concrete mixer...heavy and noisy....but some guys like collecting them.
  9. Each and every fishing presentation dictates what kind of knot and if there is any snap swivel or snap involved. I do a LOT of jig fishing so most times I tie my jig on using a Rapala loop knot. This allows that jig the most action while I finesse it into the fishy's mouth....LOL For casting or trolling stick baits like Rapala's, especially at night I like to use a Berkeley Cross Lok Snap...... If a snap swivel is required to reduce line twist then I use a Cabela's Ball Bearing Cross Lock Snap.... http://www.cabelas.com/product/Fishing/Terminal-Tackle/Swivels-Snaps-Clevises%7C/pc/104793480/c/104779980/sc/104616180/Cabelas-Deluxe-Ball-Bearing-Cross-Lock-Snaps-150-Nickel/738685.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse.cmd%3FN%3D1100372%26WTz_l%3DSBC%253Bcat104793480%253Bcat104779980&WTz_l=SBC%3Bcat104793480%3Bcat104779980%3Bcat104616180 Yes they cost more but the do the job.... For all other terminal direct tie ups I employ a double improved clinch knot that I can tie with my eyes closed....(good thing as I can no longer see the line.... )
  10. I got out once on Lake Erie and did well.......but planned on another trip on Erie last Friday, however the stupid weather dork said somewhat high winds out of the NE with 3 footers.....so we took the LOOOOOONG ride to Chautauqua Lake for some crappies......all the way down there as we rode along the south shore of Erie there was NO wind......but the trip to Chautauqua was worth it......we scored big time putting a hurt on the crappie population down there...and I would rather eat crappies then any other fish that swims... BTW.....THANKS for the FARM REPORT....
  11. Lew, the boat has been out 5 times already this year and those hubbies are still bone dry.... ....but the livewell has been very wet with fish aboard....
  12. I have the same boat, motor and trailer for the last 27 years now....never had it up on jack stands.......tires and springs are fine.....but if you like doing that stuff......go and have fun....
  13. SO is that a tiller or console steer......
  14. DO all of the above and if it still doesn't work take up golf....
  15. For those who are interested....... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/outdoors/article779286.ece
  16. Good Morning and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Beans.......and THANK YOU for that fish recipe.....it was VERY GOOD. Bob
  17. You'll be hard pressed to get fishing spots on the internet....but good luck.
  18. I have to agree 100% but of I'm dealing with Cabela's on this side of the boarder...could be different up where you guys are....they have been nothing but FANTASTIC to me....their customer service is impeccable.....they stand behind each and every one of their products for me....even when they are years past warranty....I don't know if there is another retailer that does that, but if there is I'm all ears...maybe they treat me so well because I'm a Cabela's Signature Visa card holder... .....BPS is another story when it comes to customer service though..
  19. At this time of the year water temps are more about food sources then anything....bugs, insects, fresh water shrimp, etc.....start to flourish first in the warmest waters in any given body of water....thus these water temps attract bait fish and or predator fish we desire to catch. Many anglers think crappies are in the shallows at this time of the year to spawn.....but spawning doesn't take place until water temps start to reach the mid 60's for crappie......they are there for one reason and one reason only right now....to feed....and that's why they are so easy to catch now if you find their feeding grounds. Go Fishing, Bob
  20. Yesterday's crappie fishing proved water temps matter.....while some bays were pushing temps into the low and mid 50's it wasn't until we found water temps in our "secret spot" that almost hit 60 degrees (59.4) that we scored BIG TIME with lots of BIG crappies.... .....and the air temps were also a big hit with us crappie anglers, hitting a high of 78 degrees with calm south winds.... But now I guess REALITY has worked it's way back into our weather pattern with a high of only 39 degrees on Monday....
  21. Sinker, knowing you I would "guess" in your freezer right now....
  22. That's very tricky....you have to tow only on very dry days. It if starts to rain on the way to the lake you must pull over and cover them up and wait it out....this is why I don't catch as many fish as you guys....
  23. They must be...as they hae accumulated my big butt for many years....
  24. NOPE....but she does take her out for a walk.....
  25. I have Swivl-Eze® Wedge Power Pedestal seats in my Grumman......but I believe they are pneumatic not hydraulic....but they do work great.
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