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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. TRUE......but now you will no longer pay the 4% sales tax on your footwear and clothing here.....
  2. Come one, come all for deals up the wazoo....LOL..... http://www.buffalonews.com/city/article791390.ece
  3. GRUMMAN...... Only kidding......don't even know what they make any more.....but I always wanted a Lund....but never wanted to pay for one....of course the newer Lunds don't turn me on like the ones they made 20 years ago. Kickingfrog gave you good advice....go with the outboard you want most as many of these are now packaged together. Happy Boat Shopping, Bob
  4. And you can bring whatever gun you like......shotgun, smoke pole, rifle or you can use one of my pistols if you wish....we'll start at 100 yards and move back 25 yards each time....
  5. BEAUTIFUL....would you like to join me at my gun club and put those ballistics to the test on the range and see how well you do.... I do a LOT of long range shooting at the range and in the field during woodchuck season.....I would love to shoot with you. Bob
  6. Not really.....4" groups at 100 yards is pretty good on a solid rest and is fantastic off hand for shotgunning....you'll bring a lot of venison home if you can do that day in and day out. What makes shooting a 12 gauge shotgun accurate with sabot slugs is not only the pounding you take from each shot but also the expense for each sabot shell.....a box of 5 sabots will cost you about $20 ($4 per shot) where a box (20 per box) of your 30/06 shells can be had for about the same amount $20 ($1 per shot) unless you reload your own. And as ch312 did state, some sabots shoot better then others and you really need to try to find which one fires the best out of your rifled barrel.....and that can depend on the twist rate of that barrel....by the time you find the best one your shoulder is all black and blue and your broke...LOL...
  7. Although I never got into the muzzle loaders....this would be a much better choice for a 175-200 yard shot then any shotgun.... Are you guys up there allowed scopes on those smoke poles....some states down here prohibit scopes on muzzle loaders.....but not NYS.
  8. OH, OK......I'll play along.....since I know nothing about those new fanged dangled things they call sabot slugs maybe you can teach me.... But I do know that a sabot slug muzzle velocity ranges anywhere from 1400 to 1700 fps....remember I said MUZZLE velocity.....with a range of 1700 to 2400 foot lbs of energy at the MUZZLE....quite impressive to start off....right. But here's where it gets a little baffling for me at least....at a distance of only 125 yards those sabot slugs have lost a lot of energy and velocity (by the way this is the recommended limit for slugs) and now that same slug is down to about 1100 fps and foot lbs of energy has been reduce in about HALF.....now that's at 125 yards....once you get beyond that distance the speed of that slug and the energy behind it REALLY drops off.... Now going back to your recommended distance of 175 - 200 yards the energy and velocity (speed) of those new fanged dangled slugs are really dropping off....as a matter of fact I already mentioned at 175 yards that slug will drop 9.9" on a GOOD DAY....at 200 yards I would have to estimate it over 15".... So with all that scientific infomation available to us how high would you have to aim in order to put that new fanged dangled sabot slug into the boiler room of a whitetail deer ? ? ?....OH WAIT....we forgot about wind drift didn't we....huh, who would of thought that a small wind of only 10 miles per hour could move that new fanged dangled sabot slug out of the killing zone....wait wait....I did....Ballistics have shown us that a MILD 10 mph cross wind will move that slug over about 6" at 125 yards....so at 200 yards that calculates to at least 1 FOOT left or right of the aim target.... So now how are you going to aim at the distance of 200 yards a that deer in hopefully a clearing with no other hunters around..... Well my new fanged dangled sabot shooter has a 2.5X scope on it with a special eye relief that shotgun scopes have because of the BRUISING kick these 12 gauge shotguns deliver while shooting any kind of slug....but you know what......2.5X scope is really not made to make shots at 200 yards....but you could use a rifle scope with a eye relief of 3-4" and take the chance of that scope leaving a bite mark on your forehead....if I met you I could probably tell if you had the pleasure of this experience as many times the scare is still there.....but maybe you are using the improper scope and keep you head and cheek back to prevent this...only problem is now you don't have a good cheek weld to the stock and in doing so you will never become a good shot, not to mentions a sharpshooter that is needed to pull off this stunt....YES I said STUNT because it is very irresponsible to shoot at a whitetail deer at 175-200 yards with a SHOTGUN....even with those new fanged dangle sabot slugs I know nothing about according to you sir. BTW the ESTIMATED answer would be depending on the cross wind direction and which way this whitetail is looking and HOPEFULLY he is completely broadside for this stunt shot.....15" high and about 12" right or left depending on wind direction.....GOOD LUCK with that......but if you can make that shot I am willing to invite you down to my gun club range to witness this. As far as the weight of the gun....I'm not even going to address that... Good Luck Hunting, Bob
  9. BINGO.......more people die or have health problems related to red meat then anyone eating fish form the Great Lakes....the big difference here is that the red meat industry has a lobby in the USA Congress that keeps that stuff out of the press and no warning labels applied to the T-bone steak you just ate......think about it......when did you hear that Joe 3 houses down is in the hospital because he ate too much fish compared to hearing that Uncle Al is in the hospital having open heart surgery from all the juicy burgers he inhaled....
  10. You could of saved yourself a lot of time and MONEY by just purchasing a Mossberg 500 slugster......barrel is already ported, fully rifled with cantilever mount for you Red Dot or you can choose one that has only rifle sights on it....and it's made right here in the U.S.A. and out the door for less then $300 or about $350 with a bird barrel and 3 factory chokes included....
  11. My last response (to both threads here)......I just can't believe how fast fellow anglers here are so quick to rip into their comrades instead of standing besides them when their support is needed the most....it could easily been anyone of us among that group that need help from our paid government emergency services. Bob
  12. My last response (to both threads here)......I just can't believe how fast fellow anglers here are so quick to rip into their comrades instead of standing besides them when their support is needed the most....it could easily been anyone of us among that group that need help from our paid government emergency services. Bob
  13. How about the person from across the country that causes a accident on the 401 and emergency services are needed.....do you see where this is heading...it's a very slippery slope...a can of worms that should not be opened....
  14. You have real criminals in lock up that should be doing this....not law abiding tax paying citizens.
  15. But weren't all those services already in place and paid for ? ? ? This is or should be the # 1 reason we have a government in place.....we waste a lot of money on many undesirables everyday and no bats a eye......but now these tax paying folks are going to get billed for a service that they have supported through all the taxes they have already paid and will continue to pay.....just doesn't seem right to me.
  16. Here I go again..... I agree with you....LOL it is cheap if you look at it that way........However, that is why we pay taxes.....this may be the first time these folks finally got some service from their government and BAM they are going to be double charged.....Now don't get me wrong.....I am not promoting dangerous things.....but as a firefighter for over 35 years we have many times rescued people from stupid acts.....but we never send them a bill because they have been supporting us for all the years prior to this service....I don't think any of them went out on the ice to get rescued.... A act like this could snowball......what about a nut case you have to arrest....maybe a huge confrontation with police and fire....do you know not only throw him in jail but also fine his family assets to pay for the police and or fire services needed at the scene.
  17. GOOD IDEA......
  18. I understood his request and replied accordingly.....maybe you should re-read it as nowhere does he ask about Remington Express 870....
  19. OH MY, you do like to resort to personal attacks I see.....argue with facts not attacks is the best way to prove your point. Try it, you might like it.
  20. I had to read that 3 times and I'm still not sure what point you're trying to make.....but you got one thing right....I'm not the best shot with any of my shotguns....but I'm better then average and I make up for my shot comings with my rifle.... But I will still stand on what I have been saying the "NEW REMINGTON EXPRESS 870" is crap.....it's actually a embarrassment for Remington who has a long a deep history making some of the finest firearms carried afield.....and don't get me started on the NEW REMINGTON 700's that they are putting out there....
  21. LOL......you have some good points there but not very valid.....BTW great picture of CC Sabathia....he's the most feared left handed pitcher in the league right now..... If you don't think it takes any skill then you should have no problem hitting a 101mph fastball or maybe the next pitch will be a slider or a hanging curve ball.....and if you could do all of that you would be making at least SEVERAL Million dollars per year....you might even be able to quit your day job....LOL
  22. That's nice your dad collects guns....I don't...But I have been shooting them for over 40 years.....there are cheap firearms and then there are fine firearms....you get what you pay for....NO EXCEPTIONS...... Now I could of recommended what I shoot....LIKE YOU DID....but I didn't...I just tried to educate the OP on what to watch for when buying a firearm, as this is what he requested.....not what firearm I like to use.....maybe you should take your smart back to the beginning of the thread and reread it as you already proven you know nothing about firearms to me.
  23. No it's really the skill level that's hard to replace.....take Derek Jeter for example.....been around forever, probably too long for the money he makes but that's another story....up until a year ago he was irreplaceable for the Yankees.... Don't forget these guys play 162 games not including spring training and playoffs if their team makes it...in the NFL they only play 16 games and very few teams make the playoffs....once a week compared to baseball players playing 6 days a week.....sometimes 4 days straight....and of course the older a guy gets the more he's hurt and the longer he takes to recover.... Hockey is not a BAD sport......I just don't like the way it's played in the NHL....the stupid little fights are real boring and just slow down the game......bring back the red line and do away with the blue lines...just a start...
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