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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. He who doesn't understand baseball doesn't like the game....it's actually a VERY finesse game that is played with chess like moves when the game is on the line in the 8th and 9th innings.....it also takes the most skill out of all the games to play it.....that is why baseball players tend to play so long in their careers.......GO RED SOX .....
  2. Now there's a fun sport to watch.... :rofl2:
  3. And she's real PURDY....... Some of the rest of the collection....
  4. Any decent auto parts store should have flexible gas line for you....comes in bulk rolls down here.....I'm sure it should up there too.
  5. BITEME......I tend to agree....find hockey a bit boring and I don't really watch it unless the Sabres make the playoffs....and what sport takes 2 months to play through the playoffs.... BRING on MLB and the NFL.......
  6. OK......I perfectly understand.......GOOD LUCK......
  7. Yes, it takes the fun out of us arguing.....LOL I have a Browning Sweet Sixteen that was my second guy I ever purchased brand new in 1974 (1973 model, it's stamp on the stock if you remove the steel butt plate)....I paid $314.00 then.......now you can purchase a Remington Express for around $200.00....that alone should tell you what you're getting in today's market.....today that Sweet Sixteen would fetch a easy $1000.00 and I would have guys fighting over it as it's in near mint condition. The Browning Auto-5 is a recoil operated autoloader compared to today's gas operated models....it gives you a push rather then a kick is the best way I can describe it......you have to shoot a Browning Auto-5 to appreciate one. Now that's not to say all Remington's or Mossberg's are junk...as they are not....but the newer models they are now selling....well I wouldn't want one.....but for a newbie he will think it's the cat's meow....until someday he fires a fine firearm.....then that crowbar will be a under the seat truck gun. I have 19 firearms in total.....why 19 you ask....because I didn't have money for the 20th one......along came kids and they needed shoes, clothes.....college....all that useless stuff kids keep bothering you for....
  8. Why would these in your opinion be non-functioning aircraft... and if so (I highly doubt) then even more reason to invest in home defense via the military... What neighbourhood do you live in so the Canadian government can build a nice big half way house to house all those nice fellows you don't want in prison....you can never have enough good neighbours RIGHT...
  9. He's been HOT and COLD....you just never know which Miller is going to show up.
  10. MY MY that's quite a statement from such a little guy......building prisons and war machines is ridiculous and against the principles our country is built on....HUH.....who would of thought that would be necessary in today's world....I guess you liberals could always not have a military to defend and PROTECT your citizens from today's FOREIGN TERRORIST and have your BIG NASTY BROTHER take care of you....or would that also be against what your country was built on and just let the Taliban and al-Qaida come in and take over....maybe if you participate in a group hug with these fine fellows they will spare you and your family.....
  11. I have to agree 100%.......a good dog is hard to come by.....if this happened again and you have other issue with this dog....well then, that's different. And if you do decide you no longer can handle this dog at home, a dog rescue person should be contacted before you put it down....that should be the LAST resort as it's irreversible.
  12. OH WOW, I don't know where to start......lots of mixed up info here.... First if you just purchase a Remington Express 870 it will be chambered for 3" shells and of course 2.75" shells.....if you want a Remington 870 that is chambered for 3.5" shells you will need to purchase a Remington Express 870 Super Mag.....even the Remington Wingmaster (a very fine gun) is only available in 3" chambers....all of these firearms will show what shells can be fired on the barrel. The price difference from a 3.5" shell to 3" and 2.75" shells is significant IMHO......take a box of Federal Blackcloud ammo for duck hunting...Using Cabela's site....3.5" cost $27.99 per box compared to 3" at $22.99 per box or 2.75" at $16.99 per box....that adds up real quick during a long season of waterfowl hunting.....this is why many guys soon after purchasing a 3.5" chambered shotgun tend to get 3" shells after the first season with their new shotgun. The 3.5" chambered shotgun is much heavier and overall larger to accommodate those heavy hitting magnum shells.... And last but surely not least......NO ONE should EVER use a shotgun to fire at a deer at 175 to 200 yards......that a distance a fine tuned rifle can only make with the right skilled hunter pulling the trigger. Wounded whitetails can go MILES when hit by a poorly placed shot, even with large caliber rifles. A 12 gauge sabot slug sighted zero in at 100 yards drops off 9.9" at 175 yards and I have no idea how much more it drops at 200 yards....either way that is not a shot I would ever attempt with ANY shotgun. It's just not a response-able shot anyone should make. Happy Hunting, Bob
  13. Where are the smelt......I see some minnows on the plate but I don't see any smelt......
  14. Many Browning Auto-5 don't take 3.5' shells and MANY MANY more don't take 3" shells.......as a matter of fact all the Belgium made Browning Auto-5's are only 2.75" chambers....HOWEVER, they are great shotguns and may be the best autoloader ever made....the original Belgium's if in good or great shape are sought after and get a VERY good price for them.....not uncommon for a real nice one to get $1000 or more for a gun that could be 40 years old or OLDER......even a beat up one is a fine gun in the duck blind or toted around for upland game because of how well they are balanced and point....not to mention how reliable they are.
  15. Mike, sometimes all these parts can get to your memory when it comes to putting her back together........my tip is have your camera near by and take some photos as your tearing her down....then if your not quite sure you can go back and look at your photos. Just consider that "The Tip of the Day".... Bob
  16. PAL = Police Athletic Association here......what does it stand for in Ontario........
  17. Comparing the Remington 870 Express to some of the finer shotguns out there is like comparing a old 14' leaky tinny to a new high powered Ranger. But if that's all you have shot, you might think its a great shotgun....but it's not.
  18. HERE COME THE ...............SABRES
  19. RARE but I guess it happens unless you have the BEST Autoloader out there in the duck blind with you....a old trusty Browning Auto-5 that has no gas seals to fail.....
  20. Well, that's got to be a FIRST........
  21. Cris, as someone already mentioned it would really depend on what you intend to hunt with it.....with that being said I might steer you away from the 3.5" chambered shotguns.....maybe.... The 3.5" chambered shotguns were designed and developed for the SERIOUS waterfowler....and now the serious turkey hunter has also been targeted with these monster shotguns......They are big and HEAVY and not something you would want to carry around hunting upland game with....just too heavy to tote around while walking.....but OK for a duck blind or turkey blind...the other downside of the 3.5" shotgun is the HIGH price of their shells.......most guys after a while start to use 3" shells in these monster guns because the cost of the 3.5" shells, especially when you do a lot of shooting at ducks and geese...here's a link for Cabela's....compare for yourself the costs compared to a 3" or even a 2.75" 12 gauge shells to the monster 3.5"......BTW I don't believe any ammo manufacture even makes a 3.5" Sabot Slug....I may be wrong but I have never seen one....so if deer hunting is high on your list, then a 3" chambered gun makes even more sense......but if all you are doing is hunting ducks or turkeys from a blind you "may" want a 3.5" chambered shotgun....however, more ducks have fallen to 2.75" and 3" shells then the 3.5" shell. http://www.cabelas.com/catalog/browse/shooting-ammunition-shotgun-ammunition/_/N-1100191+4294751476/Ne-4294751476?WTz_l=SBC%253BMMcat104792580%3Bcat104691780&WTz_st=GuidedNav&WTz_stype=GNU A gun that fits to "YOU" when you shoulder it is the best shotgun for "YOU"........with that said the Mossberg's and Remington's are usually the first to come to mind with everyone for a ECONOMICAL shotgun....but there are MANY more out there... All the newer Remington's are now built on the cheap compared to 10 years ago or so......the Remington 870 Express is a cheap version of the Remington Wingmaster that is a very fine firearm....and now they even figured out how to make the Express even cheaper (for them) by not blueing the metal parts (barrel, receiver, etc...) but rather parkerizing it and I now hear guys in the swamps complaining the gun is starting to rust on the first or second time out duck hunting....this is not a good start for a new shotgun. If you can find a BLUED Shotgun, even if it cost a bit more, buy it....it will serve you better in the long run. You didn't mention how much you want to spend but here in the USA the cheaper Remingtons and Mossberg pumps can be had for around $200 new...the finer models of these same guns can be almost double that amount. A good shape used but cared for shotgun is what I would recommend if you have a limited budget, as you have lots of time to find on right now....you will get more for you "bang" with a fine used shotgun then a cheap new one. Good Luck and let us know what you find, Bob
  22. The fact are sports fishermen are limited by size and bag limit on many species.....gill netters are limited in TONS and every fish caught in a gill net dies if released or not.....I have caught many small perch and walleyes and either let them go because of their size or because there is a size limit....if I catch any bass I ALWAYS let them go....this cannot be done with the killing gill nets....that is why MANY areas gill nets are OUTLAWED....so now you can do the numbers and let me know who is more of a threat to our Great Lakes fisheries...as I already know.
  23. I have a 1985 50 Johnson VRO outboard and it still runs like a top....they built good motors back then IMHO...Your motor should be almost exactly the same.... First you mention the choke plate....this motor has a manual choke on the inside of the cowling but I have NEVER had to use it......as this motor has a direct primer where raw gas is shot into the cylinders when you push on the key while it's turned.....so I have to ask you to explain what you mean that the choke plates don't open all the way...... Doubleheader explained that you might just need a cable/linkage adjustment for your reverse gear to fully engage.... As far as a good carb cleaning on that engine....take it to someone that knows what they are doing....as I believe the 1988 models had fixed jets and cannot be adjusted.... Is this (it should be if it's a 50hp and not marked a 48hp model) VRO engine where it has a remote (1.8 gallons) oil tank for the oil injection ? ? ? Brobeil Marine on Niagara Street in Buffalo is a VERY honest dealer but that's a bit far for you...
  24. On the Great Lakes, especially Lake Erie, it's not the weekend angler who is the threat to our fisheries....but rather these guys...
  25. I never doubted you Sinker......REAL fishermen Get 'R Done.....
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