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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Not to mention Art, that NO ONE can afford purchasing more than 12 Canadian beers at one time unless they robbed a liquor store first...
  2. DOUBLE SUCK UP.... :rofl2:
  3. OMG...I have to change my knickers now... :rofl2:
  4. The way to find the battery draw is hook up a VOLT meter on the battery...take a reading...WRITE IT DOWN...have someone watch the meter as you start to pull fuses ONE at a time...when the meter jumps up you found your draining circuit. P.S. start with a charged battery. Good Luck, Bob
  5. Don't quote me on this....but I think in the USA it's illegal unless you have the proper equipment.....I know on 2 houseboat trips in the Kawathans we had a full size gas grill aboard.......but if you do decide to BBQ onboard PLEASE be EXTRA cautious because you could turn your boat into a bomb. Do some extra research on this before just doing it...maybe contact your Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary for info. Good Luck and play it SAFE, Bob
  6. SUCK UP......
  7. Isn't that what that car sold for new in 1998....
  8. Fire...WHAT fire......I am a volunteer firefighter but I don't live anywhere near the City of Nothing (Buffalo)....much safer in the Burb's... Bob
  9. I'm about 20 minutes from the Peace Bridge and only 10 minutes from the Galleria Mall here in Cheektowaga (Buffalo area)....If you ever want PM me and I'll give you my address, ship them to me and we can meet at the mall for your stuff.....I'm retired and I'm available most days. Bob
  10. I have a Skeeter on my Peter, ......oh well you all know the rest of the song....
  11. Yep, you can eat garbage if the internal temp reaches 165 degrees....sorry don't know what that would be in Canadian temps....
  12. Well, I can be bought.... sounds like a bidding war process should be done...
  13. It will be safe to eat.....but it may not taste as good as it should...but then again it's chili so you probably wouldn't taste any difference. Bob
  14. Oops, Sorry about that....I guess you guys will have it later on during the year....
  15. SWAMP PEOPLE at 9pm tonight on the History Channel.... http://www.history.com/shows/swamp-people?paidlink=1&vid=HIS_SEM_Search&keywords=swamp%2Bpeople&utm_source=google_tunein&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=swamp%20people&utm_term=swamp%20people
  16. Our family prayers are with you and your family. Bob
  17. LOL....almost wet myself reading that... :rofl2:
  18. Because I'm GOOD....
  19. That makes you an OLD FART many times over...... CONGRATULATIONS..
  20. Still interesting though...I'll bet they got the name "Hercules" from the movie "Sandlot"
  21. Check want adds for similar product....but actually the buyer sets the price in the end.
  22. Photoshop for sure......BTW old.....seen this a LONG while back.
  23. First I have to say I have no first hand knowledge with said firearm but only can say it's a expensive firearm...my GUESS would be somewhere between 2-3K with that scope and depending on it's overall condition.....HOWEVER, that all depends on the condition of the bore....since it's a rifle made in the 70's as you said that could be in VERY bad shape or excellent shape depending how much it was fired and how well it was cleaned and stored. Before I would shell out that kind of money I would inspect the rifle bore with a bore scope. Bob
  24. Boy, you got that one right.... :good:
  25. I had a GREAT and free coffee from McDee's today...they must be moving a lot of coffee fast because it's free here until April 10th... Now about their food......they need a LOT of work there.....but one consistant thing I can say about their hamburgers is EVERYONE I ever get looks like they step on it before they put it in the bag...... ...and about a hour later you fill like crap...
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